IC25 Needs Advice...I know, strange, right?

What should IC25 do?

  • Go to the strip club & support your friend

  • Make an excuse and blame it on your wife

  • Be a man and stand up for your principles

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THERE IS NO GREATER GOOD THAN A MAN'S PRINCIPLE. Fucking beleifs and character aren't circumstantial to conveinence.

Also, the comparison I was making wasnt literal, although I know you love to do that when I say those things.

I was making a comparison to show that you guys know I would absolutely go to the end of the earth and burn in fire for you, but I would not go against what I belive in. So then, am I selfish? No, and you guys wouldnt even go there, becuase you respect me.

And I respect this post just as much as I respect you. But we're acting like it's against his religion or something...

Listen, no one is forcing him at gunpoint to go. Yes, it's his choice. But I just view things differently.

I know people would respect my principles in certain situations, but I wouldn't use that as an excuse to get out of doing something as uncomfortable (yes as SIMPLE) as going to a strip club for a bachelor party.

There are MANY things that are a billion times more serious than this issue. Something as minuscule as this shouldn't need this much bickering.

IC, you know you're my mother fucker, but I don't get you sometimes. You must be the most intelligent person I know, but I see no reason to seek the help of multiple people for such a minor decision. Brother... just suck it up, make a decision, and call it a day.

It's not like we're deciding the next president here or anything...
IC knows the right answer. I know he does. Sometimes you just need a little nudge to confirm it for you.

Go with your instincts. You KNOW what the right thing to do is.
I had a similar conundrum a couple of months ago at my best friends stag party.

A stripper had been organised for the apartment we were all sharing without the consultation of the group. Most were up for it but I made it clear that I would not be staying for the 'performance.' I warned the organisers that the stag himself would not be interested in the slightest either so they told him and he said that if he would have left too.

Strippers just aren't the cup of tea of some people and your friend should understand that.
I hate strip clubs also, degrading and annoying, but when my friends are getting married you need to support them, see it this way, if you own a car you can be atleast the designated driver lol
I personally derive no pleasure from the place. I've been to a couple in my life time at a friend's request and even laid out the ground rules: I dont want a lap dance so don't buy me one and stay sober enough so I dont have to defend you and or drag you out by your feet. For me it's just one great big money pit & attraction lie. I don't want to financial support it and I hate getting "worked" (to relate this back to wrestling)by people straight to my face especially when we both know it's a work.

If the whole reason people want you there is to share in your company and enjoy spending time with you then it's probably a waste as you won't be enjoying yourself and it'll probably show in your demeanor and candor; so why bother? You probably shouldn't go when all is said and done.

edit: Erm, I think checked the wrong box on accident.
Why ask us? Seriously, why? You're an intellignet guy IC, and hopefully you recognise full well that the only thing that will determine whether you go or not, is the feeling in your gut 5 minutes before you're supposed to leave/commit to going.

I hope your friend would understand and respect your decision, but i also know life is rarely that simple. I too believe in standing up for one's principles, but i also care a great deal about supporting my friends.

I'm assuming that you've been invited to the actual wedding? Surely attending 'the happiest day of his life' would be showing your friend how much he means to you?

Oh, and don't blame your wife, that's the cowards way out.
If the guy is a really good friend and your wife is alright with it, I don't see the problem. Most strip clubs girls just dance, take the money on stage, and leave. You don't have to have a lap dance or do anything like that. I would say be there for your friend since he is getting married and loosen up, but if you aren't going to have a good time then you shouldn't go. It may not be that bad, but if the other guys going to the club are drunk assholes then I wouldn't advise it. Just plan on hanging out with your friend on a different night, you can make up some excuse.

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