I think this is the true problem people have with the WWE.

Maddog Lionheart

Best Sig In The World......
I think that the reason why people are upset with John Cena, the PG-Era, and all that nonsense is because the WWE has a face.

Back in the attitude and post-attitude era, there wasn't one solid person that was the face of the WWE. Triple H, The Rock, SCSA, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, they all shared the spotlight. But ever since Cena became the face, people hated him. I think that's the true issue people have. People just don't want one person representing the industry. It's not about who it is at all. It's just like politics. I bet any money that if you switched Ottunga with John Cena, he would get the same heat. Maybe that's just me.......but as always......
wow, thats actually a very accurate observation. that is half the problem for sure, the other half is that the wwe doesnt seem to use lots of its talent properly. the wwe definately has changed, and honestly i to am rather sick of both cena and orton being shoved down our throats while other guys who deserve a shot being tossed to the back and being forgotten about.
it's not the total issue but yes, as you stated during the attitude era it was a total team effort, from opener to main event, everyone got some air time and there was unlimited fueds going on which was compelling and though the titles did change hands alot, atleast there was some reason and great title matches on all levels..

Hell even during the Hogan era it wasn't all about Hogan other then the main events.

As i see it here lies the issues
1) Not enough compelling fueds and lasting fueds
2) Poor excuses for "stars", no reason to care for them
3) Bad mic work and sloppy ring pschology
4) basically scrapping all the titles except the world titles, making the fueds almost pointless
5) It's not all the Cena character fault , it's the fact there is/was few other people that could step up to the plate and those could were already hugely over or were eventually fed to Cena and that was the end of it

6) Cena PG era is far more kiddy then the era's b4 which is almost nausiating..
As i see it here lies the issues
1) Not enough compelling fueds and lasting fueds
2) Poor excuses for "stars", no reason to care for them
3) Bad mic work and sloppy ring pschology
4) basically scrapping all the titles except the world titles, making the fueds almost pointless
5) It's not all the Cena character fault , it's the fact there is/was few other people that could step up to the plate and those could were already hugely over or were eventually fed to Cena and that was the end of it
6) Cena PG era is far more kiddy then the era's b4 which is almost nausiating..

I agree with all that one hundred percent. WWE know they are the top dog which means they can become a little sloppy here and there which is why I am not a fan of them. These days it is all about pushing the huge shocking turn of events pretty much straight away. The CM Punk angle was pure example of that, he was gone for what a week? WWE knew they had to pull the trigger on that earlier to keep the fans interested because they know that because of their sloppy booking and match work on a month to month basis that fans would not sit around and wait for Punk's big return. They would have got antsy and lost interest.

The companies booking is a joke if you are not top billing, the shows these days don't flow at all unless the main angle is involved at the beginning, middle and end of the show. The undercard just doesn't come off as important anymore and in reality the roster split has a lot to blame for the way WWE are at the moment. In reality they don't have enough wrestlers to need a roster split anymore... and another pet peeve for me, Two Main Event/World Titles always makes one look unimportant especially around Wrestlemania because you know that one of those titles will not be defended in the main event and when the Royal rumble winner get his shot and is pushed down the card to accommodate for guys like Cena, Orton, Triple H etc it is pretty much like WTF?

And on the argument of John Cena, I used to love the guy as a heel his work was great in 2003 and even when they turned him face I still liked him, but then they watered down his gimmick. They didn't let him freestyle and wing it in promo's, his work rate got weaker and he became the same five moves of doom kind of wrestler. Yeah guys like Bret Hart had five moves of doom but they were used sparingly with other moves other than punches, kicks and clotheslines to build up to the match finish. Cena is in a dire need of a heel change and even though the WWE won't do it I really hope that he embraces the heel side a little in the build up to Wrestlemania with The Rock next year. I think that if he embraced the heel side of things a little bit more then I probably wouldn't have that much of a problem with the guy at the moment...
Makes sense to me. I knw when I first started watching wrestling I did not like Cena that much. It was- and is still- obvious that he was the face of the company and he was always feuding wih someone. And it was usually the WWE champion or the number 1 condentender. After a whl, I just tried to ignore him. Kind of hard when he was feudng m favorite wrestler tho. Being the face of the company makes it so that Cea is basically shoved down our throats and thus he gets a bad rep for it from the real fans. He's expected to be the face of this company and make the kiddies go crazy. He actually does that pretty well but for the rest of us we beg for him to go away or take a vacation already. That's my problem with the WWE that and that they don't push guys with good talent but that's beside the point. I think they should not have a face of the company at all because the wrestler who is face is going to have more haters then fans.
No. The reason people hold WWE down and critic every move they make isn't that complicated, and it's as obvious as day what the problem actually is.

People just want something to complain about.

Fabulous Rougue started a thread two days ago where he told everybody on this forum, that back in the '90's when this forum was beginning under a different name that you had the exact same threads complaining about the exact same things you get today. People just want to over-analyze and complain, attempt to pin-point the negatives of what usually is a pretty positive show, whether it be Smackdown or RAW and moan about it because that's all they can do.

Attitude Era had the same critics as the PG Era - "Championships aren't being used right!!" "Why isn't Marc Mero being pushed?" "Someone fire Hawk, he does drugs!" "Austin needs to leave television!" "What do people see in The Rock?" "Is the Montreal Screwjob a Work?" "I HATE JERRY LAWLER!"

People still complain these days about Championships, these days instead of Marc Mero people want to see John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes pushed to the moon and beyond, Matt Hardy is the one on drugs now and WWE should have released him sooner, John Cena gets too much television time, what do people see in Randy Orton, is the CM Punk angle a work and I HATE MICHAEL COLE!

I've seen threads discussing this before from guys who were on wrestling forums back in the Attitude Era days, through Ruthless Aggression and into our PG Era which we stand in. They'll tell you better than I can, people always complain about the exact same things but they just change the names, change the situations etc, etc.

Personally when I started on wrestling forums in 2006, the exact style of threads were around the place. Nice try at finding a reasoning, but the reasoning is a lot closer to home than where you're aiming.
No that isn't the problem. Besides, WWE might have Cena as THE face of the company, but they have a group of top guys on both brands. That's how it was in the previous eras as well, other than when it clearly was Hogan and no one else. There are guys booked to be near Cena's level. He's not an invincible hero, although some complain otherwise. The man loses matches. It just doesn't happen as often as some would want. People are looking for things to complain about and cannot just enjoy the product. Now, as for what I think is one of the bigger problems with the product? The wrestlers should be given more opportunities to just be themselves or at the very least bring in some of their real personality into their characters' promos. That is the one and only way we will ever see the next Rock or the next Stone Cold, because that is who they were in real life outside the ring. Many had an issue with what Cena's character became due to that not being entirely "him". He was booked to be a heroic face when his rapper character was more like the real Cena outside the ring. If he had kept that character longer he would generate less divided in fan reactions.
I think the problem with this era is wwe uses John Cena as the face of the franchise. wwe needs more than 1 person, just like what maddog mention. And wwe needs better feuds, storylines, better gimmicks. wwe needs another stone cold. maybe cm punk could save wwe.
Well I sure as hell know that you can't please everybody and that people are going to complain no matter what. I'm just trying to create a reason for everything and I after looking back, I do see that as a major issue people could have, because if they didn't do it with John Cena, they were going to do it with someone else. Like John Cena said to VKM: "You can make a million more John Cenas."
I can't speak for everyone and I wont. But what my "problem" with the WWE is, is really just my taste in pro wrestling. WWE is not really my "cup of tea" from their roster down to their pretty much cookie cutter in-ring style.

I find all their matches pretty much formulae and I never really see any innovation from bell to bell. As for John Cena. I'm pretty much sick and tired of him. Everything revolves around him, he has been in paractically every single main event/title match the last 5 years and he is booked to just bury people much like HHH did last decade.

I mean was it two years ago when Jericho ws Champion and for whatever reason Cena was just given a title match against him. Jericho had the belt for 3 weeks and Cena just squashed him... And this has happened ever since. No one in the last 5 years have ever had an opportunity apart from him. VKM complains about making new stars but he refuses to have Cena put them over.

Imagine where Wade Barrett would be right now and how much money he could be making for Vince if he became Champion last year? Punk has had 2 screwey wins over Cena, so he isn't allowed to go over him clean. The last time I saw Cena job clean was when he was #1 conteder and guess who beat him, yep HHH...

WWE make it too difficult to support and eb a fan of anyone else because you know Cena will be booked over them, so what's the point?? So what's the point in watching the show?? Until Cena starts putting people over properly, then I wont invest too much into the WWE product.
ill agree with this in a way but at the same time i think its wrong because right now the miz is 1 of the faces of the wwe as it seems atleast once a week i see something about him being on a tv show or something like that and randy orton is also a face of the company even though he really shouldnt be also while that might be part of the reason people hate wwe right now other reasons are the fact alot of us grew up with the attitude era so everybody wants blood,more gimmick matches,etc. plus the fact wwe doesnt use most of its talent the right way but they are getting better
The fact is that the WWE went back to the 80`s way of booking, especially with Cena. There recycling the old Hogan way of being the unstoppable monster face that runs through everyone at all corners.

I find it so amazing how strangely similar Hogan and Cena are
except Hogan was entertaining in and out of the ring and was not i repeat NOT a pussy kiddy ass kisser. i can only reitertate again that the Hogan was aimed at families not kids, he catered to all age groups where as Cena who is a better "wrestler" technically is aimed at Kids and girls, but he is no way even remotely close to the charisma Hogan had.

They certainly coulda done that with Cena too but they chose to go too far backwards from the previous era, but now it seems that atleast they are getting some attitude again, it need not be like the Attitude era as far as violence, sex etc. but certainly needs to change from Sesame Stree style programming..

The idea is the same though yes, everyone else gets held back so Cena looks superior despite the fact he isn't any better then the next guy other then apparent work ethic.

Hogan had alot better people around him to work with for 9yrs solid, Cena had alot initially but those people left or retired and the rest of the roster is meh for the most part.

Anyway that's off topic..

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