If somebody from WZ isn't fired by tomorrow...

They pay you for that? Wow.
No. Not at all. I could be on Chris' shows until the cows come home, and wouldn't see a dime.

It's so unfair - I work hard all year, trying to better myself, building bridges, and yet it's YOU that gets to watch Chris Cash's package bounce around like a hot dog wrapped in a blanket. I feel robbed.
It's pretty glorious... Sorry, Sam. I know I've taken everything you've ever wanted from life.

If there's one thing I look for in a coworker and friend is for them to know when to completely throw me under the bus.

Who has the authority to fire you guys? Do you want SNS to put in a good word? His hard work with you is not perfect, but it is helping.

Why haven't you gotten KB a job yet?
I'm not throwing them under the bus, I'm just saying, I'm probably not getting in trouble for anything of that shit. I was the least drunk, and said the least amount of stupid shit. Nor was it my idea to do anything stupid. But if Chris got fired over it, I'd probably step up and tell Madden to learn how to take a joke. It'd probably come down to which one of them WZ thinks is more valuable.

It doesn't matter. Nobody's been in trouble for anything. Yet.

EDIT: I haven't gotten KB a job yet because I've never thought he was serious about wanting one. He's only ever said things like "can't wait to take your job". If he ever expressed actual desire to write for WZ, I'd tell Paglino. But you should know, if all he wants to do is write opinion editorials and whatnot, he's not going to get paid. That's all I did for a year, and I didn't get paid. The news posters get paid, because that's what brings money to the website. Everything else is just a special attraction.
No. Not at all. I could be on Chris' shows until the cows come home, and wouldn't see a dime.

It's pretty glorious... Sorry, Sam. I know I've taken everything you've ever wanted from life.

I'm not throwing them under the bus, I'm just saying, I'm probably not getting in trouble for anything of that shit. I was the least drunk, and said the least amount of stupid shit. Nor was it my idea to do anything stupid. But if Chris got fired over it, I'd probably step up and tell Madden to learn how to take a joke. It'd probably come down to which one of them WZ thinks is more valuable.

It doesn't matter. Nobody's been in trouble for anything. Yet.

EDIT: I haven't gotten KB a job yet because I've never thought he was serious about wanting one. He's only ever said things like "can't wait to take your job". If he ever expressed actual desire to write for WZ, I'd tell Paglino. But you should know, if all he wants to do is write opinion editorials and whatnot, he's not going to get paid. That's all I did for a year, and I didn't get paid. The news posters get paid, because that's what brings money to the website. Everything else is just a special attraction.

Don't you get paid for writing up results of the shows?
I'm not throwing them under the bus, I'm just saying, I'm probably not getting in trouble for anything of that shit. I was the least drunk, and said the least amount of stupid shit. Nor was it my idea to do anything stupid. But if Chris got fired over it, I'd probably step up and tell Madden to learn how to take a joke. It'd probably come down to which one of them WZ thinks is more valuable.

It doesn't matter. Nobody's been in trouble for anything. Yet.

Just busting your balls but good job sticking up for yourself.

I still think the legality of smoking pot puts you in a much more vulnerable position than being the drunkest, saying the most, or making the calls to Madden.
Don't you get paid for writing up results of the shows?
That's a small part of what I get paid for, but yes. I didn't do that until a few months ago, because Bill Pritchard took a night class that falls on Thursdays. It just made more sense for me to also be doing TNA PPVs too, since he doesn't really follow the weekly product anymore. It's a flat rate every month, not hourly, so it really doesn't benefit me any to work longer hours and put more effort into it. I do though; probably more than most. THat Top 50 list took me HOURS to put together every day, and I'm not going to see a penny more for it, but it was fun. And you work hard for the hope that when somebody else leaves, or anyother position opens up you're next in line. At this point, I'm pretty sure I am.

BUT ANYWAYS, to answer you question, it's the every day news posting crap that brings in all the money. And thus, it's what I actually get paid to do. The live results also do decent traffic, but I only get like $100 a month to do them. And that's...technically...supposed to cover the cost of the PPV too. But we all know that's not happening.

Just busting your balls but good job sticking up for yourself.

I still think the legality of smoking pot puts you in a much more vulnerable position than being the drunkest, saying the most, or making the calls to Madden.
I don't actually know what the law says about doing it online. I live in a state where it's legal to smoke pot with a medical card, which I don't actually have. But my roommate does, and grows it, which is perfectly legal, and is allowed to give it to 3 people. And Wrestlezone is owned by Crave, which operates out of LA. And I'm certain the weed laws are more lax there.

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