Do you think we'll ever see another straightedge superstar in the WWE?

I dunno if we'll see another straight edge superstar, but probably. It's not really about getting a message out to the kids or teaching them anything, it's only a gimmick. Anyone under about 12 or 13 probably would have nothing to do with drugs anyway, and anyone older than that wouldn't be swayed by someone who is a fake wrestler.

Straightedge is just CM Punk's gimmick that he can use as either a face or a heel, it's rather quite useful. Given that it is a gimmick, we will probably eventually see it again. The WWE likes to re-hash gimmicks, especially if they are as successful as Punk's, so it will probably only be a matter of time before we see another straight edge.
If you are speaking of Straight-Edge lifestyle, easily yes. However, talking of the gimmick... I don't think we will be seeing one for a while. What CM Punk is doing right now is great. He knows how to play the role & everyone seems to be appreciating what he is doing on the SmackDown brand for the positive. He is one of the only superstars where us "general" fans & the IWC agree about the legitimacy of a wrestler. Having another Straight-Edge Superstar in the rankings will easily detract from the speciality of the character Punk currently has, even if it is years after Punk is gone from the company.
Straight Edge is not a bad thing. The preachiness of it is the bad thing. People hate being preached to by someone who thinks they are better than them, when no one in this crazy world is better than anyone else. Just look at all the politicians and religious leaders who preach family values and get caught having affairs and or molesting children. Now those are the extremes, but you get my point. The old saying is "He is without sin cast the first stone" Nobody has the right to tell you how to live your life. I am 30 and I enjoy and adult beverage every now and then. I enjoy a smoke of marijuana now and then. It does not run my life. I do like how Punk talks about prescription "legal" drugs are as bad as the illegal kind. You have to look at how people live in individual cases. Jeff is a screw up, but it seems that Matt has his head on straight. Both were raised in the same household. So what does that mean. The bottom line is this, straight edge is not the only way to live. If you want to send a true message to kids is, don't be afraid to screw up. No one is perfect. As long as you show up on time, try your hardest and don't let people tell you that you can't do or be what you want. That is the true message to kids.
World Of Warcraft has destroyed lives too. I am just kidding but seriously. How does the scenario of Punk being heel against Jeff Hardy defy logic? If it happens to be "beyond you" then I could understand but it certainly does not defy logic. Allow me to explain.

The fans love Jeff Hardy, which make them relate to him like he is their friend or they just flat out they love him being the underdog, the man has battled problems with drug addictions, house fires, and being beating up by his older brother. None the less they love him because he appears to be trying but he always ends up falling into the pitfalls of addiction.

He appeared to overcome those issues when he had two strikes and climbed the ranks to become champion.

Along comes Mr. Punk, who does not have any problems but instead of trying to help Jeff Hardy he brags about how he never touched drugs and pokes fun at Jeff Hardy's trials and tribulations. Thus inciting the boo's of the crowd.

Much the way that if you had an old friend or your father, whom you love, who was a recovering alcoholic and was doing really well but then he had a relapse and your straight edge buddies started ripping on him for being weak or assaulting him for his bad choices you would, i am guessing, feel sympathy for your father/friend and tell them to back off (equal to booing their actions).

The fans liked Punk but Jeff is their old "buddy" and they do not appreciate Punk's "better than you" campaign against Jeff Hardy.

The angle could play out the other way too. Punk approaches Jeff and offers him help and appears sincere and Jeff slaps the sh*t out of him, then Punk and Matt Hardy stage an intervention to save Jeff and he blows his top. The fans would relate to Punk's sincere approach to save Jeff Hardy, because they want to save Jeff too.

You can detect a hint of Punk's elite attitude in your own statement. "I'm straight edge as well due to seeing how drugs and alcohol can destroy lives first hand I've never even taken a sip of alcohol or taken any pills drugs etc."

By you defining yourself as "straight edge" we would know that you stay away from drugs (with the exception of caffiene possibly, but I do not know you) but you insist on mentioning that you never even took pills or sipped alcohol. Why is that necessary? That would equate me saying, "I like sweet tea, I drink sweet tea." But maybe it was to point out that there are many straightedgers who have made the choice after experiencing the troubles of drugs but you never even made it there. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

With that written may I ask this question? Have you ever eating food made with Pam Non-Stick Cooking Spray which contains alcohol, used a mouthwash that contains alcohol, what about sugar alcohols that appear under different names that are found in processed foods, gums, cookies, and candies? Just wondering.

It defies societal logic. That is what it does. In society, a whole hell of a lot of people see drugs as bad, so that if you don't do them, you aren't succumbing to the evil that they could potentially bring. So if this were society and not wrestling, Punk would be an upstanding citizen and Jeff would be outcast. That is the logic that it defies. But in the ring, obviously Jeff was possibly the biggest face, right up there with John Cena if not just a bit more popular, in the company. The fans would not boo Jeff just because Punk is telling the truth. People hate hearing the truth, which is why people hate Punk, because A) he is telling the truth and B) he was acting like he was superior to everyone in the crowd. Trust me I saw him live in Rockford, Illinois, his home state, and he got booed to hell. I think that says something.

Oh and the reason people started to boo Punk was because he fucked Jeff over, remember? He took his title using MITB. He didn't just come along, say "Jeff, you are a drug addict and I want your title." He fucking took it by beating an already battered Jeff Hardy. It was the perfect opportunity for Punk to be heel, use MITB to take the title from the known drug user who is the crowd favorite, and then preaching about his lifestyle as better than us. There is no one better to have used for Punk to turn heel that is currently in the business, and I dare you to find someone as popular to get Punk so hated.

Now I am not Straight Edge, won't claim to be either, I have drank before, but I don't find anything huge about doing drugs or drinking alcohol. It just doesn't appeal to me that often, so when it does, I'll have a cold one or two or three. I don't care if my friends do it. I care about them, and wouldn't let them do anything that would harm them. But hey, some of my friends are users, can't stop them if they are old enough to make their own decisions.

Now onto the topic at hand, I apologize for getting sidetracked.

Will there be another sXe superstar in WWE? I realize that it has gotten bigger over the years, but honestly, I don't know who all can do it like Punk can. For people in real life that aren't wrestlers, I don't mean you. I mean I don't know other wrestlers who would be able to do it like Punk has. You are constantly on the road, you are aching to death from all of the bumps you take, I'm thinking that you may pop a couple vicodin or something to ease the pain. But in this crazy world, there could be a few other wrestlers who lead the sXe lifestyle.

Will it be used as a future gimmick? Highly doubtful, because if it is, people may look back and say, Punk was so much better and all that jazz. It would take away some of the luster that Punk has, I mean the first ever sXe World Heavyweight Champion, that is something in itself. But who wants to be the second ever sXe World Heavyweight Champion? The gimmick itself would probably suck with someone else because the wrestler trying to do it would try to emulate Punk, instead of just letting it flow freely.
People who are straightedge, usually don't make a point of going out of their way to show off said fact. Someone who is truly straightedge keeps it only as a lifestyle choice and not a ranking among people, which is what alot of you are doing. Keeping yourself from life experience isn't something I recommend, nor do I respect it. You're shying away from parts of life because of things you've heard. Drugs and alcohol don't ruin lives, it's the people taking them. They allow it to happen to themselves. So by avoiding it, in reality you're just as bad as the alcoholics and druggies worldwide. Btw, notice how I made no reference to whether or not I do anything. Crazy, no? End post.
People who are straightedge, usually don't make a point of going out of their way to show off said fact. Someone who is truly straightedge keeps it only as a lifestyle choice and not a ranking among people, which is what alot of you are doing. Keeping yourself from life experience isn't something I recommend, nor do I respect it. You're shying away from parts of life because of things you've heard. Drugs and alcohol don't ruin lives, it's the people taking them. They allow it to happen to themselves. So by avoiding it, in reality you're just as bad as the alcoholics and druggies worldwide. Btw, notice how I made no reference to whether or not I do anything. Crazy, no? End post.

This really adds nothing to the actual topic at hand. I'm not trying to play mod or anything, just pointing it out.

People are saying it because they are getting to the point of Punk's gimmick, and how it is playing out, in regards to in the WWE and in reality. We don't really care who is sXe or not, we are just pointing it out, and for those that are completely committed to it, more power to them. They aren't saying that they are better than us, they are just leading their own path. They aren't spouting how we succumb to our vices, such as promiscuous sex, drinking, smoking, popping pills, etc, like Punk does. For you to say that you don't respect people because they don't drink or smoke or do drugs, then that is just an asshole move. It is easy to pop open a bottle of Jack or down some pills when the going gets tough, or when you are in pain, but for those that don't, I respect that. People don't want to become dependent on a substance, which is why they abstain from it. Like you said, it is the people taking the substance. If they become an asshole due to drinking or doing drugs or something, they could lose everything, further burrowing them into a state of drug or alcohol abuse.

So again, as I shall reiterate what I posted only an hour and a half ago, I heavily doubt that there will be another sXe gimmick, at least while Punk is still at the high level that he is. If there is, I could maybe see something where the new guy is a face and trying to make Punk look bad, or Punk making the new guy accentuate and flaunt his sXe lifestyle. But even typing that it sounds improbable and a little dumb. :shrug: Oh well. I say only use Punk for the sXe gimmick, at least for a good long while, until long after Punk retires. It just doesn't seem like anyone else could garner what Punk has done not only in the WWE, but also in the Indys.

But I also reiterate that it is possible that a wrestler or wrestlers, could potentially be sXe behind the scenes, especially with the growth of the movement over the years. They would definitely be regarded as hard workers that care about the business, and won't fail a substance test. So for any owner having a sXe superstar is a win, and Vince should be glad he picked up Punk, because right now, he is one of the top heels in the company, and is gaining heat each and every week for his sXe speeches.
wat many of u dont realize is that SXE is lifestyle not something to brag about. if u smoke u smoke, u drink u drink. another thing some u dont realize is that SXE abstains from sex for the most part cuz they know it doesnt mean anything if u randomly hook up with some ****. any kind of drug, promiscuous sex, alcohol prohibits u from being SXE
I am sure there will be another straightedge superstar but don't think they would have the same gimmick since it would just come out as unoriginal. Something more interesting though is if CM Punk can maintain this straightedge lifestyle after years of abuse the wrestling business puts on his body and not becoming hooked on painkillers.

I find it funny how people claim a straightedge lifestyles for health reasons and yet think drinking soda is healthier than drinking a beer. They feel like they are doing something for their health and yet put so much processed and garbage food in their bodies. Being a vegetarian is going to do a lot more for your health than being straightedge. The way some posts are making drinking sound like one sip and you are hooked is laughable. I guess I should never take Robitussin because I could get hooked on that as well.
CH David, I mean not to attack you, however you took what I said personally. So, here we go. Popping pills? Pain pills are a way for your body to deal with pain it isn't meant to deal with. For you to allow your body to deal with such pain on it's own is subjecting it and your brain to stress that is undue. Especially the extra stress that comes with tormenting your body wrestling. The human body isn't meant to deal with that. Punk has been really lucky and injury free for the start of his WWE career, however the extra stress he's putting on his body will (more than likely, i'm no psychic) cause his body to break down alot faster than someone who has no problem popping a pill. Painkillers are actually amazing. Especially if they're used in MODERATION. If you use things the way they are supposed to be used, they help. That's why they're there. To do drugs doesn't mean you're breaking the law. Drinking actually lowers blood pressure and as long as you're not a hardcore alcoholic, it actually can keep your heart healthy. My dad, before he passed, had a horrible heart and drinking actually kept his blood thin and allowed his heart to work better.

Calling me an asshole for my opinion means absolutely nothing. Your opinion is that my opinion is an asshole move? Really? I actually laughed at that, and I'm not trying to put you down, but I speak from experience. Not "I like CM Punk so I'm straightedge and hXc and listen to hXc music." I usually just read these forums for the fun of it, but this thread actually bothered me. Me not respecting someone for doing something doesn't mean anything. I don't respect people that go to war either, but not because they're not courageous and strong. It's because I don't believe in war as a way of peace. That doesn't mean the world is going to stop or the war is going to stop.
CH David, I mean not to attack you, however you took what I said personally. So, here we go. Popping pills? Pain pills are a way for your body to deal with pain it isn't meant to deal with. For you to allow your body to deal with such pain on it's own is subjecting it and your brain to stress that is undue. Especially the extra stress that comes with tormenting your body wrestling. The human body isn't meant to deal with that. Punk has been really lucky and injury free for the start of his WWE career, however the extra stress he's putting on his body will (more than likely, i'm no psychic) cause his body to break down alot faster than someone who has no problem popping a pill. Painkillers are actually amazing. Especially if they're used in MODERATION. If you use things the way they are supposed to be used, they help. That's why they're there. To do drugs doesn't mean you're breaking the law. Drinking actually lowers blood pressure and as long as you're not a hardcore alcoholic, it actually can keep your heart healthy. My dad, before he passed, had a horrible heart and drinking actually kept his blood thin and allowed his heart to work better.

Like you say in your next paragraph, I laughed because you actually think I took it personally. I don't take things personally from new posters. I addressed your last post because it had nothing to do with the actual thread topic, you just decided to put people down for living the sXe lifestyle. This is a bit of a step-up, not much as I haven't read about any future sXe superstar possibilities, but you have at least mentioned CM Punk in this post.

Yes, Punk is lucky to not have sustained any serious injuries in his 10+ years of professional wrestling, remember he didn't start out in WWE. And no shit pain killers are amazing, like you say, when used in moderation. Everything is good in moderation. Moderate drinking can help the heart, but long-term heavy drinking does the opposite. And people don't use things in moderation all the time, and end up screwing themselves over. Which is the point.

But what about doing illegal drugs? You forget about those? People don't want to take substances that alter their state of being, hence Straight Edge. I guess that is a hard concept for you to comprehend.

Calling me an asshole for my opinion means absolutely nothing. Your opinion is that my opinion is an asshole move? Really? I actually laughed at that, and I'm not trying to put you down, but I speak from experience. Not "I like CM Punk so I'm straightedge and hXc and listen to hXc music." I usually just read these forums for the fun of it, but this thread actually bothered me. Me not respecting someone for doing something doesn't mean anything. I don't respect people that go to war either, but not because they're not courageous and strong. It's because I don't believe in war as a way of peace. That doesn't mean the world is going to stop or the war is going to stop.

Well just so you know, I didn't call you an asshole per se, I just said for you to say you don't respect it, is an asshole move. I respect drug users, I respect people with addictions, and I respect people who don't succumb to vices such as alcohol, drugs, pills, promiscuous sex, etc. Is your dads heart condition your experience? My grandpa had a horrible heart too, but he didn't after he had his triple or quadruple bipass, I don't recall what it was, and he lived another 15 years. So there is my experience. You shouldn't not respect people because of what they do, you should only do it because of the reasons they do it or such as the case for the war, that they have to do it. My brother is one of the soldiers that have been over to the Middle East, I respect all the troops that go over there, even though I don't support the war. Hell one of our most respected posters on here is over there right now, so take that how you will.

I love Punk, doesn't mean I'm sXe, I even already said I don't claim to be. I took Vicodin after I had an operation, I have drank before. Doesn't mean anything. If people choose to be sXe, why do you have to put them down by saying they are fucking their bodies over? Who are you to say that doing drugs and drinking is the way to go, and being sXe is for losers?
I know this may have already been mentioned in this discussion, but i dont remember if it was the Raw Anniversary show or what, but there was a big celebration as raw was going off the air and Stone Cold was tossing Beers to wrestlers in the ring, and if anyone else noticed CM Punk was drinking a beer in the ring, not so straightedge in my opinion.

As far as the gimmick goes, i love the way CM Punk has handled the whole heel turn and it brings out the StraightEdge so much more than it did when he was face. The whole Jeff Hardy feud was great due to Punk calling out Hardy about the drugs.

I do agree with someone earlier who stated that Hulk Hogan was the original straight edge star back in the 80's. Telling kids to say their prayers and take their vitamins, but Punks character is totally different than that.

I dont believe we will see another superstar that is straightedge for a while, unless they develop a stable around CM punk at some point in his career.
Another person who would fit the straight edge gimmick would be Brian Danielson. He looks straight edge and has normal body that doesnt look like its pumped on steroids and anabolic pills.
I know this may have already been mentioned in this discussion, but i dont remember if it was the Raw Anniversary show or what, but there was a big celebration as raw was going off the air and Stone Cold was tossing Beers to wrestlers in the ring, and if anyone else noticed CM Punk was drinking a beer in the ring, not so straightedge in my opinion.

After that happened everyone was freaking out that CM Punk was drinking a beer on live TV, and someone went back and took a closer look and realized he was drinking a diet pepsi, or it may have been a regular pepsi, don't know, but I prefer diet so lets go with that.

CH David. Don't take things personally from new posters, eh? And? I'm just as much of a person as any "experienced" poster on this forum, however, I digress. People can do whatever they want. I never claimed to be, or not to be straightedge. I've drank, smoked, and taken pain pills. Of all that stuff, I only drink now, however I've atleast given myself the experiences atleast. Did I ever say doing anything over-the-top was alright? Did I ever say "Hey, go get hooked on meth and have a great time". No, I didn't. I feel sorry for people who have real addictions. It's one of the hardest things in life to ever go through. I couldn't imagine relying on ONE thing in life to make me happy. And I don't. I've tried all that stuff, and none of it compares to life, as is. That doesn't mean I regret or shouldn't have done said things. I never said drinking and doing drugs is the way to go. Listen, the WHOLE point of what I said was that you shouldn't block yourself out from life experience. I'm not telling people to go get hammered and pound coke.

And I'm aware Punk was around before he was in WWE. I'm a new poster, but I'm not new to wrestling.
I don't think Triple H drinks or does drugs, obviously he's more than likely done steroids.. does that disqualify him? Are steroids considered drugs like alcohol or cocaine is?

Every wrestler at some point has done steroids, I would think. And I can't blame them, since the human body really isn't designed for that kind of punishment, and it's human nature to do whatever you possibly can to heal your body as fast as possible.

And Trips is a teetotaller, last I read. (Teetotalling is the complete opposite of alcoholism. No drinking. Ever. Last I heard, anyway, Trips didn't even like being around the stuff. But this was five or so years ago, so who knows.)
What about Hogan lol, the original Straight-Edged superstar, well his character was, until we find out through that whole period he was taking steroids in large amounts

and during that 80's-90's period WWF characters were all spouting say no to drugs, alcohol and smokes and yet most of them probably still did it, atleast the drinking part.

Just cause CM Punk sais he's "straight edged" don't mean he is, it's a character, who's to say he isn't the biggest partyer of all

The heel aspect is not that he is a bad guy IMO it's that he was going against Jeff Hardy so someone had to play the heel role, and his views don't agree with those of the general populace, so like sheep fan support made him a heel

and just like alot of religious nuts, he's playing on that by telling everyone they are evil cause they don't follow his same lifestyle/beliefs.

The same thing could be said for when Rock turned face the first time, he was a mega heel but people went along with him so much they had no choice but to make him face, and then when he battled Hogan he got so many boos they went with it and turned him heel again.

Personally i don't mind the Heel Punk character or his ability in general, atleast it's logical and he plays it well.

Jeff hardy dug his own grave, now he has to fix it himself.

I wouldn't blame any of them for needing pain medication of some sort considering what they put there bodies through on a weekly basis. But anything else is just plain dumb and they would have noone to blame but themselves
I think the "straight edge" stuff is just a character thing. With all the strain, pain and injuries wrestlers suffer do you really think you could do it all without taking anything such as pain killers
The Straight Edge life of CM Punk...

I will be the 1st to tell you I can not stand CM Punk... I don't dislike the guy, but I think he looks like an unbathed, greasy headed little brat...

I couldn't stand him as a face and everytime he was pushed I would bitch because I felt there were so money others who were better or more entertaining... Christian, R-Truth, Evan Borne, Dolph Ziegler, The Hart Dynasty, Ted DiBiase...

But I will admit I like Punk as a heel, preaching about how he is so perfect and how we are all addicts to something...

Punk is still no where near my favorite, but he is now alot more entertaining as a heel than he was as a face... So all I can say is Punk keep putting me down for my vices, at least now you entertain me...

And for the record... I am 36 yrs old, seldom drink, don't smoke, and don't do any kind of drugs prescription or illegal...

I am not straight edge cause I do enjoy a beer, but hey to each is there own...
CH David. Don't take things personally from new posters, eh? And? I'm just as much of a person as any "experienced" poster on this forum, however, I digress. People can do whatever they want. I never claimed to be, or not to be straightedge. I've drank, smoked, and taken pain pills. Of all that stuff, I only drink now, however I've atleast given myself the experiences atleast. Did I ever say doing anything over-the-top was alright? Did I ever say "Hey, go get hooked on meth and have a great time". No, I didn't. I feel sorry for people who have real addictions. It's one of the hardest things in life to ever go through. I couldn't imagine relying on ONE thing in life to make me happy. And I don't. I've tried all that stuff, and none of it compares to life, as is. That doesn't mean I regret or shouldn't have done said things. I never said drinking and doing drugs is the way to go. Listen, the WHOLE point of what I said was that you shouldn't block yourself out from life experience. I'm not telling people to go get hammered and pound coke.

But what you fail to realize, you don't have the respect of experienced posters. But I digress as well. I'm done with you for the simple fact that you have literally added nothing to the thread about possible future Straight Edge superstars in the WWE. Another reason why I don't take anything personally from someone like you. You talk about people who are Straight Edge, and not about the actual topic at hand. At least contribute to the topic and I may listen to you.

People don't want to drink or do drugs, they choose not to do it. I don't see how taking a substance that can possibly alter your state of mind is blocking from life experience. Sure it is blocking the ability to let loose once in a while and throw your inhibitions to the wind. But I can act like a moron without alcohol or drugs, and not have the affects of a hangover, so it is a win-win for me. I'm not saying getting drunk is bad, I'll gladly get bombed when I am 21. If people find joy in life by not drinking and doing drugs, then don't think they are missing out on life. Maybe they are enjoying their life the way they want to live it, just like you are with your alcohol.
Colt Cabana is straight edge... I forgot what he went by in WWE. I think it was Scotty Goldman? But anyways, they never acknowledged that he was straight edge... but he was indeed, straight edge. Punk and Cobana shared the same gimmick in the indies.
I think the whole "straightedge" aspect of CM Punk wasn't anything until WWE acknowledged that people were taking notice of it. Just a part of his charecter and has turned into his entire gimmick. I don't think it will work a second time, only because, love him or loathe him, CM Punk is a different kind of wrestler and I don't think just anyone can come to accept another like him. He's out of the ordinary, scruffy, random long hair, lip ring. It's just not what we usually see in a (WWE) wrestler.

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