if cena turns heel, a heel should turn face


Suck It!!!!
ok ok ok first off i know there is a cena heel speculation thread but i dont think it belongs there but if it does please move it there.

now people have been praying cena turns heel its possible and he despretly needs a gimmick change anyway if he does turn heel we'll need a new face.
lets take a look at the faces without cena:
evan bourne
john morrison
mark henry
randy orton

now lets take a look at the heels (with cena):
chris jerico
ted dibiase
the miz

now look at the faces is it just me or do they lack star power the only "mega-stars" are orton and hhh (injured)

the heel "mega-stars" are jerico, edge, cena, possibly nexus and sheamus, since nexus are the biggest ting right now and sheamus is wwe champ.

now obviously people have their oppinon and will dissagree on some of the names i call mega-stars but thats ok!

now if you could change any of those heel "mega-stars" to a face who would it be?
i would have to go with jerico because i really like his y2j and jerico is raw stuff and his heel act is gettin boring imo becuase for the last 2years he just comes down to the ramp says we're parrasites and he's the best in the world blah blah blah, plus he's been getting a good reaction lately so it wont be hard!
i was going to say jericho to before i saw you said him as well. we sort of saw a little bit of it last night. his conversation with bret hart wasn't really "heelish", more like "i'm out for myself and don't want to get beat up."

then what did we see? jericho getting beat up. i would love it if they did turn him face and went back to the long hair/beard jericho.

i think edge makes a much better heal, even though he was in the same predicament.

i wish people would stop saying cena can't turn heel because of money. it's not like fans "only" buy cena's merchandise.
Cena's gonna turn on Hitman at Summerslam and join NXT. If not Summerslam, he'll turn on Hitman after a fake injury in a few months. Whoopdi doo. There will be no heel who turns face cause at the moment the guys vs NXT are faces.
I'll agree with you on this one... I feel if Cena turns heel or not.. Jericho will become face sometime in the near future.. fan's have been wanting to cheer for him for a couple of weeks now.. He even played to the crowd a few weeks back with his fist pump thing he does..

It would def refresh his character because it has gotten pretty stale with him just calling every face a hypocrite..
Ted and William aren't considered heels , and besides , Ted wants to join team raw with cena .. regal doesn't do anything to have that title , I think there should be more heels then faces .. it puts the wwe on the edge .. I think if cena turns heel him and Bret will feud because Bret loves John and John looks up to Bret .
I think that Cena or Bret will end up being the main force behind Nexus and it will be revealed this Sunday. Also, a dark horse to lead the group would be the Miz since he could be joining Team WWE this Sunday. I'll give you one more name even though he said he's done...Batista. Never say never around here.

If it's Cena, then I think the Miz or Edge will turn face, maybe even both Edge and Y2J. No pun intended, but Miz would be an awesome face. Or it could be nobody turns heel or face and the build-up will continue as to who really is pulling the string of the Nexus or Cena or Bret will turn heel Sunday or nobody will turn face to go against him because, as an earlier post said, everyone's a face when going against Nexus. If nothing happens Sunday, then perhaps it is HHH who is behind it all or it may have been Wade Barrett all along, but I don't think so.
Sincerely doubt Cena is turning heel but I'll play along. Week in and week out the crowd has been chanting "Y2J!" WWE claims to listen to their fans and Y2J is what they want. Now I know good and hell well they can just continue ignoring the chants just like they ignore the boos for Cena but hey...
ok just a thought but what if wade barrett turns on nexus and turns to face. they would turn wimpy cuz they do what he says like puppets. then one of the others would try to get them going but nada
i do not beilive that the wwe will turn the babyface of the company into a heel where the younger fans would hate him. not gonna happen sorry. if it does happen i will kiss my own ass. but i would like to see y2j face and hhh heel
While I've seen NO evidence to suggest Cena's gonna turn heel anytime soon, if he were to turn bad guy & I had to choose from your list of guys of current heels & turn just 1 of them babyface, it would have to be Jericho. As Y2J I feel his charisma is on par with Cena's & the kids can get behind that charactor very easily. A great choice if you had to choose just 1 out of those you listed IMO.
I think i Cena turns heel wwe will have to cut the tvpg crap cause it wouldnt go and i think he will turn heel cause remember when Hogan turned heel it was at back to the beach like summerslam is now so i think he will turn and it will be better and i think Jehrico will go good and they will start this whole Jericolholic thing again it would be cool
I'm all for the Cena - Heel turn! As much as I want it to happen, chances are slim. BUT i have noticed things that kinda make you think about it... Y2J this RAW was thinking and looked to have some remorse while brett was talking. Then he declined and left, EDGE tried to attack Brett. Where as Jericho just left. He is also getting the cheers to have a nice Face turn, and I wouldn't mind it to be honest, Him as a well established Face high Carder or even a Champion in the next year or so would be cool. Imagine... Chris Jericho vs John Cena at Wrestlemania 27? Isn't it a WCW themed hall of fame aswell (rumors/who knows)
Jericho being a WCW Legend and Cena being the Face/Former Face of WWE.

Now on Cena's case, he told Brett not to go after Nexus and beat em with that chair. He could have easily been making sure that Nexus doesn't get hurt before the PPV, or that they wouldn't have anymore damage done to the Nexus (after Cena rampaged on them some odd times). Like others said, Cena took a Nexus sweatband and has been showing more aggression lately. Wristband is a little bit of a hint, but we are seeing the agression from other Faces aswell. Take for example Kofi Kingston? And on another note for a hint Jericho foreshadowing Cena being a Major Threat.

IF WWE was smart, they would push for a Face Jericho and Heel Cena fued for this Sunday at Summerslam, Money wise? Sure it would be good in my opinion. They are pushing Orton to be a top Tweener/Face. Cena isn't AS over with the kids as he has been in the past.

Bottom Line: I would like to see this happen, but its unlikely, who knows what will happen at summerslam. This is really making me want to watch the pay per view.
I too would like to see Jericho turn. But not into a face; into a tweener. Which we all know really means face anyways...<Stone Cold, Randy Orton, HHH too>. Also, I would love him to go back a little ways to the spoiled brat, spastic Jericho. Jericho plays his current act great. But, we already have CM Punk doing essentially the same thing on Smackdown. (Don't get Smackdown by me for the last couple months, so if he changed, I apologize). I truly want Y2J, back. He was better on the mic then,and he was better in the ring. Well he was younger too, but his wrestling style was more entertaining as well. (Jericho is one of only 3 cruiserweight sized wrestlers I ever believed to be a maineventer.) To do this all he would have to do is throw a fit for whatever reason, and then at some point, change his wardrobe back, and announce that the Ayatollah of Rock-n-Rolla is back. Then just continue to take out faces and heels alike.

Let the "douchebag", "fucking idiot", "moron" comments begin.
Cena really needs to go heel, where would the nWo story have gone without Hogan's turn? You need that big time swerve to keep it going, and Cena turning would give it the juice it needs.

As for Jericho going face or even tweening, he's too good as a heel. He is a great face, but I love this heel persona and it's pretty obvious he does too. His character has completely evolved, and while part of me yearns for what he use to be, it's better for a character to keep moving forward. Hell, just look at RVD, we all use to love him, but he hasn't changed at all and he's so freakin' boring right now
Your a D Bag xD.
I actually enjoy your take on this more then my original concept.
Him being a Tweener would be awesome, ( taking out faces and heel's alike )
Give him that "edge" he once had. Make it be like, He wants to be the best.
So he is going to PROVE that he is the best by taking out the 'good and bad ' guys alike. While he would mostly be fueding with heels obviously, give him
some fueds/mini fueds with Faces. How they pull that off, I'm not too sure of yet. But it would be an amazing idea. it gives our "Heel & Staleish" Jericho tons more character, and gives him that ambition and edge. The Hungry Contender.
First of all, did anyone notice last night on Raw that when Bret Hart was walking next to John Cena it was like Batman and Superman? Bret had on a Batman shirt and Cena is refered to as the Superman of the WWE. hahahaha!!!

Anyway, I don't care what happens as long as they do something to change things up a little bit. I'm tired of the same thing happening every week. I know they are only human and they can only come up with so much, but I just would like to see something new each week. If Cena turns heel, that would be awesome. If Jericho turns face that would be awesome. It probably would not be the best idea to turn Triple H heel because he needs to finish his fued with Sheamus.
Lets not forget its reported that Jericho is gonna take a break from wrestling when his contract expires. So why not wait to turn him face till then? Have him come back and be like, "ive been taking a long hard look at myself" and shit like that. Simple solution. And in a wrestlezone article,(cant seem to find it now) they said they wanted Miz to be the face of the company so they could turn Cena heel.
Cena turning heel would be the logical thing, because it would give him continued storylines with orton,sheamus and even the miz but as a heel.Bret would be also because of the revenge factor towards vince.But my gut feeling is most likely cena or HHH.If cena turns heel how do they explain him getting beat up every week.
now imo you have forgotten the s.e.s and cm punk that i would include in this list and isnt it possible that the nexus could become united with the straight edge society? im only saying as a possibility???
I would definitely change the Miz over to a face. He has the mic skills, the charisma and the wrestling ability, he draws a reaction, he is a big name, he has the "I'M AWESOME" gimmick which the crowd always take part in saying, he has the money in the bank briefcase which means he is sure to be a champion, and it is obvious that sheamus is going to win at Summerslam and Miz is likely to cash in his MITB breifcase, so why not make him face in doing it! This would lead to a Sheamus/Miz rivalry and it wont work if there both heels, so why not make the Miz face? makes perfect sense to me! "BECAUSE HES THE MIZ, AND HES AWESOME!"
*IF* Cena turns heel, in the interim, his spot as #1 face will be taken by Randy Orton. However, I honestly feel that Jericho would be the one to turn face as he has been "suspicious" about Cena for a while (it'd make sense). The Miz would also be another one that could credibly take Cena's spot. He is already way over with the fans and would probably be a great face character, because he simply has the "it" factor.

So yes, I think it'll be a tossup between Jericho and The Miz, if Cena turns heel. These 2 guys could both pull of a great feud with a (heel) and Nexus John Cena.
I think it is possible Bret will be the heel turn, Cena makes no sense do to his struggle with Nexus and fighting them. Brett betrays Cena. But i truelly think there will be a betrayal but WWE still finds a way to win. Nexus has caused trouble for months and i want believe be smart give Team Raw somesort of victory so then we can see Nexus comeback from something which we havent seen yet. i want see Nexus at a low point build back up again. Not just basically taking out people 7-1 every Monday
I think it is possible Bret will be the heel turn, Cena makes no sense do to his struggle with Nexus and fighting them. Brett betrays Cena. But i truelly think there will be a betrayal but WWE still finds a way to win. Nexus has caused trouble for months and i want believe be smart give Team Raw somesort of victory so then we can see Nexus comeback from something which we havent seen yet. i want see Nexus at a low point build back up again. Not just basically taking out people 7-1 every Monday

I disagree - Nexus need to win this one, regardless as to whether there's a major heel turn in store for Cena or Hart. Nexus have done plenty of roughing up backstage and have caused a lot of destruction, but they need to win to gain credibility and dominance. If the win has to come from a heel turn or some other form of outside interference then so be it, but if WWE are serious about Nexus being this generation's answer to the nWo, Nexus need the win.
we Will agree to disagree but i agree what u said they do need a win. but does a heel turn in the match to cause Nexus to win make them crediable or dominant when we all now there dominant with 7-1 attacks. I would like to see them more single or tag matches that to me will make me believe they can compete with the best of raw right now to me 2 guys Nexus have a shot and i dont buy the others. to me if Nexus loses wont hurt them it just gives them a kick in the a.ss and to study. Raw winning just tell Nexus it wont be easy
Cena isn't turning heel he has a movie coming out next month and turning him heel wouldn't play into his he's a good guy go see his movie crap the WWE likes to do.

Rather they could just have team WWE implode during the match fighting among their selves and have Cena walk out on them out of frustration therefore getting the point across, Nexus the win and you still keep Cena a face. Everyone wins

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