If Sheamus is champ at mania what if he doesn't face HHH?

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The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Before i ask that question i want to give my thoughts on how mania is looking so far

1 it looks like Cena vs batista is a total lock, and that match will draw like crazy

2 it looks like their leaning toward a HHH vs HBK match at mania which will also be a huge draw

3 now this one isn't exactly a lock but they have planted the possible seeds over the past few weeks, Edge vs Jericho vs Undertaker for the WHC is definitely possible and would be amazing!

4 bret vs Vince another huge draw

So here is my question ......... What if Sheamus does retain at EC? who could he be facing? Randy Orton? no because they have done that match 2 times in the past few weeks, one of them being on free tv, and it seems Orton will have his hands full with one or both members of Legacy

So what main eventer is left on Raw for Sheamus to face? Cena, HHH, HBK, and Orton all have other things to do that night.

But how bout this? since their are so many matches that could be on the card and would be definite draws and make so many people want to watch the show just based on those matches, and u still have MITB and a few other matches that could draw, why cant the WWE title match be between 2 up and comers? isnt that wwe's focus right now? building new stars?

And i know this most likely wont happen and im sure many of you will call me stupid for just thinking of the idea but what if the WWE title match at mania was a one on one match between Sheamus and Kofi Kingston?

Lets face it these 2 are a huge part of the E's future. and i know they are both still considered rookies when it comes to mania but who cares? Sheamus has the belt already! what would be the point of giving him the huge push just to have HHH dominate him? like you know he would if hes the face and Sheamus is the heel champion.

What if Sheamus and Kofi could put on a great match? who cares who won, the match would put them both over more then anything else could at this point!

So what do you guys think about this match? could it be good? could it even happen? would you want to see it happen? if not this match them maybe another one with sheamus facing an up and comer? or would u just rather see him face hhh? please give reasons for your answers

thanks for reading:worship:
somehow i think it will be hhh, sheamus needs someone to carry him at mania he is not that good yet so hhh, would be the perfect choice, i could see taker vs hbk happen
Im 100% that sheamus will face HHH in wrestlemania.HHH will not face HBK because we all know that HBK will face Taker in Wrestlemania.WWE will make it happend.And if Sheamus doesnt face HHH,Then i really dont know who he will face.There is no more bigger stars in RAW who could face Sheamus if WWE locks HHH vs HBK,Randy vs Legacy.Unless they really want to make this the year of the MIZ,We could see Sheamus vs MIZ title vs title.

But like i said im sure that Sheamus will mainevent Mania against HHH.And i cant wait for it,Because Sheamus and HHH will work magic in that ring.
First of all, I hope Sheamus loses at EC. I can't stand this guy. I just don't see anything special about him. He does nothing that really stands out. He is so/so in the ring, nothing special. Doesn't have a big moveset, and he's not really big enough to just be a monster (he's as big as HHH, so he's not all THAT big). He is TERRIBLE on the mic, just God awful. Says nothing of importance, and I don't see them being able to place him in a really personal feud because he can't talk. With that being said...

It's looking like HHH is going to get his wish, and face Sheamus at Mania for the WWE title. HHH will win at Mania, no doubt, and that might be the last title run Sheamus gets. It seems to me that HHH just wants someone new at Mania to take the belt from. Let's just hope it doesn't close the show.
Since there now is the MITB ppv in july or whenever, maybe the MITB could just be for the WWE title. It could be Sheamus vs Miz vs Rhodes vs Kingston vs Christian vs Ryder vs Tatsu vs Shelton. At least 3 or 4 of those 8 guys will be getting a huge push in 2010, so this could be there chance to start it. Or it could be with 2 briefcases and the 2 winners face off in the main event.
As much as I hate to say this, i think sheamus will retain the title at ec and go on to main event at mania. I think that kind of sucks because he is so young and does not deserve to be champ at mania yet but that is the situation. If they were to take the title off of him now, they would be taking all of their confidence right out of him. They have pulled the trigger, put all their cards into him, and gave him the belt. They have to run with it now and if he loses the title at ec then it will only hurt him. If he loses at ec i do not see him anywhere near the main event at mania but probably the mitb match as i do think they will still have that match. It was reported that qualifying matches for the mitb will take place monday on raw so i think they will still have it. So i look for sheamus to be champ at mania and that leaves who his oponent will be.

A lot of who his opponent is will depend on what they do with hhh. There is a possability that hhh wins the ec and sheamus faces him or vice versa. But all that depends on what they do between hhh and shawn. If hhh faces hbk then that leaves sheamus free and also taker free. I think that somehow it will be a triple threat at mania between hhh hbk, and taker with hbk geting involved in one or both chamber matches to set that match up. With hhh and taker out of the picture and jericho most likely being champ to face edge, that leaves only one guy left to face sheamus and that is Orton.

Now i know some of you had said they have already had that match but both matches ended in a dq so they have never really had a full fledged match with a clean finish and clear winner which is why they could still have that match at mania and go in that direction. It seems like that is what they have been building on these past few weeks on raw and depiciting randy almost like another stone cold character who is a bad ass that is not friends with anyone and making him face because of that. That would make it a face heel match. I know Orton has been somewhat busy with legacy but i think he will face sheamus leaving a singles match between ted and cody (not that interesting of a match)

So Sheamus as the champ vs. Randy Orton is my pick. I know hhh vs. sheamus has been speculated for a while now but i think hhh gets involved with hbk and taker somehow and they have a triple threat. I dont think hhh will be in the main event again this year. Orton is the only other option which would leave Ted and Cody in a singles match which they could do.
As much as I hate to say this, i think sheamus will retain the title at ec and go on to main event at mania. I think that kind of sucks because he is so young and does not deserve to be champ at mania yet but that is the situation. If they were to take the title off of him now, they would be taking all of their confidence right out of him. They have pulled the trigger, put all their cards into him, and gave him the belt. They have to run with it now and if he loses the title at ec then it will only hurt him. If he loses at ec i do not see him anywhere near the main event at mania but probably the mitb match as i do think they will still have that match. It was reported that qualifying matches for the mitb will take place monday on raw so i think they will still have it. So i look for sheamus to be champ at mania and that leaves who his oponent will be.

A lot of who his opponent is will depend on what they do with hhh. There is a possability that hhh wins the ec and sheamus faces him or vice versa. But all that depends on what they do between hhh and shawn. If hhh faces hbk then that leaves sheamus free and also taker free. I think that somehow it will be a triple threat at mania between hhh hbk, and taker with hbk geting involved in one or both chamber matches to set that match up. With hhh and taker out of the picture and jericho most likely being champ to face edge, that leaves only one guy left to face sheamus and that is Orton.

Now i know some of you had said they have already had that match but both matches ended in a dq so they have never really had a full fledged match with a clean finish and clear winner which is why they could still have that match at mania and go in that direction. It seems like that is what they have been building on these past few weeks on raw and depiciting randy almost like another stone cold character who is a bad ass that is not friends with anyone and making him face because of that. That would make it a face heel match. I know Orton has been somewhat busy with legacy but i think he will face sheamus leaving a singles match between ted and cody (not that interesting of a match)

So Sheamus as the champ vs. Randy Orton is my pick. I know hhh vs. sheamus has been speculated for a while now but i think hhh gets involved with hbk and taker somehow and they have a triple threat. I dont think hhh will be in the main event again this year. Orton is the only other option which would leave Ted and Cody in a singles match which they could do.

I don't agree with the bolded text, however the rest is very agreeable.

I really don't think that Age has anything to do a wrestler getting his shot to main event mania with the belt. Lesnar had been in the WM Main Event (the famous Shooting Star botch) and from the youngest age at the time for a champion/main eventer he was being pushed even harder than Sheamus. Granted, Lesnar had extreme fan backing because people were legitimately interested in him due to his size and athleticism.

Sheamus, on the other hand, is fully capable of putting on a good match, getting himself over on the mic, and basically doing anything that is required of him. Unfortunately, the way his character is being designed, as a sneaky conniving heel, people really don't like him. But let's just face it for one moment, people don't like him because he's sneaking his way through his run (some say it doesn't build his character properly), but I disagree, and tend to see it as people buying into his character more than they'd like to admit.

His lack of interest has nothing to do with his abilities (well, atleast not completely), it has more to do with how his character is being designed.

Who know, maybe if they do pull the trigger on Sheamus and trips at Wrestlemania he may actually be forced to put on a good match (kayfabe speaking) with Triple H. If Trips gets the title shot, and Michaels isn't somehow injected into EC or against Taker at WM, I believe there is the slight chance of a triple threat being Sheamus vs. HHH vs HBK.

This triple threat can work well in his character's favour, where he can basically sit most of the action out, then get completely destroyed by Michaels and Triple H near the end of the match so it will be nearly guaranteed a new champion would be crowned (which would put the entire audience on the edge of their seats and truly be a WM Moment). Just some food for thought.
Sheamus will be champion after EC. In fact, he'll be champion into Mania. And he'll face Orton.

Orton will almost win at EC, but lose out to Dibiase fucking something up. Orton will be outraged, and leave Legacy. Dibiase and Rhodes are fine with that, because Orton was just holding them back.

Orton keeps hold of the Number One Contendership, and faces Sheamus at Mania as a face. Orton would have it won, but Dibiase and Rhodes come in and get Sheamus the DQ victory by assaulting Orton. Orton then focuses full time on Legacy. Sheamus can move on to feud with Cena over the title, Kofi if they're feeling completely ballsy, or HHH/HBK if they want to kill that feud right after Mania.

Sheamus headlining WM shouldn't be anyone's concern. They have Cena/Batista, what looks like a Edge/Jericho, and hopefully HBK/HHH. When you add in MITB and Taker's streak match then you have a guaranteed seller. Sheamus wrestling Orton and hoping for the Orton buy is not going to effect the buys one bit. And it won't be complete shit, either.
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