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If there was a "dream" match you could book


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My dream match would be Bruno Sammartino/Hulk Hogan in a singles match, both in their prime.

Bruno was the best World Champion that ever lived,IMO. He had 2 title reigns that lasted a combined 11 years, and was the 1st true bad ass of wrestling. Then you have Hogan, can't deny his legacy no matter what your personal opinion of him is outside of wrestling. That would be a great match. Bruno winning of course with that grizzly like bearhug. It's my dream match, I can pick the outcome lol

What is your dream match? It can be any wrestler, any type of match, from any promotion. Maybe the match has already happened but one of the wrestlers was past his prime. Try and give a reason why you would like to see this match and pick the outcome if you want.
The Rock v Shawn Micheals. I don't think this match has ever happened, has it ?... Iv never seen or heard of this match ever taking place so im assuming that they've never wrestled one another. How this match has never happened i do not know. Two of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in a ring. Would of been a great match.

Another dream match of mine is, like many others, is The Undertaker v Sting.
Definitely HBK vs The Rock. If I could pick any time frames of their careers, it would be original DX Shawn booked as the heel against the people's Champ as a face. The match itself would most likely be a classic because Shawn's involved. But even more so I think the feud would be fantastic. We know how good The Rock is on the mic, but degenerate Shawn was phenomenal too and could bury people with his words. It would basically guarantee a fantastic match and months worth of stellar promos.
would love to see bryon Vs Bonoit from a technical stand and prime hardyz vs MCMG in a ladder would be epic for sheer thrill value
My dream match would be... CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Why? I think the answer is there for everyone to see. If not, I'll explain. CM Punk, the best wrestler in the world. He is straight-edge, i.e. he doesn't smoke, do drugs or (the key one here) drink. Stone Cold Steve Austin, the greatest WWE superstar of all time (quote: Vince McMahon). He is a curse word saying, middle finger giving, beer drinking SOB. Two complete opposites.

Of course, we know that CM Punk has always expressed his liking for Straight-Edge, whether it is being the first ever Straight-Edge World Champion or in the Straight-Edge Society, we know about it. We also know Stone Cold doesn't give a damn. Point.

So, this for me would be a dream match and I hope we do get to see it. WrestleMania XXVIII maybe? In my eyes it would be bigger than John Cena vs The Rock because that match has just lost all hope since the Rock left after he said he was never ever going away.

We will see.
I got some ideas that have been runnig around in my head.

1.Eddie Guererro vs. Dean Malenko,one more time...Anyone that watched their matches back in ECW knows what I am talking about,damn near every match they had was"match of the year" quality!

2.Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage at WM4 or WM5,As great as their match was,IT was a god damn shame that they didn't have an epic mania rematch!

3.Sid Justice vs. Underatker at WM8,they met at WM13,BUT both had already been bit by the injury bug,Had they met back when I thought they would've...the match would've been far greater,I just remember Taker at WM8 absolutely Jake"the snake" Roberts,it was damn near a squash!!

I'm sure I'm gonna think up some more later...
Iv just thought of another match that i would book if i had the chance. Chyna v Beth Pheonix v Aweome Kong. Chyna was a favourite of mine during the attitude era and i was gutted that she left the WWE. In my eyes she was the dominant female during that time and Kong and Beth IMO are the current dominant "Diva's" in the WWE. It's a shame most of our dream matches will never happen...

BTW, has a match between John Cena and Hulk Hogan ever happened ?...
For me it would have to be Sting (obviously many many years ago) vs. a young and healthy HBK. I could only imagine what they match would have been like. Back when both men could really go. That match could have easily gone 2-3 hours as both were in INCREDIBLE shape.
I know I am gonna hear it for this one but oh well. Where most people have been posting matches based on mostly pure wrestling. I am gonna post one on attraction standpoint. This match would have to happen when everyone was in the height of their prime and popularity of WWE. But I would have to go with a triple threat match between three giants: Andre The Giant vs. Big Jon Studd vs. The Big Show.
The Rock vs Shawn Michaels had the ability to be the greatest rivalry of all time, a heel 98 HBK vs face Rock of 2000 wouldve been epic and the promos!

Austin vs Hogan as well wouldve been tremedous for obvious reasons, two faces, two eras

DX vs nWo, the implosion of The Kliq

but none of these happened, stupidly as all couldve
Goldberg VS Stone Cold Steve Austin
these 2 were the two biggest bad asses in there prime
but who do u think the fans would root for in this match if it was face vs face
Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle in a submission match i think would be unreal to watch an instant 5 star classic

That would be my 2nd. Bret has so much respect for Kurt and it goes the other way around too. So far everyone has picked some FREEKIN EPIC MATCHES!! Some that I never even thought of. Keep this shit coming guys.

Here is another one I just thought of, and this may be a little far out there.

Undertaker vs Andre the Giant-casket match

Heck, WWE did it in 1994 with Yokozuna, Yoko wasn't bad, but this would have been one of the highlights of Takers career. Andre in 1985 shape and Undertaker from 1994
The Undertaker vs Sting: Just there characters, they both have a dark gimmick, Taker Deadman and Sting Crow, id take Undertakers current gimmick and take Stings early 97 gimmick that he had, he never spoke, and had really no emotion, i really enjoyed that Sting. Rock vs HBK, CM Punk vs Steve Austin there gimmicks would clash thats what makes it good story. Kane vs Kevin Nash vs Undertaker, idk why i wanted to see this, but as a kid watching these guys, i always wanted to see this Triple Threat Match.
Many of these suggestions (Punk vs Austin, UT vs Sting, Rock vs HBK, etc.) are matches I agree with. I would like to throw a few into the mix that some haven't thought about:

1. Dynamite Kid (c. 1981) vs. Kurt Angle (c. 2005): A legit hard-ass trained in the Dungeon versus the Olympic gold medalist. I think these two guys would have torn down the house no matter what in any arena around the world.

2. Original Tiger Mask (c. 1982) vs. Rey Misterio Jr. (c. 1997): Tiger Mask showed his wide range of skills in his absolutely classic matches with the Dynamite Kid. Now imagine a Japanese high flyer facing off against the epitome of lucha libre, the WCW version of Rey Misterio Jr. (notice the spelling).

3. Ricky Steamboat (c. 1989) vs. Bryan Danielson (c. 2006): A technical masterpiece is what this match would bring us. Two of the best technical wrestlers in the world going at it for, say, 40 minutes would give us a five star match, no doubt about it.
Brock Lesnar vs Bret Hart

Both are excellent technical wrestlers. Even though both are predominantly ground based wrestler both are able to perform top rope moves to mix it up a bit. Brock has the advantage of power but Bret Hart has the toughness from his training in the Hart dungeon. The storyline can be booked that Bret's strategy may be to outlast Lesnar while Lesnar's strategy is to overpower Bret before he run out of gas.
Jushin Liger In his prime VS Ruthless aggression/PG HBK in a 60 Falls count anywhere match at the main-event of wrestlemania @ Dallas Cowboys stadium for the undisputed wwe championship, could the spectacle get any bigger than that. Jushin Liger wins 1-0 after sudden death overtime and the men wrestle with limited use of weapons.

Simply put liger is my favorite wrestler ever and him vs hbk in general would be epic.
Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin. A battle of two of the top guys in WWF/E history.

I actually laid out a storyline for this years ago for it to take place at WrestleMania 22 in 2006. Flashback to Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam 2005. Hogan still wins, but for this, they have a rematch at Survivor Series 2005 in a cage. Michaels wins this match when HHH interferes. D-X continues beating up and cutting promos on Hogan each week until it's announced that D-X will face Hogan and a partner of his choice at Royal Rumble 2006. Hogan's partner turns out to be Austin. Hogan and Austin win the match, but during the post-match beer celebration, Austin gives Hogan a Stunner for no reason, planting the seed for them to face each other at WrestleMania 22.
i also think that chris jericho vs owen hart wouldve been a great match. maybe the storyline could have been jericho bragging about his past training at the hart dungeon and saying that he's better than the hart family ever was, and have owen be the defender of his family's name and legacy.
Some Dream Matches I would have loved to have seen are:

The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels and The Game, Triple H vs. Big Daddy Cool, Kevin Nash and The Bad Guy, Scott Hall vs. Bad @$$, Billy Gunn and The Road Dogg, Jesse James vs. 1-2-3-6-X-Pac and a mystery partner in a Fatal Four Way TLC match. Pac’s mystery partner…
A. Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Leader of the N.W.O.)
B. Chyna (DX founding member)
C. Big Show (member of the N.W.O. in both WCW and WWF)
D. Ravishing Rick Rude (member of DX and the N.W.O.)
I really can’t decide.

Undertaker vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania
Come on, you want to see it too.

Main Event Mafia vs. World Elite vs. Immortal vs. Fortune in a War Games match.
You figure out the details.

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar…inside the Octagon for the UFC Title.
I’d even have the TNA Title on the line as well.

Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton in an Elimination Chamber match for the Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Championship…then have Daniel Bryan cash in on the winner. HAHA!!
I would have loved to see a Bruiser Brody vs Mick Foley no DQ match too. Both guys are legit badasses and they wouldve beaten the hell out of each other. It would have been a bloody classic brawl that i think couldve surpassed the king of the death match tournament and the hell in the cell from KOTW 98.
Cena vs Danielson in ROH in 2008. It's not quite as historical as like Rikidozan vs Hulk Hogan vs El Santo, but it's what I'd do. I could be in attendance and watch the batshit crazy crowd reaction to the king of ROH vs the most hated man in internet wrestling fandom.
Cena vs Hogan (when Hogan was still in wrestling shape) may not be a a great match, but a great storyline. then again they may surprise us with the match. But they are compared all the time. I mean supercena vs superhogan. The clash of genearations. Hulkamania vs the Cenation. there is just a lot of things you could do with this storyline.
I highlighted this in a post I made awhile back, but I think that instead of Yokozuna vs. Bret Hart at Wrestlemania IX, we should've gotten Bret Hart vs. Macho Man Randy Savage for the title at Wrestlemania IX, both as babyfaces. Have Savage win the Royal Rumble match to take on Bret for the title. This match could've saved Wrestlemania IX from being one of the worst Wrestlemanias ever, and given us another classic WM match for Bret Hart and Randy Savage both. Bret was hitting his peak, while Savage was still great.

The match could've went about 25-27 minutes with Bret winning with a fluke roll-up type of pin. Savage would get mad and leave, and later apologize. They'd team up for awhile with tension and mis communications in tag team matches. Then Savage finally blows up and turns heel, and we get a No Disqualifcation match between them for the Title at Summerslam 93 to end their feud. Bret would of course win with the Sharpshooter.

Then you could go on to have Bret lose the title to Yokozuna (or Bam Bam Bigelow would've been my preference), then start the Bret/Lawler feud, while Lex Luger feuds with Yoko or Bam Bam take your pick.
I would have loved to see Steve Austin vs Goldberg. They were sort of building towards it subtly with both as baby faces, and it probably would have been a great match, would have been a WAY better note for Goldberg to go out on (With his WMXX match being all but forgettable). It could possibly happen, but with Austin in '02 vs Goldberg of '02 it would be absolutely intense.
As far as other dream matches go.....

Bret Hart (circa 1994) vs. Kurt Angle (circa 2003) in a 60 minute Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania.

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat" (circa 1989) vs. Shawn Michaels (circa 1996)

Dynamite Kid (circa 1982) vs. Chris Benoit (circa 1997)

Andre the Giant (circa 1980) vs. The Big Show (circa 1996)

The Sheik (circa 1970) vs. Abdullah the Butcher (circa 1978) vs. Bruiser Brody (circa 1985) vs. Stan Hansen (circa 1985) vs. Terry Funk (circa 1989) vs. Cactus Jack (circa 1994) vs. Sabu (circa 1995) vs. The Undertaker (circa 1998) in an 8-man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match (tell me this would not be the greatest brawl in wrestling history!)

Stone Cold Steve Austin (circa 1998) vs. Goldberg (circa 1998) (yeah)

Sting (circa 1997) vs. The Undertaker (circa 1997)

Jushin "Thunder" Liger (circa 1992) vs. Ric Flair (circa 1989) (this would be a mismatch of styles, but I'd be very curious to see how Flair would fare against such an amazing high flyer like Liger).

Ric Flair (circa 1988) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (circa 1998)

I'll stop there.

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