Why doesnt Big E Langston just kick ass?

I have to say I kinda like Ziggler AJ & Big E together & when Ziggler cashes in MITB I think it will help make him a successful heel champion who keeps retaining with Big E's help until a few months down the line Big E can get pissed off with saving Ziggler's ass over and over again so turns on him by costing him the title before having a feud with each other.
I like Big E. Langston in the body guard role currently. The role gives him room to develop a character all the while helping Dolph gain more credible and sustainable heat. With Langston in Ziggler's corner, I can see it becoming easier and easier for Dolph to cash in on Alberto Del Rio or whomever the current World Champion will be at the time. Last Monday was just a glimpse of what Big E. can do for Dolph Ziggler. Langston crushed Del Rio after his match which gave Dolph the perfect opportunity to cash in and win the World Championship. By doing so, the crowd hates Dolph then by association hates Langston. It works perfectly. Langston's ass kicking should be left for taking care of Dolph's light work like Del Rio or anyone else who gets in Ziggler's way. If given time, there is a chance we could see a Batista like turn for Big E. Langston propelling him even further up the card. Hell, who knows, Langston could very well be Dolph Ziggler’s foil whenever he wins the World Heavyweight Championship.

I'd be down with it.
Big E Langston. Great guy, respectful, humble, eager to learn, all the makings of a great talent.

You can be everything a great wrestler needs to be, but you have to learn through experience how to be a national tv star.

I think that his low profile on tv is evidence of their faith in his staying power. He might need to work on the timid look he gives people, but he could make that work in his favor if the crowd allows it.

I think he should get a different finisher, but not the fucking dominator. His current move has him basically slamming the opponent onto his own body. Umm, I always thought that, in the pro-wrestling world, landing on your opponent's body is like landing on a bed of goose down pillows and landing on the mat is like hitting concrete after a four story fall.

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he definitely needs some big knee pads especially if hes going with that short bottom singlet..

The problem isn't the body guad storyline the problem is how many duos can do it simultaneously? If too many Big Es exist on the roster at the same time that hurts all of them. Tensai has already lost steam. Ryback has a bit. What of Big Zeke? They don't have to break up for him to excel. There are tag team titles for Zig to collect, battle royals for him to cheat in, other matches to pursue that he cant win on his own. There are two World titles in WWE regardless. He could do the opposite of Batista in Evolution and go for the other title Zig isn't holding..

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