If HBK was to come out of retirement for 1 match?


HBK and Dean Ambrose Fan
Who should he face? I know he will probably never have 1 more match, but if he ever would. Who do you think it should be against?
For me personally I'd have to say either HBK vs. Sting or HBK vs. Rock. This match sells itself. wwe Icon vs wcw icon for HBK vs. sting and HBK vs. Rock can simply be based of who is the greatest of all time.
Again, I'm sick to death of all the nostalgia dream match proposals between guys who have nothing to gain or lose or anything with the matches. Nostalgia is all well and good, I like nostalgia as much as anybody, but I'd rather see Shawn Michaels have "one more match" against someone that's the here & now or the future of the company.

Guys like Ziggler, Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, NXT talent like Neville or Zayn could potentially have great matches against HBK, provided he's still got the juice and is medically fit to compete without embarrassing himself. As I said, against guys like that, a "one more match" with HBK where put them over would be a huge feather in their caps. I'm not saying all of those wrestlers listed or even some I may have left out, would be the best use of Michaels, but you get my overall meaning. Due to Michaels' involvement in the Orton vs. Bryan feud, it looked as though a match between them may have gone down for WrestleMania XXX. Allegedly, dunno if it's true, there were reports that WWE officials were interested in the match as well, but ultimately decided to leave it up to HBK with the notion of it being the teacher vs. student deal.
I won't say Sting, because that would depend on Sting coming out of retirement as well. He intends to work with The Undertaker (which he secretly did at WCW live events in 1990), then call it a day.

Punk would be nice, but it's Bryan by a mile. Michaels dominates the student, who comes back to best his master in the end. A great story.
I'm with Hammer on this. I would love to see a Shawn Michaels/Daniel Bryan match but I don't see Shawn ever coming out of retirement. His career ended in nearly the perfect way and Michaels is somebody who sticks to his guns. However, if he were to ever contemplate having one more match, like I said, I think he and Daniel Bryan can put on an instant classic given 30-35 minutes at Mania. Multiple storylines here. Teacher vs Student, Michaels superkicking Daniel Bryan, Bryan never really getting his "revenge", etc. I think this is a feud that would be remembered similarly to the Jericho-Michaels feud, and we all know how that turned out.

Plus I would love to see Shawn Michaels work an angle as a heel one last time. Putting him against the ultimate babyface would work beautifully. I would have a huge "Welcome Back" party for Daniel Bryan on his return and Shawn would come out as a surprise to a huge pop. Have him hug Bryan, shake hands, etc and than out of nowhere Superkick him. I'd have the reason be similar to why HHH screwed Michaels all those years back. Michaels can say that, Bryan can't wrestle anymore and if he won't listen to his wife and doctors, than Michaels will just have to prove it to him in a match at Mania. Except unlike HHH, Michaels, in his own twisted mind would actually think he was helping Bryan.
Again, I'm sick to death of all the nostalgia dream match proposals between guys who have nothing to gain or lose or anything with the matches. Nostalgia is all well and good, I like nostalgia as much as anybody, but I'd rather see Shawn Michaels have "one more match" against someone that's the here & now or the future of the company.

Guys like Ziggler, Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, NXT talent like Neville or Zayn could potentially have great matches against HBK, provided he's still got the juice and is medically fit to compete without embarrassing himself. As I said, against guys like that, a "one more match" with HBK where put them over would be a huge feather in their caps. I'm not saying all of those wrestlers listed or even some I may have left out, would be the best use of Michaels, but you get my overall meaning. Due to Michaels' involvement in the Orton vs. Bryan feud, it looked as though a match between them may have gone down for WrestleMania XXX. Allegedly, dunno if it's true, there were reports that WWE officials were interested in the match as well, but ultimately decided to leave it up to HBK with the notion of it being the teacher vs. student deal.
Bray and Reigns would be a waste because they would bring down the match quality and the rest of those guys, with the exception of DB, shouldn't even be allowed in the same ring as hbk. They have a long way to go before they are on that level. Personally I'd say HHH or stay retired and only if its hhh last match.
If Shawn Michaels were to wrestle one more match, I would have to go with…

New World Order vs. D-Generation X with 1-2-3-6-X-Pac as the special guest referee
Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs. Shawn Michaels and Triple H

The thing is, if you have HBK wrestle anyone else, in a one on one match, you would have to have a rematch and subsequent rubber match, and I just don’t see that happening. The best one shot deal here is a Kliq vs. Clique match. I could even see both Nash and Michaels lying down at the same time, recreating the finger pokes of doom (Hogan pinning Nash for the WCW Belt / Triple H pinning Shawn for the European Belt), and then recreating the MSG Incident, where they have big group hug at the end. It’ll be one of those nostalgic, non-competitive matches with lots of “you still got it” chants. More importantly, we will finally see the NWO vs. DX match!! I’d like to add a lot of run ins, but that might be asking for too much.
Mmm, my first thought would be Rollins, but despite the fact that they'd put a hell of a show in-ring, I'm afraid that mic-wise he wouldn't be able to keep up with HBK yet.

The same thing could be said about Sami Zayn, altought there HBK could be playing the heel, limiting the mic work actually needed from Zayn.

Bray Wyatt would be quite cool personally.
I would love too see hbk vs rock one more time. I love dream matches. I honestly don't want hbk to face any young guys because it wouldnt be appealing or they arent at the level.

Jack hammar no reason to be a dick about it. ijs:banghead:
Just a thread
The answer is Daniel Bryan. If you get a guy like The Rock or Sting to show up and have a feud and a match then there are better options for them to wrestle (I.e. don't blow your wad on one feud when you can get multiple feuds). If you get Shawn Michaels to return you put him up against someone that can benefit from it, not simply just draw for one night. Bryan doesn't easily have great feuds, he easily has good matches, but not necessarily good feuds. Michaels would give him a good feud. You have Michaels training Bryan history, you have his double cross and you have his friendship with HHH. You can add the story of Bryan being able to pull Michaels out of retirement or getting UT's blessing. The story works. Go as far as having Bryan win the Rumble, forgoing his WM title shot (been there, done that) and choosing/demanding a match with a retired Michaels. The Authority would love to get Bryan out of the title match. The Authority would love to have Michaels compete again. Michaels would get pressure from not just Bryan but also HHH. It is a story that can play out over weeks and would keep me glued to Raw.

Also I don't know if Michaels and The Rock would have a great match, I doubt Michaels and Sting could have a great match, I guarantee Michaels and Bryan will put in a great match.
What are you talking about, Bryan not getting his revenge? Anyone remember RAW when he put HBK in the Yes Lock? I would love to see that match, anyway. How about Undertaker vs. HBK 3? Rock got a third match against Austin, despite losing to him twice. HHH got a third match against 'Taker, after losing to him twice. Why not HBK? He could say something along the lines of "I know I said I'd stay retired, but I want the chance to prove I can beat you. This is the one thing I haven't done, beat you at WrestleMania. You don't have the streak any more, but I don't care. I just want to beat you on the biggest stage of them all." Something like that, anyway.
The answer is Daniel Bryan. If you get a guy like The Rock or Sting to show up and have a feud and a match then there are better options for them to wrestle (I.e. don't blow your wad on one feud when you can get multiple feuds). If you get Shawn Michaels to return you put him up against someone that can benefit from it, not simply just draw for one night. Bryan doesn't easily have great feuds, he easily has good matches, but not necessarily good feuds. Michaels would give him a good feud. You have Michaels training Bryan history, you have his double cross and you have his friendship with HHH. You can add the story of Bryan being able to pull Michaels out of retirement or getting UT's blessing. The story works. Go as far as having Bryan win the Rumble, forgoing his WM title shot (been there, done that) and choosing/demanding a match with a retired Michaels. The Authority would love to get Bryan out of the title match. The Authority would love to have Michaels compete again. Michaels would get pressure from not just Bryan but also HHH. It is a story that can play out over weeks and would keep me glued to Raw.

Also I don't know if Michaels and The Rock would have a great match, I doubt Michaels and Sting could have a great match, I guarantee Michaels and Bryan will put in a great match.

Rock vs shawn could be a great match if it was given time and effort. Sting vs shawn could be just as good like shawn vs bryan.
I wanna see either shawn vs rock or shawn vs ricky steamboat
I'm not a fan of hbk, but with the right opponent he can deliver the best match you Will ever see. He won't come back because he probably won't be able to top his 2 taker matches that are very memorable, maybe best ever. If he did come back it would have to be sooner rather then later and with someone that can carry him. I would say it would have to be cm punk.
They already have a large enough roster that isn't getting enough TV time and how many months have Sami Zayn,Tyler Breeze, Neville been doing dark matches? Develop new guys. I wouldn't want to watch another Shawn Michaels match at this point in his life and I doubt he would either. I watched Legends House episode with him on it and he was pretty mellowed out. We all know he's into his hunting and fishing... he's at Austin's point in his career. Let the new guys that can go go.
If The Rock could get back in wrestling shape, I would pick him. It was one of the matches that could have happened during the Attitude Era that never happened that I thought would have happened by now, especially since they were both in the WWE from 2002-2004
It would be awesome for Sting or Rock. Hell, remember when he Super kicked CM Punk last year, and Punk got all pissed at him. That would have been an awesome match.

But I'm with the posters up before. HBK vs. Daniel Bryan is a dream match for me. The in ring technicality would be amazing. You wouldn't need much more of a story outside of that. But since it's teacher and student, and including Shawn Super Kicking Bryan inside Hell in a Cell, the story would be there too. I think that'd make some awesome TV. Not to mention Shawn actually got boo's. Shawn Michaels, the Hall of Famer, who hadn't been boo'd since he made fun of Montreal in 2005, went heel and actually got heat because he screwed Daniel Bryan. Just think how awesome it would be not to see a full heel HBK, but to have him heel out on Bryan, just by kicking him and saying, "I made you kid." Cause let's be honest, Shawn's character is so much better when he acts like a heel.

Also, a bit of a wild card, but if Shawn were to have one more match, it could be Triple H's retirement match. Because if there's anyone more appropriate for Triple H's last match, I haven't heard of them. But I'd rather see HBK face the Yes Movement.
I honestly don't want Shawn Michaels to return for 'one more match' simply for the fact that the way he exited was so perfect. He lost to the Undertaker fair and square in a streak vs career match and the way that match told the story was just perfect. Now, for the sake of the fantasy aspect of this thread, who would I want to see Shawn Michaels face if he came out of retirement for one last shine? Daniel Bryan. The history is there with Daniel Bryan being referred to as a student of Shawn Michaels. The short-term skirmish was there as we remember it with Daniel Bryan locking HBK in the YES! Lock. And the two of them are just top level wrestlers. There is a lot of potential for the match to attain classic status as well since Shawn Michaels is the type of special star that can make gold out of any match. It's just one of those fantasy match-ups I wish happened earlier. Had Daniel Bryan entered the WWE a year prior, it would have been possible.
Again, I'm sick to death of all the nostalgia dream match proposals between guys who have nothing to gain or lose or anything with the matches. Nostalgia is all well and good, I like nostalgia as much as anybody, but I'd rather see Shawn Michaels have "one more match" against someone that's the here & now or the future of the company.

Guys like Ziggler, Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, NXT talent like Neville or Zayn could potentially have great matches against HBK, provided he's still got the juice and is medically fit to compete without embarrassing himself. As I said, against guys like that, a "one more match" with HBK where put them over would be a huge feather in their caps. I'm not saying all of those wrestlers listed or even some I may have left out, would be the best use of Michaels, but you get my overall meaning. Due to Michaels' involvement in the Orton vs. Bryan feud, it looked as though a match between them may have gone down for WrestleMania XXX. Allegedly, dunno if it's true, there were reports that WWE officials were interested in the match as well, but ultimately decided to leave it up to HBK with the notion of it being the teacher vs. student deal.

I have to agree with Jack Hammer. Why can't we concentrate on the guys on the roster already? We have enough talent that can put people over Orton, Cena, HHH. Plus you have Batista possibly coming back for another run.

Daniel Bryan and Ambrose don't need HBK, they are already over it would be a waste. If Ambrose can't get Wyatt over, then maybe I could see using HBK as the last resort, because God knows others have tried and failed.

I like HBK, but he's already said he's retired and won't wrestle again and I think he should stay true to his word.
But sometimes it is nice just to have a good match without worrying about anyone going over. In an industry where losing is part of it, they have written themselves into a corner now where a single loss can stop someones career dead. Which is silly because of the nature of wrestling being a competition with 2 people and one is going to win and one is going to lose. Things are so silly now that someone can't lose without people calling buried.
My choice would be Sting as the two are a similar age and was at the peak of their careers in different companies at similar times, I would love to see HBK back for one more match so seeing him against anyone would be awesome preferebly a big name he's never wrestled before even guys like Rock, Brock, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro off the top of my head I would watch any HBK return match. I know this match is way past its sell by date and too late now but I always wanted a rematch with Bret Hart, Its been 17 years after their last match and people are still talking about it they could have made a lot of money from it.
I do like the idea of HBK VS Daniel Bryan. The story does write itself. When I saw HBK superkick DB, I thought that would lead to something big rather than a yes lock later in October and a running knee at the slammys 2013. They could have even did a match up with daniel bryan vs hbk, but weeks leading into the match HBK can pull out and put a replacement in, and then at the ppv he can super kick DB again to ensure he wins. Overall, though I enjoyed the brief stint last year HBK had with Daniel Bryan. I enjoy having him on tv even if it is not in a match. If the WWE can get Hogan on, then can let HBK do some promos.
The hands down pick for me is Daniel Bryan. The story writes itself, and the match would be a classic.

I'd personally have Shawn Michaels have a special appearance on Raw for some guest host kinda pointless reason. On the show he could bury the hatchet early with Bryan for costing him the title all that time ago, and tell him that he was wrong and that he is an "A Plus" player. Then later in the show have Bryan be out number by some body, like the Authority for example. Michaels comes out to save him, but instead, and I think you know where i'm going, Kicks his head with some sweet chin music. This leads to a WrestleMania match of Student vs Master. Shawn Michaels can be the heel who is sick and tired of hearing people saying that Daniel Bryan is the greatest in the ring today, and is as good as Shawn Michaels. Michaels "ego, and jealousy" could be his motive to show that Daniel Bryan is just a "B Plus" guy, and will never be "The Showstopper"!!!

I got a little carried away with the fantasy booking there, sorry haha. But yea as I said Daniel Bryan is my choice.
The Rock would be an awesome build and match.

I would more like to see The Rockers come out and capture the gold. The rope breaking incident blows

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