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If WWE doesnt start making big matches..theyre in trouble!!


Dark Match Jobber
:cuss2:Allright first off, I have to admit I have missed many a week of Raw and Smackdown lately, and have been faithfully tuning in to TNA to watch an interesting storyline for a change. It occured to me while checking on some WWE results here that they havent made descent match in a LONG time. I mean seriously, how long do we have to sit and watch the same old shit they put out week after week. I think a big part of it is "ECW" if you can call it that. TNA has a really good thing going..sort of brings back the old WCW nWo memories, and on top of that they are bringing in new talent constantly. TNA actually cares about its Midcarders too. That in my book makes for a more interesting program. Almost every week TNA is putting out a match thats worth watching. Not MVP vs Dolph fucking Ziggler or Cena vs whoever he is going to squash that night. Kurt Angle and the M.E.M. vs the frontline and the Mick Foley/Jarret/Sting story to name a few. I think we're going o see a lot more ex WWE guys that werent happy along with new guys heading for TNA sooner than we think. All Im saying is WWE needs a big storyline and big matches to go with. If not, I think the ultimate underdog in Total nonstop action Wrestling will steal a lot of WWE fans along with their talent. TNA cant afford to pay like the WWE but with more freedom to its talent, and a good work environment, We may see some big WWE guys join up. Vince, wake up before you take WWE to hell!!!!:cuss2::cuss2::cuss2:
i somewhat agree with you

but in my opinion, I think Cena is actually being underused. he's wwe's biggest star yet he's losing lots of matches and isnt being booked properly.
Im pretty sure WWE will never be in trouble. TNA will probably never compete. But, I do agree they need to do something. People that grew up watching Stone Cold filp off the owner of the company, then spray him with beer, then stunner him, just arent thrilled with Cena waving his hand in front of his face, and yelling at someone til his face is beat red about how hes gonna beat him up, and then again and again for the next month. Its just so predictable these days. The only thing that will keep WWE going is kids, kids like we used to be, when Hulk Hogan flopped everywhere, and got hit by 8 finishers in a row, yet still got up to win the match. Kids are easily influenced, and Vince knows that, so he will always give em what they want, not what we want.
You said it yourself, you haven't been watching the shows over the last few weeks so I feel your "assessment" of not having any "big" matches lately is bunk. Had you been watching over the last few weeks, instead of just reading spoilers, which can hardly be considered the same as watching the show, you'd realize that Ziggler is being pushed as a genuine MID-CARD threat. Secondly, you'd also know that Cena has not actually had a match in over two weeks and is being called out by the Miz and being attacked by the Big Show, so please, do tell the last time Miz was used with a Main Eventer? Right, he hasn't been, so they're doing something fresh.

HHH is on the "shelf", MVP is mixing it up with Orton, so I'd say the WWE is doing just fine with having "big" matches. Don't judge a show by the spoilers. If you want to keep watching TNA, more power to you, but they will never sneak up on the WWE. They will always be the Little Promotion that Couldn't. Cute thread, though.
You said it yourself, you haven't been watching the shows over the last few weeks so I feel your "assessment" of not having any "big" matches lately is bunk. Had you been watching over the last few weeks, instead of just reading spoilers, which can hardly be considered the same as watching the show, you'd realize that Ziggler is being pushed as a genuine MID-CARD threat. Secondly, you'd also know that Cena has not actually had a match in over two weeks and is being called out by the Miz and being attacked by the Big Show, so please, do tell the last time Miz was used with a Main Eventer? Right, he hasn't been, so they're doing something fresh.

HHH is on the "shelf", MVP is mixing it up with Orton, so I'd say the WWE is doing just fine with having "big" matches. Don't judge a show by the spoilers. If you want to keep watching TNA, more power to you, but they will never sneak up on the WWE. They will always be the Little Promotion that Couldn't. Cute thread, though.

While I feel your assessment of the MVP/Miz situations (their slight..well no lets face it BIG boosts towards the main event spotlight) are right on. I do feel that your assessment of TNA is FAR from correct. I don't watch a lot of TNA..but then again I didn't watch a lot of WCW back in the day. That is..until a lot of WWF talent jumped ship to WCW. Noticing a trend yet? TNA is signing a lot of former POPULAR WWE and some WWF era talents. They are taking the necessary steps to eventually make a move at WWE. Now lets face it, will this happen right away? No, but WCW didn't just poof appear one day, they took it slow garnered some smaller ratings and as time rolled on gained more and more viewers. Be careful what you say about TNA my friend, while I hope they never get to the WWEs level, in this business there is a motto that you live by: NEVER say NEVER.

I understand your point and I concede to you about WCW. The major difference, I feel, is that WCW had more money, far more money if the reports are to be believed about TNA's financial status. There has also been a trend of TNA talent jumping to WWE as well. Of the talent that has left WWE for TNA specifically, you have Christian, Angle, Booker T and the Dudley Boys. These guys left WWE of their own desire, and weren't released/resigned. Christian is back in the WWE, Angle is rumored to be considering a return and the Dudley's expressed a desire to return. That doesn't bode well for the 2nd place promotion. The reason I don't think they'll ever be threat is financial and it does suck because competition does bring out the best, I just feel TNA is not it.

And of course you are right on one other point: Never say NEVER. Who knows what could happen tomorrow? Maybe Vinnie Mac and Double J combine WWE and TNA Wrestling to form WE WANT Wrestling. :doh: Corny, I know, but it worked, I deserve credit for that right? :icon_lol:
WWE are fine, they're lucky in that they're the established name. Hell even the Bravo Adverts for TNA says something like "Remember some of your old favourites from WCW and WWE, they're still around, and TNA can take it to the extreme like ECW did"... it doesn't bode well when they reference competition in their own adverts, but maybe that's just because the UK equivelant of Spike TV isn't that great at advertising TNA. They even show Pay Per Views up to a month after instead of at the time sometimes, and their scheduling can be inconsistent from 2 hours a week to the whole of Saturday and Sunday when they have a wrestlefest of past Pay Per Views.
Ok, it appears you don't seem to know how the wrestling industry works.

There's this thing within wrestling companies called the 'midcard'. The midcard is where younger stars are. Without it, most companies wouldn't have stars for te future. In fact, MVP and Dolph Ziggler happen to be 2 midcarders. So why the hell are you complaining about it not being big enough or whatever? It's not like it was the main event of SD, it was an hour into the show. Complaining about that is just not intelligent.

Secondly, The MEM vs the Frontline is a clusterfuck of a story. Don't insult your own intelligence by complimenting it. It was devised to help put the young guys over, but instead they had a guy 15 years past his prime as champion, and then he dropped it to... a guy 10 years past his prime! They're getting closer, at least.

You say WWE needs big matches? Maybe it's just me but HBK vs Undertaker seems like a pretty damn big match to me. As is any match with Cena or Triple H. Orton matches are starting to become pretty big too. And Edge has the odd big match.
I'd rather watch any of them in action than Sting vs Foley, cause Foley vs Sting was not a very good match. They are both way past their prime. If they work with young guys who can carry the match and can benefit from facing a legend, then great. But they should no way in hell be one on one with each other while they're this old. Especially in the main event.

And if I understand your use of the word "big", then storylines can't be big. A storyline is only as big as the superstars. Very rarely have I ever seen a midcard storyline that was really over with the fans that didn't involve a huge star.

And I'm pretty sure most guys in WWE are pretty damn happy. Jericho chose to go back to WWE rather than TNA. Hardy spent a couple months in TNA and got sick of it. And of course, we all know what happened with Christian. So don't bullshit about WWE's working conditions. Alot of WWE wrestlers are being used well, unlike anyone in TNA who's not over 35.
The problem with the assessment that the WWE needs to bring Big Matches to TV is that it will eventually hurt two things......House Show revenue and PPV Buy Rates. Why pay to see a Taker vs HBK Classic (MoTY Candidate as well) when you can see it for free every week on TV. That's the problem with TNA. They have matches that would be great PPV matches (Angle vs Daniels) and give them for free. Hell, WCW did the same thing (Hogan vs Goldberg on Nitro).

What WWE needs isn't big matches, but to find the right spot to cater to the casual wrestling fan and the hardcore fan. Some of it is storyline. Some of it is getting the wrestlers in the right spot to use and market them properly.

And finally, TNA needs to stop referencing WWE. Period. The fans aren't stupid, they know WWE exists without you mentioning them once a show. In the last year, on WWE programming "TV, PPV and .com"(not including articles), they have mentioned FCW more than they have TNA.
I agree with WWE needing to make some better matches but Tna is nuttin like WCW TNA is way worse and WWE is so much better no matter how bad their matches.
I agree with WWE needing to make some better matches but Tna is nuttin like WCW TNA is way worse and WWE is so much better no matter how bad their matches.

While I agree there is 1 variable that is a constant. The FANS. NO matter how crappy or good your talent is, if you don't have your die hard fans then there is a problem. WWE has lost a few die hard fans (as I'm sure the ratings have indicated over the years) while TNA's fanbase has shown an increase. TNA is doing the SMART thing and not going to that many places. They stick to where their strong points are.

Need I remind you that WCW had 0 fan loyalty at the start. I say that because for the majority of their shows they had to PAY people up front to cheer and boo as an indication to who the faces and heels were. These TNA die hard fans are going to WWE events and starting TNA chants. They know how to incite the other fans. They are almost in comparison to ORIGINAL ECW loyalists but I don't think they will EVER get there. But you can't say TNA is worse than WCW. They are trying new ideas they have different ring concepts. And much like the WWE their creative team is full of MORONS (hence why WWE has been fucking up a lot of great potential storylines and why TNA is having the same problem!)

Be warned! I am a major WWF/WWE fan but unlike many others I do see TNA as a threat. It's like a rash. Starts out small at first but then it can grow and spread. Be careful what you guys/gals say! There were many people saying WCW never had a chance against WWE, however I do feel if Bischoff hasn't been screwed by his investors I do feel we would be watching WCW Monday Nitro every Monday.

TNA could indeed turn into a legitimate threat if their creative side learns how to properly manage their talent.

WWE needs a big shocker, something to do with Punk's money in the bank. Perhaps him going back to RAW and cashing in on Orton, while everyone expects him to cash in on Edge. Not outragously shocking I know but just an example.
Or they need to put the belt on a first timer, Get Kennedy back on tv. Kennedy = Ratings. WWE needs to take the oppotunity they have to push the young guns and give them legit claims against Shawn, Hunter and Taker when they come back to compeitition.
As for TNA, I SKY+ (TiVo) it every week, but usually end up just deleting it because i'd Rather watch WWE. In my opinon, TNA's talent grabbing will be its downfall, Dixie clearly wants the names not the wrestling. Hogan could be the start of that, this guy is used to multi-million dollar contracts and if he ends up with TNA it will cost them a LOT and in a time of economic crisis it really won't favour TNA.
WWE has taken the right step in my mind. Instead of furthering old names, they are establishing new ones. No one has been fired to make space for the up and comers, WWE has just given Shawn, Haitch and 'Taker time off to cool their jets. They want to establish new young talent for them to have programmes with when they come back.
WWE Is Grooming its next Generation as we speak.
TNA is holding on to the past and the names that go with it, and it is going to cost them, because the guys they sign, their egos are bigger than their hearts and passion for the business now.
:cuss2:Allright first off, I have to admit I have missed many a week of Raw and Smackdown lately, and have been faithfully tuning in to TNA to watch an interesting storyline for a change. It occured to me while checking on some WWE results here that they havent made descent match in a LONG time. I mean seriously, how long do we have to sit and watch the same old shit they put out week after week. I think a big part of it is "ECW" if you can call it that. TNA has a really good thing going..sort of brings back the old WCW nWo memories, and on top of that they are bringing in new talent constantly. TNA actually cares about its Midcarders too. That in my book makes for a more interesting program. Almost every week TNA is putting out a match thats worth watching. Not MVP vs Dolph fucking Ziggler or Cena vs whoever he is going to squash that night. Kurt Angle and the M.E.M. vs the frontline and the Mick Foley/Jarret/Sting story to name a few. I think we're going o see a lot more ex WWE guys that werent happy along with new guys heading for TNA sooner than we think. All Im saying is WWE needs a big storyline and big matches to go with. If not, I think the ultimate underdog in Total nonstop action Wrestling will steal a lot of WWE fans along with their talent. TNA cant afford to pay like the WWE but with more freedom to its talent, and a good work environment, We may see some big WWE guys join up. Vince, wake up before you take WWE to hell!!!!:cuss2::cuss2::cuss2:

well, first of all have you actually watched the shows? No. You said it yourself in your little rant that you haven't watched WWE programming in over two weeks. You can't say if a show is good or bad just by reading spoilers and results. Have you seen the Evan Bourne vs Tyson Kidd matches on ECW these past couple of weeks? NO! Those two have amazing matches together. Although it does look like now they are going with a Tyson Kidd vs Finlay rivalry which should be in good in its own right.

What about when Randy Orton called out I think it was Batista (someone correct me if I'm wrong) and MVP came out and they later had an amazing match where it looked as if MVP was going to beat the champ at times. Then Shane came in and attacked Orton with a kendo stick. Then the following week in was 3 on 1 handcapped match as main-event and after was all said and done Shane was taken out on a stretcher because Orton and Legacy "broke" his foot with the steel chair.

Do those sound boring to you? To me now it still has been awesome to watch.
Almost every week TNA is putting out a match thats worth watching. Not MVP vs Dolph fucking Ziggler or Cena vs whoever he is going to squash that night. Kurt Angle and the M.E.M. vs the frontline and the Mick Foley/Jarret/Sting story to name a few.

Which could be a reason TNA don't sell PPV's like WWE do, If TNA saved some matches for PPV, They wouldn't constantly need all of the "WWE" guys to come into the comapny to freshen up the main event scene.

For the last two weeks, Smackdown was the best "wrestling show". Punk vs Edge were great matches, And I personally thought it was a great way to introduce Umaga back into the fray.

I believe the PPV's should be left for the "showdown", With the weekly T.V show's left for the build. Like Cena vs Big Show, The build for that match has been just right, There has been no need for a match of any. They are playing mind games, And WWE should start using this kind of build for all of their matches. It makes you anticipate the matches that much more.
Dude, seriously, I can't wait to rip you a new one. Seriously.

Allright first off, I have to admit I have missed many a week of Raw and Smackdown lately, and have been faithfully tuning in to TNA to watch an interesting storyline for a change.

This was in no way an indicator that this post was going to be biased. NO WAY.

It occured to me while checking on some WWE results here that they havent made descent match in a LONG time.

I LOVE it when people judge the wrestling show without watching the actual show and just read a few match results. Love it to bits. It's like people judging gossip girl. What? It's a well written show!

I mean seriously, how long do we have to sit and watch the same old shit they put out week after week. I think a big part of it is "ECW" if you can call it that.

Because having Sting vs Someone who wasn't under 40 for about 5 straight PPV's isnt the same old shit. I mean, who were the last frontline people that fought for the title? Rhino? Team 3D? Don't they have grandchildren?

TNA has a really good thing going..

I suppose TNA grows on you. Like a tumor.

sort of brings back the old WCW nWo memories, and on top of that they are bringing in new talent constantly.

WCW/nWo? More like the Young Bloods vs Millionaires Club. Like pretty much that. New talent? You do know Christopher Daniels isnt new right? And he was Curry Man and Suicide...

TNA actually cares about its Midcarders too. That in my book makes for a more interesting program.

Brutus Who? Was he that referee guy? Who would
I rather watch, John Morrison or Cody Deaner...hmm....

Almost every week TNA is putting out a match thats worth watching. Not MVP vs Dolph fucking Ziggler

Ok if one more person disses my man Dolph Ziggler, they are getting bitchslapped in the back. He MURDERED The Great Khali!

Cena vs whoever he is going to squash that night.

He totally squashed Jericho and The Big Show. So unfair.

Kurt Angle and the M.E.M. vs the frontline and the Mick Foley/Jarret/Sting story to name a few.

A few what? Good men? More beers? Senior Citizens?

I think we're going o see a lot more ex WWE guys that werent happy along with new guys heading for TNA sooner than we think.

Yeah, I think Curt Hawkins is really unhappy. Foley VS Hawkins for the TNA World Title, Bound for Glory.

All Im saying is WWE needs a big storyline and big matches to go with.

HBK and Taker was so bad huh? Don't get me started on Last Man Standing at Backlash! I would have rather watched IMPACT!

If not, I think the ultimate underdog in Total nonstop action Wrestling will steal a lot of WWE fans along with their talent.

When did TNA become Rey Mysterio?

TNA cant afford to pay like the WWE but with more freedom to its talent, and a good work environment, We may see some big WWE guys join up. Vince, wake up before you take WWE to hell!!!!

We all know the only person that can take people to hell is the Undertaker and he's recovering from injuries.
WWE could put Big Show vs. Hornswoggle as the main event and TNA still couldnt sneak up on WWE. It won't happen. I understand if you watch and enjoy TNA but let's be realistic here, TNA will never come close to threatening WWE.

Mantaur_Rodeo_Clown, you are truly a man of my caliber.
go away TnA fans... and yes don't talk shit about matches

when u don't even see it... it's big match?

u meant boring short match?

there's alot of long match in wwe...


i rather watch old WcW than TNA

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