If the you could re-hire any susperstar, who would it be (WWE)

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Too Sweet To Be Sour
Let's say the WWE gave you the chance to re-hire any superstar that was previously employed by them. Who would you choose. Why? How would they be used? Discuss this here.

For me it'd be Kaval. While having big name superstars like Kurt Angle or Rob van Dam or Jeff Hardy return would be nice, they get into too much trouble and cannot keep up with the daily grind to grind offered by the WWE. Kaval wrestles across the globe and can no doubt keep up with the grind, plus the matches he could put on with Mysterio, Ziggler, Bryan, Cara, and the like would be great. He has something about him, not exactly great charisma, but an enigma of sorts, and him in the WWE would be an interesting dynamic. He was just getting started on main TV when he was released and had great potential in the WWE despite his style. Toning down his backstage attitude a bit and resigning could potentially be great for both parties.
For me I wiould have to go with Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle is the greatest wrestler in the world in my opinion and can put on great matches with practically anyone, maybe except Cena but this guy struggles to put on good matches with anyone. As much as I like TNA I do feel Kurt should finish his career at the top, and unfortunately that place is WWE.

Kurt could get a run at the title against Orton, I believe these two could have epic matches and the heat generated by their twitter wars (you stole my move) could be used as a good storyline.

Even if Kurt fails to beat Orton he could be used to bring the next generation into the main event scene by putting on clinics with the likes of Ziggler, Morrisson and even Cody Rhodes. I would also love to see him against Daniel Bryan as both these two are great technicians.

I feel Kurt has tried his hardest to help TNA talent get over by putting on some great matches in the past but TNA dropped the ball when they dropped Kurts trek through the top 10.

I know he has never been in WWE but I also think Bobby Roode would be a great signing for the E.
Mine personally would be Shad. And bring back Cryme Tyme. Change their gimmick to be more..... how should I say it... hardcore, I guess. Make them more heel. Have them become a viscious as gangsta team. They could even redebut with R-Truth in his fued with Cena. They could garner serious heat by attack a "fan" from the crowd who has on a Cena shirt. They could go on and leave Truth and go on to be a powerful tag team and promo stars with a very edgy theme. I think now would be the perfect time to do this, because Truth is similar to them and he has major heat. I miss Cryme Tyme, but I always wanted them to be more edgy and less comedic.
Well, i have 2 right off the bat:

Essa Rios: Just picture this, Rios vs Sin Cara, Rios vs Mysterio, Rios vs Kingston. The feuds are endless!! The only reason they cut him was because he couldn't speak English. That's B.S! This guy is hella talented, plus he's still relatively young. I'm sure they can come to terms on some kind of deal, maybe a translator or something!

Percy Watson- I know, TECHNICALLY he's signed to WWE (FCW), but still he needs to be on the main roster! He's not getting any younger. When you have a guy with that much in-ring skill, mic talent, and charisma, and you let him just go to waste? Once again the feuds are endless: vs Cena, vs Miz, vs Christian, vs Orton. And all of them could work. I absolutley love this guy as a wrestler!!
for me i would have to say mr. kennedy. he is the only 'real star' in tna right now, who could have a successfull future in the wwe, should he return. kennedy was incredibly charismatic and great on the mic, wether he played heel or face, and he could feud with anyone on the roster.
If I could re-hire a superstar it would be...... well I wouldn't want to make TNA worse so I wouldn't go with the popular choice of Kurt Angle like most of you so I think I'd go with...........

well...... how bout Snitsky? he was always funny lol

If I could re-hire a diva I'd go with Jamie Keyes cause I thought she was the best girl on the girl NXT season

So Snitsky and/or Jamie Keyes :shrug: :p

Maybe both at once and make Snitsky enfatuated with Jamie lol
I would go with MVP!!
He was one of my favourites superstars in the WWE, i hope he returns later in this year at the Rumble or whatever...

He was a good face and a good heel, average in the microphone and a very good wrestler...
Maybe his gimmick was stale but he could have worked it out if he thought about an idea for himself and shared it with Vince!!

He could easily feud with Alberto Del Rio and/or Ziggler!!
He was a dominant superstar with an awesome entrance!!
id say jbl and simmons. i honestly thnk apa cud work in the pg era.

lita wud be a good choice too. she was one of the few talented divas wwe had. she cud put on some great matches with beth, natalya and she cud even take on both bella twins at the same time
I was a big fan of Mike Knox. He had a good look, was pretty good in the ring, and while he didn't really get a chance to showcase it had pretty good mic skills. He had a good story going with Mysterio, but after that it seemed like they didn't know what to do with him......what a shame.
I'd agree with you with Kaval. He's an awesome wrestler and deserves at least to be IC champion, if not World champion. I don't care how tall he is.
I'd also like to see Colt Cabana back. He could be the new Santino, but better because he can do serious stuff as well.
Mike Knox, Luke Gallows and Vance Archer would all be good as powerhouses, even if they are slightly average.
Caylon Croft should also come back and reform the Dudebusters.
And, last but not least, Paul Burchill should come back and be world champion. He is a great wrestler and not too shabby on the mic. He's better then a lot of the current roster and deserves to be the first British World champion.
if the wwe could bring back anyone i would want them to bring back....too cool. yes too cool. i always thought that too cool was a great tag team, which is also something wwe is lackin at the moment and with the fact that wwe is pg they definately could work. it could be very entertaining. i mean they was probally the john cena of thetag tem division as far as entetainig to children are cocern.
I'd resign Kevin Fertig and have him portray his Mordecai character. I'd align him with the Undertaker. I always thought he was a good worker and I liked the Mordecai character alot. Didn't get much time, but could have worked if they stuck it out. My other choice would be Shelton Benjamin. Great worker.
I'd re-sign Jim Ross. He is the best commentator IMO. A match sounds more appropriate and official when he is calling the match. He belongs at the announce table.
Well of course the Anderson and Angle would be cool...

But for me it's Low Ki (Kaval) because he is a really good wrestler, but him and Bryan should be in a real wrestling company or Mark Copani (Muhammad Hassan), that guy was awesome, he could talk, he had the look and if WWE didn't bow in front of UPN he was destinate to a lot of success. Hassan was my favorite wrestler back when I started to love heel and see how he could manipulate people with the American patriotism like many had done before.
Picking from those that are now in TNA, would have to be what the majority has so far said. Kurt Angle.

He still has it, yeah he hasn't much time left, so why shouldn't he finish his professional career in the place where he started? Place he made his name as a milk drinking, ankle breaking, cry baby machine. I would pay good money for him to have a match against Bryan Danielson.

If it was someone not affiliated with TNA, I'd pick someone who they hired and released as quick as the ink dried.

Claudio Castagnoli. WWE really, really did miss a huge oppurtunity with him, I can get why they released him, he had attitude problems, something he admitted in an interview with Highspots. He has came on so much in Ring of Honor, and his reign as PWG Heavyweight Champion is another testement to how far he has came.

Another name I'd like to see brought back is Kenny Dykstra, doing very well for himself with EVOLVE, still young as well, only 27 or so.
I would have to go with Colt Cabana (Scotty Goldman). He's one of the few who can do it all, he loves the business and crowds eat him up when he's allowed to be him. He works edgy while remaining PG. Had his own show on WWE.com , he's just awesome and, yeh, would be my 1 guy.
Jeff Hardy

send him to rehab, offer him an easy road schedule, and make him the top face on smackdown. (where he should be anyway)

seriously jeff was right next to cena as a top face when he left. he could easily come back and take over smackdown. while also turning orton heel again, because he just sucks as a face.
i'd have to say Paul London!! i loved that guy he's great in the ring, pretty good on the mic and him and daniel bryan could form a tag team! or feud!! his mistake was tiny and wwe over reacted he deserved better!!! other obvious choices are kurt angle, mr. kennedy, Paul burchill, and id also like to see batista back.. he was good like him or not he was over with the crowd and he played a hell of a heel!
Of course it would have to be Kurt Angle, but I don't know if his body could hold up to the grind anymore. If they gave him a reduced schedule, it would be amazing to have him back. Sad to see my all time favorite reduced to finishing his career in the minor leagues.

The other choice would be Sean O'Haire. I still have no idea how in the hell he did not become a superstar. He had the look, the size Vince loves, the athletic ability, everything you want. Unlike Jeff Hardy, when he hit a Swanton, it actually looked like it hurt.
Shelton Benjamin!!! He's the best in the ring and does things other people can only dream of. He should have been WWE Champion.
Completely agree with Benjamin and O'Haire, would also be nice to see people lie Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, RVD and Angle but if i could only have one i'd have to go with "The One" Billy Gunn, a fantastic in ring performer and could've gone alot further in his career i believe
I would rehire MVP. First of all, WWE was wrong for slowing down his career over what he did years ago. They judged his wrestling career on what went on in his personal life in the past (him serving time in jail). MVP has great charisma, an interesting ringstyle, and a large amount of experience to back it all up. I could easily see him as WWE champion if he was given the opportunity.
There is no question that I would bring back Kurt Angle. I would also use Kurt Angle to match up against Daniel Bryan. I think this would be a great match and really help boost the technical wrestlers. Daniel Bryan could easily get over if he has a few matches with Angle. I would also hope on whatever brand that they would be on, that the commentators would help promote the "technical" wrestling. I don't see it as much anymore.
I'm really quite shocked that no one has mentioned this but i'd bring back The Rock?... He'd still be by far the biggest draw in the company and he's in the shape of his life.

Honourable mentions: Brock Lesnar, or Jeff Hardy (if he ever sorts himself out)
From a purely rational, business perspective, it's hard to overlook Brock Lesnar. One of the biggest MMA stars ever. Would I be right in saying that, MMA fans? I think so. He'd be a huge, utterly massive draw. Easily bigger than he was in his first WWE run. He'd comeback with such a great crossover appeal, it's easy to see him WWE benefiting greatly from a Lesnar return.

From a completely personal perspective, I'm going to say Colt Cabana. Or Scotty Goldman, if you're that way inclined. I genuinely believe that WWE missed the boat with Cabana. Perhaps more than they have done with any other wrestler. Sure he isn't huge and jacked with tribal tattoos. He has that everyman quality. In his shoot interview (which I highly recommend) he talks about the popularity of Jewish comedians and how he pushed to be the Seinfeld of the WWE, so to speak. This would have been a great character and potentially a huge draw, especially when WWE is looking to expand outside of wrestling and into films, etc. Forget all his comedy stuff if you want, he's certainly no slouch in the ring either. Cabana has the whole package. In-ring ability, charisma and a very creative mind. His release because he didn't have "the look" is one of the things which makes me genuinely angry at WWE.

I'd also say Kaval (talent, potential to work great programs) and The Rock (do you really need a reason?). But I can't be bothered to go into detail that has already been given by other posters.
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