Chris Jericho and Gregory Helms arrested

Why am I not surprised it happened in NorKen? At least it wasn't Ohio, though. We have a thing for throwing out-of-towners in jail, and misplacing the key.
Nonsense Helms is great, he's a fun midcard face for the kids and nerds to get behind and always gets good reactions from the ECW crowd. Helms is solid.
Actually mister smart mouth, know nothinger, we are throwing a parade for him because he saved the oher two peoples lives from the evil American down our only paved road.

I can see it now. This very line is going to be used again:

And if nobody thinks Canadians are absolute marks for their country, listen to this at :12. Just because Jericho is a Heel, he is called an "insult to Canadians".


That country has the biggest inferiority complex I have ever seen.
Lol Sid's trolling is so refined that you might actually mistakenly not realize he's trolling.
Right, one person represents 33 million.


I guess this is what all Americans are?
He hit two other people besides Jericho too.

Two people who don't want to press charges. Couldn't have been two serious, eh?

And I agree with Sly, he's skated by on being a Hardy buddy for too long now.

I highly doubt the Hardys have any pull backstage whatsoever guys. Helms has gotten by on being a surprisingly popular character, not for being a Hardy buddy.
Two people who don't want to press charges. Couldn't have been two serious, eh?

Yeah, nothing probably will come of this, I think I don't really like Helms just based on the fact that he's a Hardy buddy (they're all morons) and he got to fuck Velvet Sky.

I highly doubt the Hardys have any pull backstage whatsoever guys. Helms has gotten by on being a surprisingly popular character, not for being a Hardy buddy

He hasn't really done anything since having an admittedly awesome Cruiserweight Title reign. I was sort of joking, but I think being friends with Jeff was why they didn't outright release him to begin with when he first came back and wasn't getting any kind of pop.

I wish it was still the 80s and he got released not for getting arrested, but released for fraternizing with a heel and not keeping with kayfabe :(
He hasn't been a very good super-hero.

He really needs the help of CM Punk. This would have never happened IF he and Jericho were living the Straight Edge lifestyle.

Actually, I think if they had Punk kayfabe catch wind of this and "Save Helms", Helms' career might be saved.
Actually, I think if they had Punk kayfabe catch wind of this and "Save Helms", Helms' career might be saved.

I agree, actually. It would make for a great storyline.

WWE really needs to take advantage of this. There's nothing quite like blurring the line between kayfabe and reality and turning a negative into a big positive.
One more reason to hate that fatass Matt Hardy.

He's also a COWARD.

WWE star Matt Hardy was among a group of people involved in an early morning incident that led to the arrests of Chris Jericho and Greg "Hurricane" Helms, this according to law enforcement sources.

Witnesses told cops Hardy was in a taxi with Jericho, Helms and several others Wednesday morning -- when Helms allegedly struck three people ... including one female.

Witnesses say Hardy took off on foot -- just like Helms allegedly did -- when the cab driver pulled over at a Kentucky gas station and called 911.

We're told Helms came back to the scene and was arrested -- but Hardy was gone for good. Cops are not pursuing any sort of action against Hardy.

As we first reported, the female passenger decided not to file charges against Helms over the alleged attack. Helms and Jericho were arrested for "alcohol intoxication in a public place."

Read more:
Lol why the hell should they release Helms for this?

This is absolutely nothing. Sounds like two dudes getting drunk and getting into a bit of a spat, big whoop.

Thankyou, very much. I dont even see why this is relevant to even fucking report, this sounds like a regular Saturday night to me :lmao:

Get drunk, fight a little bit, spend an hour in the drunk tank. No shit, welcome to real fucking life. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people worldwide do this every weekend.
According to a report on, Phillip Brooks and Jason Reso, better known to WWE fans as CM Punk and Christian, respectively, were the two who posted the bond to bail out Gregory "Hurricane" Helms and Chris Jericho from their drunken incident last night.

Well Sidious, it seems Jericho and Helms might already be on their way to becoming members of the straightedge society.
This is from Jeff Hardy's Twitter. It's kinda hard to figure out (like most of his Tweets), but it's obvious that he's talking about this situation:

They got's a shame they care or think it makes them look bad..their amazing employees.....&
Are the other 2 people, that were in the cab with them WWE employees also? Or just 2 other random people from cinci or kentucky area?

Just curious
This whole thing is hilarious in that The Hurricane's instincts kicked in when he hit that women, it must of been all the smacking of Velvet's ass that rubbed off when he hit the girl. And for the storyline/angle suggestion for Y2J and Hurricane going to the Straight Edge Society is a fine idea, blur the kayfabe and reality line and Punk can bring this situation up. Also i wonder what its like for wrestlers to bail out other wrestlers they work with..
:lmao: brilliant who hasn't had a bit too much to drink and gotten into a rumble before. I'm sure Hurricane was mearly attempting to Hurra-Chokeslam Jericho as a prank and somebody took offence.

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