if we had Old School vs Old School wrestle today would the PG Era fns get behind them

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok guys I was watching some Raw videos on youtube and saw the reaction Stone Cold Steve Austin used to get back in 1997-2003 and the reaction's he gets now between 2010 and 2011 so I was thinking with the WWE having a new fanbase would they really get excited with the likes of Stone Cold, Goldberg, Brock Lesner, returned for one last match for example

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Goldberg

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Undertaker

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Triple H

Goldberg vs Undertaker

Brock Lesner vs Triple H

I know I havent put these guys against the stars of today but would they have to face the stars of today to get the same reactions they used to get in their matches or would the new fans get behind them?
I would say no. Its simple, Stone Cold was one of the best characters of all time. He had great momentum and storylines that while sometimes absurd, still drew millions of people in. Without those story lines the matches would not have a lot of great excitement. Back in 97-00 especially, fans were kept guessing. That wouldnt be the case with a one last match scenerio. Ill admit SCSA vs Goldberg would be cool to see, but lets face it, it doesnt matter who Austin faces, he would be the star of the match- none of the other guys could draw like he could. I think an Austin Hogan match would generate a ton of excitement, and maybe...maybe an Austin Cena match, but not even Cena is on the level of Austin, Hogan, or Rock.
I think Austin has made himself relevant to those new fans who may not have had experience with him in the past due to Tough Enough. Let's face... he's the star of the show and people are really getting into him again. I'm sure the new fans are looking up some of his past on youtube and other places because they are seeing how much of a badass he is/was as a character and as a person.
I would think that if you were going to do this, you'd want to have the older stars face current, younger stars to help put the young guys over. For example, you could have Austin v CM Punk. They were going back & forth at each other on twitter, & you'd have the beer drinker vs the straight edge savior. And they're already doing that with Rock v Cena at WM 28. I don't think it does any good to put the old guys against other old guys. But I doubt either scenario would ever happen.
I don't think it does any good to put the old guys against other old guys.

Um, yes it does. That's one of, if not the most important parts of pro wrestling, passing the torch. If Austin could come in and wrestle C.M. Punk and C.M. Punk went over, it would elevate C.M. Punk's career so much higher and establish him as one of the most top heels ever.

That being said, I think it's great that the WWE is recognizing their former stars. With such a lack of main event talent at the moment it's probably the best thing they can do to have someone like Stone Cold or Bret Hart come in and give someone the rub, whether it be in a match or not. If someone gets credibility from one of these legends, it's huge for the new guy's career.

As for the original question, it depends on which "fan" you're specifically talking about. I know as an older fan I'd definitely get behind Stone Cold, The Rock or Bret Hart in just about anything that they did. At the same time it would also depend on who they were up against. I really like C.M. Punk so it would be awesome to see him go over a legend. It's one of the factors that originally drew me to Randy Orton back in '03-'04. Even if we're talking about the little kids, I'd have to say they probably would get behind someone like Austin, or especially the Rock or Hart, as long as they're not going against Cena or Rey Mysterio that is. Either way it's never a bad thing when the WWE recognizes their legendes, as long as it's done properly.
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