If things were different: Drew Mcintyre

For McIntyre they definitely have to have him break away from 3MB because ever since joining them he has become nothing but a joke and ever since joining them he is no longer The Chosen One, he has no right to that title anymore but maybe just maybe if they have him break away from them by him turning on them by beating the holy hell out of Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal to the point that he puts the both of them on the shelf, and he proclaims himself to be The Chosen One again but that he is reborn then they can start him back on the road to being the Chosen One of this company

McIntyre hasn't been the chosen one in years. Hell, until the 3MB formed he wasn't even on WWE TV all that often, so if anything, if I was McIntyre I'd be milking this "heel comedy jobber" schtick for as long as the well will allow.

McIntyre just isn't as good as he's made out to be, in my eyes. That's not meant to be a knock against the guy, but people always say "Well McIntyre he has charisma, he has talent, laddyladdyladdylah" and quite honestly, I've never seen it. His run as IC champion was decent, and his program with Matt Hardy and (by association) Teddy Long made for an okay story, but I feel he gets far more praise than he deserves, and even if his ex hadn't beaten the holy hell out of him, I didn't (and still don't) see him going any farther than where he was: IC/US champion and Mid-carder for life, and there's no shame in that.

Basically he's like Ziggler: People tell me he's good, but I can't be asked to care.

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