If Punk Were To Turn Heel Again...?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Not sure if there is a Punk thread but if so feel free to move it there. Thanks:)

Now to the Q.
If Punk were to turn heel again would you rather see

The way he is now just as a heel.


The Leader of a new Straightedge Society

I know i would love to see a new Straightedge Society. I always felt that was one of the best heel characters in a long long time. Also i think anything Punk says now can be said by the Straightedge Punk.

What do you guys think?
Not another straight edge society and not what he is currently, he would need to do something new that we haven't seen before from him to be more interesting. S.E.S. was great but if they just re-did it, it wouldn't be great again.

Maybe a mixture of June 2011 Punk, S.E.S. Punk, who knows though.
Punk is an innovative wrestler when it comes to his kayfabe as well as in the ring. However, it still has its limits; When Punk's a face he'll play a very tolerant but outspoken dude who doesn't drink or smoke or get high but won't judge those that do, but as a heel he takes on the militant side of the straight edge subculture that made it infamous. That's not to say he can't be flexible within that range, but it'd be similar to SES Punk if he became heel.

But hopefully he won't turn heel. It's too soon.
If Punk goes heel it will be to work a program with Austin otherwise it would be pointless to do so. He moves way more merchandise as a face.
Hah,I was watching Money In The Bank a couple of days ago and I was actually thinking of a Punk heel turn.

I mean,when you watch the PPV,Vince took maybe one stab at trying to get Punk to re-sign with the company before giving up. What if Punk had actually signed with the company,and then conspired with Vince to keep it hush-hush. Then at the main event,Punk and Cena go at it for a while,then Vince and John Laurinaitis come out and walk towards the ring. Punk acts like he's distracted by Vince,then Cena gets up and they fight some more. Both men go down again,and then Laurinaitis knocks down the ref. Vince slides into the ring with a chair and goes face to face with Punk. He then hands the chair over to Punk,and then Punk goes to town on Cena with the chair,and then hits the GTS and the ref is dragged into position by Laurinaitis,who then counts to three.

Punk is revealed to have signed with Vince in secret,who's been sick of Cena's insistence to do the "right" thing regardless of whether it's good for business. Vince then gives Punk everything he wants e.g. His face on the merchandise,Punk getting his way in the company,etc. Punk starts a group consisting of his buddies and they run the show.

I know this has been done before,but still,it's Punk in a whole new light. The more I watch the MITB PPV,the more I feel that it would have been painfully easy to turn Punk heel and make Cena the underdog against the powers that be. Punk could become the biggest heel in the company overnight,and Cena could turn the fans who have been booing him into fans who want to see him beat Vince McMahon's ass.
First off what does Punk do that makes him a "face" now anyways? Because he is booked against the heels? He still goes out of his way to talk trash to the so called fan favorites such as John Cena and the Rock. Or even Triple H. He still will try and pull the "dirty" move when the ref has his back turned. He is a tweener. But if he was ever to go full heel again I would prefer he goes with the character he was when he was the leader of the NeXus. His character then was like an exact mixture of when he was with the S.E.S and who he has become now. The number one reason I would want this to be brought back is because it was a crime against Wade Barret in the first place. Barret had all the steam during this time and even had some wins against John Cena. And then WWE pulled the plug and put Punk in his place only to disband Nexus with no story line or anything to explain why. So I feel there is somewhat some unfinished business when it comes to that. But if you go the route of making Punk the anti hero against all that is good in the WWE you will only be gaining him more fans.
Dude. He's been a face for 9 months! Can we revisit this in like six years when it would make sense to turn him heel?

Punk is an innovative wrestler when it comes to his kayfabe as well as in the ring. However, it still has its limits; When Punk's a face he'll play a very tolerant but outspoken dude who doesn't drink or smoke or get high but won't judge those that do, but as a heel he takes on the militant side of the straight edge subculture that made it infamous. That's not to say he can't be flexible within that range, but it'd be similar to SES Punk if he became heel.

But hopefully he won't turn heel. It's too soon.

No. Those "limits" are imaginary. You're confusing what he has done with what he can do. In the past, he has been in that range. That does not mean he has to stay in that range. CM Punk is not required to make straight edge a big part of his character. Hell, just look at him now - when was the last time he even said the words "straight edge?" It's certainly not a part of his character, other than the fact that we don't see him drink or smoke or do drugs. And similarly, he doesn't have to do anything involving "straight edge" if he turns heel.

But you're right about it being too soon. And assuming he doesn't turn heel for five or six years, if ever, the SES Punk would be fresh again by then.
Hah,I was watching Money In The Bank a couple of days ago and I was actually thinking of a Punk heel turn.

I mean,when you watch the PPV,Vince took maybe one stab at trying to get Punk to re-sign with the company before giving up. What if Punk had actually signed with the company,and then conspired with Vince to keep it hush-hush. Then at the main event,Punk and Cena go at it for a while,then Vince and John Laurinaitis come out and walk towards the ring. Punk acts like he's distracted by Vince,then Cena gets up and they fight some more. Both men go down again,and then Laurinaitis knocks down the ref. Vince slides into the ring with a chair and goes face to face with Punk. He then hands the chair over to Punk,and then Punk goes to town on Cena with the chair,and then hits the GTS and the ref is dragged into position by Laurinaitis,who then counts to three.

Punk is revealed to have signed with Vince in secret,who's been sick of Cena's insistence to do the "right" thing regardless of whether it's good for business. Vince then gives Punk everything he wants e.g. His face on the merchandise,Punk getting his way in the company,etc. Punk starts a group consisting of his buddies and they run the show.

I know this has been done before,but still,it's Punk in a whole new light. The more I watch the MITB PPV,the more I feel that it would have been painfully easy to turn Punk heel and make Cena the underdog against the powers that be. Punk could become the biggest heel in the company overnight,and Cena could turn the fans who have been booing him into fans who want to see him beat Vince McMahon's ass.

It would have been very hard to turn that Chicago crowd against Punk and what's the point of a heel turn if the crowd continues to cheer the guy who's turning? Plus up until that day Punk was basically playing the heel it was only after MITB that the crowd began to really cheer him.

If Punk goes heel again, which I'm sure he will further down the road considering how long I expect him to be around and I imagine he enjoys being a heel more, I think he'll do something new. I'd like to see him go down the corporate guy angle. With him having claimed he was the voice of the voiceless it would be quite easy to have a young face who had never previously got the rub to confront Punk by saying he's become just like the people he said he hated. Punk can deny it for a while before going full heel and siding with the authority figure at the time (with the way WWEs gone recently it could be anyone from a celebrity to a computer) and claiming that he doesn't care about the voiceless but rather than the private jets etc.

However Punks good enough on the microphone to pull pretty much anything off.
Hah,I was watching Money In The Bank a couple of days ago and I was actually thinking of a Punk heel turn.

I mean,when you watch the PPV,Vince took maybe one stab at trying to get Punk to re-sign with the company before giving up. What if Punk had actually signed with the company,and then conspired with Vince to keep it hush-hush. Then at the main event,Punk and Cena go at it for a while,then Vince and John Laurinaitis come out and walk towards the ring. Punk acts like he's distracted by Vince,then Cena gets up and they fight some more. Both men go down again,and then Laurinaitis knocks down the ref. Vince slides into the ring with a chair and goes face to face with Punk. He then hands the chair over to Punk,and then Punk goes to town on Cena with the chair,and then hits the GTS and the ref is dragged into position by Laurinaitis,who then counts to three.

Punk is revealed to have signed with Vince in secret,who's been sick of Cena's insistence to do the "right" thing regardless of whether it's good for business. Vince then gives Punk everything he wants e.g. His face on the merchandise,Punk getting his way in the company,etc. Punk starts a group consisting of his buddies and they run the show.

I know this has been done before,but still,it's Punk in a whole new light. The more I watch the MITB PPV,the more I feel that it would have been painfully easy to turn Punk heel and make Cena the underdog against the powers that be. Punk could become the biggest heel in the company overnight,and Cena could turn the fans who have been booing him into fans who want to see him beat Vince McMahon's ass.

This is one of the most trash posts I have read in a very long time. Why is it that people on this site always complain, whine, and moan incessantly about WWE being stale, boring and unoriginal, yet say what they should do is re-hash stories from previous decades? That is the definition, of stale and unoriginal.......and if they actually did what you said then you would lambast them for it! The same goes for everybody saying SES Punk should come back......evolution does not work in reverse, people! Get over it!

That being said, what they should have done at MITB was have Punk father a hand! And if he were to turn now, he should join a group of two new guys that have been tearing up the roster.....the two guys could call themselves "Outsiders" or "The Outside" or something like that. That would be both original and epic!
If Punk goes heel again, now is the perfect time. Jericho has revealed the reason why CM Punk is Straight-Edge and essentually the reason why he was doing the S.E.S stint. From the first time he fought on ECW, he was a bright star with a promising legendary future but he always had a mystery. When he was rebelling against Kelly Kelly's affection until he eventually gave in to her charm. When he sort of went heel for the first time against the ECW Originals, then destroyed the New Breed within the group. The list goes on.

CM Punk has always gave off a feeling that he had a secret. It's like he always made the actions he made because of a bigger purpose than he always said. One moment, he was one of the most quiet wrestlers who would unleash a PipeBomb on people every once in a while, then, he turned into one of the guys who talks the most in the Biz.

There is so much to explain this turn.

For the actual turn, I would like to see him grow his hair long again with a beard like the he had in the S.E.S angle. He should attack heroic figures and attack villains if he needs to. He should create another stable but be the lone leader of a group the size of the Corporate Ministry. He should align himself with the Undertaker so he can perform dark rituals and try to take over the WWE. He should claim that he is everybody's "Savior of the World" and still the "Best in the World". He should say that he is God. He would still promote Straight Edge to the fullest and still have sarcasm. The Undertaker would basically be his manager and give him advice on things.

The villain he is will be a mixture of all the gimmick/personas he played mixed with the Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness character.

This turn would happen right after he defeats Jericho in his Wrestlemania match. He would brutally beat Jericho, slam him through the ring, and a big blast of fire would be in that hole. The fans would cheer CM Punk and he would then say "The fans are all a piece of shit!!!".

The chances of this happening is 0.5 to 1,000,000 but I think it could change the WWE's landscape.
no no no no no, if Punk was to stupidly be eturned heel now, Cena is back on top as the number on face on Raw. Nobody over the age of 12 wants this to happen. Punk has breathed fresh air into Raw. Why would anybody want a Punk turn so soon?

You want to turn somebodym, turn Cena. Everybody boos him now anyway, let him go off on his rap tangents, at least he is entertaining then. Cena as a main event heel on Raw and Orton heel and over to Smackdown would change things up for the better
Punk has blurred the line between Heel and Face. If he was to turn, the fans would still love him. If they love him, he could still be considered a Face. It is a never ending circle for Punk. Unless he just plain out turns and does something horrendous (Talking bad about Eddie, Murdering the Rock, Etc.) then Punk will be that Tweener.
first off, do NOT turn Punk heel, it's too soon, give it time and in fact, i want them to go all out face with Punk and have him (after WM if he retains), throw the current WWE Championship in the trash and have a new title to get more fans on his side (i know it wont happen, but it would get more fans to love him).

As for the kind of heel he should be when he does turn, i think it should be a mix. people thought it was dull when he was making fun of people when he was a heel, BUT i loved it! i thought his promo where he was throwing drugs and whisky in the trash was a classic Punk promo, the problem was Punk wasnt treated like a top star and i also found that to be an issue with the SES. it was a good storyline, but Punk wasnt made to be a top star, but anyways, i expect a mixture where he will use his pipebombs to trash the fans and also other face wrestlers. With all that said, dont do it anytime soon, it's too early, let Punk have a nice face run and then turn him.

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