If HBK was to come out of retirement for 1 match?

These are the options that come to mind straight away:
1: Michaels V Bryan (Master V student with Bryan getting the win).
2: Michaels V Rock (I started watching WWE in 2000 and have never seen these 2 face each other).
3: Michaels V Sting (2 icons going head to head).
Since everyone has already mentioned Bryan, who I'd love to see HBK wrestle since, as has been said, the story writes itself and the match would be phenomenal. However, in the interest of pushing the discussion further, I'd love to see WWE push the hell out of Dolph Ziggler. If you're pro-Ziggler, you know why. In the context of his push, I'd love to see WWE ramp up the HBK comparisons, maybe even bringing in HBK to guest-manage or full-time manage because of the comparisons. After a couple of months, BOOM!, superkick. Jealousy. You're not as good as me. Match at Wrestlemania "writes itself."
Since this is all fantasy I'd like to step outside of the Universe and toss AJ Styles into the mix. He is an amazing talent who's legacy would greatly benefit from a blockbuster opponent like HBK. The match itself would be one helluva a showdown. Book it for the New Japan/GFW show from the Dome in January.

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