Jericho & Helms arrested- Matt Hardy involved- all 3 need to be saved by CM Punk

So Matt Hardy is involved in this too, now?

Sure. Throw the whole lot of them troublemakers in the program, as it could rejuvenate Helms and Hardy's careers without question. Matt Hardy hasn't done squat since his brother left. And Jericho would give the group a nice rub, as well .... as discussed.

However, Hardy appeared to run away. What would he be running away from if there was nothing to hide? Lots and lots of punishments coming from this, undoubtedly. Of course knowing WWE, they will just use this as an opportunity to release Matt Hardy and keep Jericho and Helms, knowing their screwed up logic.
This just got a lot more interesting. I don't see Jericho getting a punishment (if so then a very miniscule one involving not working a house show). Helms & Hardy are the two Im waiting to see. Then again they asked for their releases from the company....could this be their way out? And if so Id love to see Hardy in TNA> I would like to see Helms but after this Im wondering if he would get drunk and beat up on Velvet for the breakup.
I won't believe they're getting punishment unless we hear something official. This is the same company that gave Randy Orton the biggest push of his life when he trashed a hotel room. Not to mention that we don't know all the details. One thing is for certain in regards to this: Don't drink with Mr. Helms. Just ask (censored) Daniels.

What do Jericho marks think of their "savior" now? I'll be the first to say I couldn't care less about this story. He wasn't reported as being behind the wheel, he wasn't beating on people according to the report... What's the issue? Jericho is acting like a wrestler acts. I've come to accept this and move on. If we stuck with him after striking a female fan and making racist comments, why would we change our stripes over this?

Helms... Well I've found him boring for years. Not to mention the fact that he's injury prone, which makes him hard to invest in. I wouldn't really mind not seeing him on TV.

I like the idea of bringing them into the Society though. Not to turn Jericho into the old Jericho, but to give Jericho something new to do. No backwards steps. The man needs to keep evolving. If people had a hard time adjusting to short haired Jericho, I'm sure the reaction to bald Jericho will be even more amusing. Bald Matt Hardy doesn't sound awful either. The man has awful hair. He could use the trim.

Good storyline idea. Nothing I'll lose sleep over though and nothing I can really seem them doing.
It could make an interesting storyline. I think the ones that would benefit the most would definitely be Hardy and Helms. Neither of these guys are doing anything of any relevance in the WWE and that would likely continue to be the case. Even though Hardy has won every title a man can win in the WWE except for a world title, none of those runs have been the least bit memorable outside of tag title runs with his bro Jeff. Helms' biggest claim to fame is as the longest reigning Cruiserweight champ in history, but that was several years ago and his gimmick is just plain corny. It's likely these two won't be doing anything major in the WWE on their own and becoming "reborn" as it were as part of Punk's stable is just the very thing they need to not only possibly make them interesting, but it'll just plain give 'em something to do. As for Chris Jericho, adding him to the mix could only make it better, though I do think its less likely. Jericho has been a big name and big player in the WWE for a long time and wouldn't need this to get over. However, Punk "saving" a big star like Jericho would only give his Straight Edge Society some real legitimacy storyline wise.

As for the arrest in and of itself, public intoxication is nothing more than a misdemeanor I think. A fine will be paid and that's pretty much it. However, Helms could potentially be in some hot water if anyone he smacked decides to press assault charges against him. Jericho mostly just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Given the fact that Helms physically assaulted someone, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he potentially got fired over this. Not to drag up the whole Orton business, but spitting on someone doesn't even remotely compare to striking someone, so if Helms is somehow able to come out of this with a career boosting storyline instead of potential jail time, lawsuits and terminated employment, he really needs to give thanks to the wrestling gods.
According to a report on, Phillip Brooks and Jason Reso, better known to WWE fans as CM Punk and Christian, respectively, were the two who posted the bond to bail out Gregory "Hurricane" Helms and Chris Jericho from their drunken incident last night.

Am I failing to see the irony in that CM Punk's character preaches it's straight-edge mentality with no drinking, smoking and blah blah blah, but Punk is one that bails their drunk asses out the slammer?!

Maybe Punk is gonna save em' after all... this is funny shit
How ironic, CM Punk did actually 'save' them in the end. Wow. In my world, if I was Vince, chuck out Helms and Hardy. They're deadweights right now. Jericho could easily be given a couple of weeks off, he won't be missed, he's as monotone as heck right now anyway.

...But this the WWE, so it'll probably be slaps on the wrist all round.
I agree that Helms and Hardy should join CM Punk. The Hurricane thing is stale, nowhere near as entertaining as it was a decade ago. Hardy really doesn't have much to do right now, and I don't think he is a strong singles performer, unless competing against his brother. I would make these two guys a tag team, under CM Punks stable (heres hoping he actually gets one). WWE is lacking in tag teams, in a big way, so why not have these two do something like that. Or, for some of you Matt Hardy fans, tag Helms up with Festus ( I will always call him that), and have Hardy do his own thing inside the stable.

As for Jericho....No. No, no, no. He is a bigger superstar than CM Punk, is a veteran guy. I don't think it would look right having him serve Punk's needs. Jericho is way to big to be a follower in a stable. Jericho is fine on his own, even if he has gotten a bit stale. Maybe a face turn would be good for Jericho somewhere down the road (even though I prefer him as a heel), but making his serve in someone else's stable, not a good idea.
I'm fine with the proposed Jericho/Punk storyline, but I have a problem with the "no big deal" attitude about the actual incident. Helms hit a real life. If it's scripted in the ring, well fine-but striking a woman in actual life is a whole other story. And I'm no fan of drunks either. When will these pro-wrestlers learn that partying too hard in public is a really stupid idea? As for Helms, I'm just glad Velvet dumped his lame ass!
Who gives a shit? He got drunk and wandered around. Oh no! Jericho's not allowed to get shitfaced now? It happens. Helms fucked up, but the lady said they were all drunk and it was playfighting. I'd like to see it brought on TV, maybe a good way to throw Helms back into the Gregory Helms character, whatever though. This isn't that big of a deal as everyone's making it out to be. lol @ matt running though.
Who gives a shit? He got drunk and wandered around. Oh no! Jericho's not allowed to get shitfaced now? It happens. Helms fucked up, but the lady said they were all drunk and it was playfighting. I'd like to see it brought on TV, maybe a good way to throw Helms back into the Gregory Helms character, whatever though. This isn't that big of a deal as everyone's making it out to be. lol @ matt running though.

Heard Hardy ran to go get Helms who ran off. Either way i agree people make a big deal out of the story. Like they were doing heroin or something.

I dont think Helms or Hardy should be anywhere near PUNK. Helms and Hardy are established names. Whether we like the direction of Helms or Hardy is irrelevant. Gallows, Serena, their virtually nobodies right now. Punk is their to help them get over. Helms or Hardy dont need Punks rub. Id like Danielson, or Cade, or C. Hawkins or some up and comer who can ride Punks wave of success at the moment and actually NEEDS IT.
I think other people have touched upon a couple of the flaws in your idea sid.

1. drunk in public is no big deal. their bail was hardly anything. sure its a bad idea to keep doing this. but you know how this is going to affect jericho's career?
nothing will happen to him. we have pictures of cena drunk, jericho was just in public, it happens all the time.

2. Jericho>Punk

we can compare them anyway you like, but in the end, jericho is a much bigger star than cm punk so he would never be under him.

3. most people dont know about the incident, and if it is brought up on raw, hardly anyone will care.

now one way i could potentially see this work is if they knew no one would care, but punk did it anyway because he is that much of a preacher of straight edge.

also, helms really isnt doing shit, so i guess you could put him in the angle.

unless he actually was abusive to the woman. then his ass should be fired. we dont need a repeat of beat my wife austin.
Punk bailing him out makes this opportunity too good to be missed. Chris Jericho is somewhere in my top ten wrestlers ever probably, but this character has run his course. It was good at first, and nice to have a break from Y2J, but seeing as he said he felt this character would run its course in around 6 months in November 2008, even the man himself would agree it was time for a change.

There may be no better storyline that has played into the WWE's hands than this. Have Punk try and save him, but then Y2J increasingly show his charismatic side. Turn him face in March and you have a ready made WrestleMania match on your hands. I don't see the need to bring Helms and Hardy in because they aren't really on the same level, nor are they particularly intersting characters, but Jericho and Punk would be something worth seeing, especially if we get Y2J back.

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