I think people are looking at John Cena the wrong way.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Spending time in the Poor John Cena thread (which is quite a good thread BTW) , I came upon a revelation regarding John Cena and the way fans treat him.

I would be willing to bet a million dollars that everytime the fans chant you suck or you can't wrestle or even just boo him, Vince McMahon and the entire creative department are overjoyed.

In a previous thread I mentioned that because of the way he has been built up and the way he carries himself, that he is almost unturnable.


He is the face of the business. Pun intended. He is the most over guy on the roster, regardless of whether people boo or cheer him.

Looking back on the guy he has been compared to, one Hulk Hogan, there are a lot of similarites. Neither guy was known to be a technical mat wrestler and stuck to a set moveset, but both were and in Cena's case are beloved.

Now lets look at Bash at the Beach 1996.

Hogan turns. No one saw it coming it shocked the business WCW and WWE. The most over face in the history of the business told the fans that he was done putting up with their shit and becomes one of the most reviled heels ever. He was to me. After about 6 months of the NWO I couldn't stand the son of a bitch. Loved the NWO but couldn't stand Hogan.

He went from the most over Face to the most hated heel in the span of a half hour. Watching the garbage pile into that ring was an amazing sight. I had hoped that the NXT was shaping up to be something similar. Had the same feeling when the NXTers destroyed RAW a few weeks ago. Sadly I think they are ruining what could have been the angle of the decade.

but back to Cena. The pieces are in place for the same kind of turn. He has people out there would be just crushed if he were to turn. It would take something monumental for this to happen, but if it did it would be extremely shocking. They can't just decide to turn him heel on a whim. An while the kiddies would be crushed, those that boo him would probably mark the fuck out for him, simply because like me they feel like he is stale and kinda boring to watch.

Sorry for the long post, I hope it works out that way. The NXT angle has brought me back in, been only a casual follower for the past 5 or 6 years.


This night changed wrestling forever could Cena do the same?
Did you just call my thread poor ? I asked a question and you give an answer . WTF? DIDN'T I SAY DON'T HATE ?
Btw, without my thread you wouldn't have thought of this .

Lol, I wasn't calling your thread poor, I was refering to Poor John Cena.

I actually like your thread, and it was the inspiration for mine. He is taking a beating from some, and I think it only helps to build up his eventual heel turn. The guy can't stay face forever.
Lol, I wasn't calling your thread poor, I was refering to Poor John Cena.

I actually like your thread, and it was the inspiration for mine. He is taking a beating from some, and I think it only helps to build up his eventual heel turn. The guy can't stay face forever.

Oh. .. .. . oops . Sorry . :S

I read your post and I was curious if you did start the post . :p And then I saw "poor" thinking you were calling my thread poor .


I was think the same thing . Cena has people chanting "CENA SUCKS" , so why not turn him heel . Obviously the guys who say that like heels better. (Maybe)

They have already got Orton face/tweener . So he can be the next "face of the company" If he's willing to do that .

They can even go back to Cena's old rapper gimmick , it's not needed but whatever .

I wish this would happen . I wish John "Face of the company" Cena would turn heel . Especially cause I think his gimmick is a bit stale .
Spending time in the Poor John Cena thread (which is quite a good thread BTW) , I came upon a revelation regarding John Cena and the way fans treat him.

I would be willing to bet a million dollars that everytime the fans chant you suck or you can't wrestle or even just boo him, Vince McMahon and the entire creative department are overjoyed.

In a previous thread I mentioned that because of the way he has been built up and the way he carries himself, that he is almost unturnable.


He is the face of the business. Pun intended. He is the most over guy on the roster, regardless of whether people boo or cheer him.

Looking back on the guy he has been compared to, one Hulk Hogan, there are a lot of similarites. Neither guy was known to be a technical mat wrestler and stuck to a set moveset, but both were and in Cena's case are beloved.

Now lets look at Bash at the Beach 1996.

Hogan turns. No one saw it coming it shocked the business WCW and WWE. The most over face in the history of the business told the fans that he was done putting up with their shit and becomes one of the most reviled heels ever. He was to me. After about 6 months of the NWO I couldn't stand the son of a bitch. Loved the NWO but couldn't stand Hogan.

He went from the most over Face to the most hated heel in the span of a half hour. Watching the garbage pile into that ring was an amazing sight. I had hoped that the NXT was shaping up to be something similar. Had the same feeling when the NXTers destroyed RAW a few weeks ago. Sadly I think they are ruining what could have been the angle of the decade.

but back to Cena. The pieces are in place for the same kind of turn. He has people out there would be just crushed if he were to turn. It would take something monumental for this to happen, but if it did it would be extremely shocking. They can't just decide to turn him heel on a whim. An while the kiddies would be crushed, those that boo him would probably mark the fuck out for him, simply because like me they feel like he is stale and kinda boring to watch.

Sorry for the long post, I hope it works out that way. The NXT angle has brought me back in, been only a casual follower for the past 5 or 6 years.


This night changed wrestling forever could Cena do the same?

I think this all boils down to the question of will John Cena ever turn heel? So, I will go ahead and answer that question accordingly.

Do I think that Cena will turn heel? Yes, I probably do. Do I think it will be during the NXT angle or soon? No, I certainly do not. The fact of the matter is that John Cena needs to be a face. Or rather, more to the point, the WWE needs John Cena to be face. The kids adore him and hang on his every word. I am not saying it wasn’t the same idea for Hogan but I would imagine that the WWE wont allow that to happen to someone that is just so tremendously over with the kids.

Hogan was a completely different scenario. I assume that the WWE knew that they could turn Hogan heel and he would continue in the same vein being as awesome as he ever was, which he admittedly was. Cena, on the other hand, does not have the same luxury. I imagine that he has done too much “damage” to his image with the other fans to switch alignments and get over again. I guess at this point, it is either impressing the kids or nothing for John Cena. It’s a damn good job that he is good at it really.

A John Cena heel turn could be brilliant and I am counting on it happening at some point in the future but not when the WWE is PG. They make far too much money off of his merchandise and persona to ever consider it. However, it would be a monster swerve if he ever did turn heel in the PG era.

Did you just call my thread poor ? I asked a question and you give an answer . WTF? DIDN'T I SAY DON'T HATE ?
Btw, without my thread you wouldn't have thought of this .

I gave you red rep for this and I never give red rep.

Jumping to conclusions is a poor showing.
i dont think cena is being treated wrong. so no "poor cena" here. and its not right to compare him to hogan, pro wrestling has evolved leaps and bounds since his day. i think people hate him because we were treated to guys like the rock and stone cold. two guys that were freakin amazing on the mic and were sure as hell entertaining in the ring. so its only fair to compare cena to those guys. not only should cena be an evolution to them, but maybe even better???

you also have to factor in the fact that cena is known to be a superb wrestler. but the management wants him to keep it toned down to avoid injuries.

so basically, it comes down to his star power. i dont like him as a wrestler, or on the mic. i feel like he stresses his weak lines too much. but i look forward to his matches because he just has that undeniable "it" factor. face it, hes somewhat blessed.

he knows how to use his moveset in a the pg era perfectly. even though he doesnt put on the best matches of the night. he is very consistent.

as soon as wwe stops wanting money, we can finally see the cena heel turn. until then, lets just enjoy his insane pops at every live show
Fans today are hella outrageous, they show no class, and they're just being A-hole because they're at a computer far away and all they can do is talk trash, I for one am a John cena fan, whether he has the title or not, all those stupid fans that chat, "you suck" or "you can't wrestle" dude, the moment he turns heels, all those bandwagon jumpers will instantly praise him, reminds me of when the rock first came to the wwe, class-less idiots, chant, "die rocky die" everywhere he went, when he turn heel and join Vince's corporation and the Nation of Domination, they instantly cheer him to being one of the very best today, Praise Cena cause he works hard and earn a lot from the wrestling peers, Why do you all think he's the face in this pg era, I bet that if he's gone from the wwe, the ratings will go down! how can people applaud guys like triple h, they play politics every time, Shame-us WILL lose the title to him when he comes back (it's a given fact, how sad is that) and yet, triple h is "applaud" this coming from someone who can't stand hhh, hope he stays gone for awhile more! Respect Cena's work ethics, show some class people! it'll be priceless when he turns heel and gains a crap load of fans, all those hypocrites will RIDE HIS COATTAIL!!
The way I see it, WWE is getting kids on the product and when they grow up they will see the same "Attitude Adjustment" (pun intended) in the nature of the show. A new attitude era will occur, and it will truly come to fruition when Cena does the unthinkable- turns against the fans in a HUGE way a la Hogan at BatB96.

PG rating is boring to me, but it's brilliant by WWE. Hook em in young, shake it up, ride it out, rinse, repeat.
Couple things wrong with that, One is that by turning him heel, WWE is risking losing a ton of fans, well the kids, and that isnt good business... Two, by turning Cena Heel, they would be making one of the biggest mistakes of their lives, although Cena is better as a heel, im pretty sure most of us just dont like him altogether, and after a month of losing their fan base, people still not caring about Cena, and losing the Face of the company, they will more than likely be screwed...thus bringing us back to square one...however getting rid of the kids would possibly bring a higher television rating..which would be good for all of us true wrestling fans.
John cena is not being treated wrong by fans. The chants are practiacally true, fans are just saying whats true. John Cena is not a technical wrestler, nor is he any good. When was the last time you saw a new fresh young baby face win a world champion in raw, not since 2005, because John Cena is hogging the position. John Cena's in ring style consists of only a few moves, and he is always going for the title even when you want to see someone else go for it. I'm not the one to curse Cena, but unfortunately, this is why people hate Cena.

To answer your question, YES, make John Cena a heel. WWE would gain so much ratings, and it could make people respect John Cena more. John Cena is pretty similar to Hulk Hogan, except it took Hulk Hogan several years to get sick and tired of him. But in only took Cena several months. John Cena is getting really stale, I dont effing hate him, but I don't enjoy him anymore from where he was.
Would a Cena heel turn be awesome? Absolutely,but i don't think we will see that happen anytime soon. I mean really it took a Hogan to Jump ship to turn, I dont think the WWE would have even given that any kind of thought if he stayed there. Would the rating increase? Probably not, it would just give a breath of fresh air to the current audience, or even stop the little kiddies from watching. While it would be nice, it isn't the time
Fans today are hella outrageous, they show no class, and they're just being A-hole because they're at a computer far away and all they can do is talk trash, I for one am a John cena fan, whether he has the title or not, all those stupid fans that chat, "you suck" or "you can't wrestle" dude, the moment he turns heels, all those bandwagon jumpers will instantly praise him, reminds me of when the rock first came to the wwe, class-less idiots, chant, "die rocky die" everywhere he went, when he turn heel and join Vince's corporation and the Nation of Domination, they instantly cheer him to being one of the very best today, Praise Cena cause he works hard and earn a lot from the wrestling peers, Why do you all think he's the face in this pg era, I bet that if he's gone from the wwe, the ratings will go down! how can people applaud guys like triple h, they play politics every time, Shame-us WILL lose the title to him when he comes back (it's a given fact, how sad is that) and yet, triple h is "applaud" this coming from someone who can't stand hhh, hope he stays gone for awhile more! Respect Cena's work ethics, show some class people! it'll be priceless when he turns heel and gains a crap load of fans, all those hypocrites will RIDE HIS COATTAIL!!

look what happened with the rock though he became one of the biggeset superstars in the history of wrestling and if it hadn't have been for them fans then it might never have happened and he still might have stayed the smiling rocky mavia with no charisma. when cena has been gone injured and making the movies the ratings haven't fallen so there is no logic to that statement. triple h has worked his ass off to get to where he is. you can speculate that he slept his way to the top but he worked with a hall of famer to train him and got demoted to a jobber to a non wrestler called the warrior. he battled back. i admire cena's work ethic and admire him for taking so much for the crowd and keeps his head held high. i know a lot of the other superstars in the wwe wouldn't be able to do that. its his charactor that people boo and don't like and they pay their money to voice their opinion at these events just like we have a right to voice our opinion on these forums. i would love to see them experiment with cena as a heel. maybe not to even make him a fully fledge heel but try mix him up with other crowd favorites
Fans today are hella outrageous, they show no class, and they're just being A-hole because they're at a computer far away and all they can do is talk trash, I for one am a John cena fan, whether he has the title or not, all those stupid fans that chat, "you suck" or "you can't wrestle" dude, the moment he turns heels, all those bandwagon jumpers will instantly praise him, reminds me of when the rock first came to the wwe, class-less idiots, chant, "die rocky die" everywhere he went, when he turn heel and join Vince's corporation and the Nation of Domination, they instantly cheer him to being one of the very best today, Praise Cena cause he works hard and earn a lot from the wrestling peers, Why do you all think he's the face in this pg era, I bet that if he's gone from the wwe, the ratings will go down! how can people applaud guys like triple h, they play politics every time, Shame-us WILL lose the title to him when he comes back (it's a given fact, how sad is that) and yet, triple h is "applaud" this coming from someone who can't stand hhh, hope he stays gone for awhile more! Respect Cena's work ethics, show some class people! it'll be priceless when he turns heel and gains a crap load of fans, all those hypocrites will RIDE HIS COATTAIL!!

Look at it this way: if all there hadn't been those 'Die Rocky Die' chants, there probably would have never been the need to repackage Rocky Maivia into The Rock, and that would have been fairly shit. It's not really classless to boo Cena if you don't like his character. How exactly do you propose someone reacts to a wrestler they don't like, a polite, yet strongly worded letter? I can respect the fact that Cena the man, is a work horse and has great loyalty to the business, but at the same time, I think his character is bland, one dimensional and formulaic. A criticism of his character is not a personal insult on the man. When people chant 'Cena Sucks' they're talking about the character we see on tv, not the actual person, and as fans have the right to react however they want to him.

Anyway, yeah Cena should turn heel, for so many reasons. Like I said, I think his character is bland, and lets be honest, Cena as he is is never gonna surprise or shock you. He'll get into a feud with someone, get beat up for a bit, give a rousing speech about never giving up, loyalty to the fans and all that shit, if he's had more than three matches against the guy he'll probably throw in how they've had a long and brutal history together, and that it has to end (until they have a program together the next year). People can defend him all they want, but he's still a one trick pony. His gimmicks been the exact same for half the decade. We need to see some character development, alter his gimmick in some way. Even the kids'll get bored of him soon.

So yeah turn him heel. I know I'd watch that every week. Certainly make me take notice of Cena again. Instead of having him revert to the rapper gimmick, why not just have him snap at the negative crowd reaction. I know he says it doesn't bother him, but if you're going out there as a face and you're getting booed, that's gonna piss you off. Cena could tap into genuine frustration at the 'Cena Sucks' chants and would probably give some of the best promo's of his career. Just have him completely reject the 'WWE Universe' and turn his back on all the kids. Dunno if it could be as big as Hogan's '96 turn, but it'd certainly make for some compelling tv, if it was done right, plus it'd give Cena a few new guys to feud with and would freshen up rivalries with guys he's already feuded with as a face.
WWE will NEVER turn Cena Heel...atleast not anytime soon. He's their #1 merchandise seller BY FAR and those numbers would take a huge hit if he were to turn heel. Right now they don't have anyone that could step up into that place to make up for the loss in sales. I'd like to see it, but I highly doubt WWE would make a horrible business decision like that.
wow.. they made Cena look WEAK tonight.. he was fairly destroyed by Sheamus.. was really going to lose.. then left for dead again!!! I didnt like how they ended it with Cena tonight... he had zero offense against Sheamus... are they trying to make him weak or what?
You don't think that NWO stuff sold?

I never buy wrestling crap and even I had an NWO t-shirt.

Heel Cena stuff would sell,
Fans today are hella outrageous, they show no class, and they're just being A-hole because they're at a computer far away and all they can do is talk trash, I for one am a John cena fan, whether he has the title or not, all those stupid fans that chat, "you suck" or "you can't wrestle" dude, the moment he turns heels, all those bandwagon jumpers will instantly praise him, reminds me of when the rock first came to the wwe, class-less idiots, chant, "die rocky die" everywhere he went, when he turn heel and join Vince's corporation and the Nation of Domination, they instantly cheer him to being one of the very best today, Praise Cena cause he works hard and earn a lot from the wrestling peers, Why do you all think he's the face in this pg era, I bet that if he's gone from the wwe, the ratings will go down! how can people applaud guys like triple h, they play politics every time, Shame-us WILL lose the title to him when he comes back (it's a given fact, how sad is that) and yet, triple h is "applaud" this coming from someone who can't stand hhh, hope he stays gone for awhile more! Respect Cena's work ethics, show some class people! it'll be priceless when he turns heel and gains a crap load of fans, all those hypocrites will RIDE HIS COATTAIL!!

I'll be honest I will I respect john cena, I am just tired of his character, Its boring and I wanna see somebody else in the title picture. however I think ur hypocritical as well, you dont know John cena didnt use polotics to get where he is, chances are he did to an extent or he wouldnt have reached this level. I also dont know what u mean by when he comes back, I didnt know cena was going anywhere
You don't think that NWO stuff sold?

I never buy wrestling crap and even I had an NWO t-shirt.

Heel Cena stuff would sell,

It would sell, but not nearly as much. The majority of his merchandise sales now are for little kiddies who love Cena because he's the top face. The kids who don't understand the business aren't going to buy the bad guy's merchandise. Jericho is probably the best in the WWE right now...but how many little kids did you see wearing a Jericho shirt tonight? They were all wearing orange.
Spending time in the Poor John Cena thread (which is quite a good thread BTW) , I came upon a revelation regarding John Cena and the way fans treat him.

I would be willing to bet a million dollars that everytime the fans chant you suck or you can't wrestle or even just boo him, Vince McMahon and the entire creative department are overjoyed.

In a previous thread I mentioned that because of the way he has been built up and the way he carries himself, that he is almost unturnable.


He is the face of the business. Pun intended. He is the most over guy on the roster, regardless of whether people boo or cheer him.

Looking back on the guy he has been compared to, one Hulk Hogan, there are a lot of similarites. Neither guy was known to be a technical mat wrestler and stuck to a set moveset, but both were and in Cena's case are beloved.

Now lets look at Bash at the Beach 1996.

Hogan turns. No one saw it coming it shocked the business WCW and WWE. The most over face in the history of the business told the fans that he was done putting up with their shit and becomes one of the most reviled heels ever. He was to me. After about 6 months of the NWO I couldn't stand the son of a bitch. Loved the NWO but couldn't stand Hogan.

He went from the most over Face to the most hated heel in the span of a half hour. Watching the garbage pile into that ring was an amazing sight. I had hoped that the NXT was shaping up to be something similar. Had the same feeling when the NXTers destroyed RAW a few weeks ago. Sadly I think they are ruining what could have been the angle of the decade.

but back to Cena. The pieces are in place for the same kind of turn. He has people out there would be just crushed if he were to turn. It would take something monumental for this to happen, but if it did it would be extremely shocking. They can't just decide to turn him heel on a whim. An while the kiddies would be crushed, those that boo him would probably mark the fuck out for him, simply because like me they feel like he is stale and kinda boring to watch.

Sorry for the long post, I hope it works out that way. The NXT angle has brought me back in, been only a casual follower for the past 5 or 6 years.


This night changed wrestling forever could Cena do the same?

I signed up for this site to post a thread just like this.....Cena needs a heel turn...and when he does..as much as i hate the guy.....its going to be huuuuugggeee....all of the little kiddies are going to be heartbroken...the girls will be tearful....

I was thinking he could be the "hogan" of nXt.....but the way it has played off, itll be tough to work it out....
Hogan was a completely different scenario.

The only difference I see here is that WCW had a ton of established faces they could fued him with. Heel Cena's options are limited.

A John Cena heel turn could be brilliant and I am counting on it happening at some point in the future but not when the WWE is PG. They make far too much money off of his merchandise and persona to ever consider it. However, it would be a monster swerve if he ever did turn heel in the PG era.

Thats why it would have to be something as special as the NWO was. An as I said above they will need several faces at if not the level he is now, than at least close to his level with the fans.

The fans will need a face like Cena that they can get behind when Cena goes heel. Thats one of my problems with Cena, by pushing him so hard and so much they are stunting the growth of some of their other talent.
i love wwe but this pg era is really killing it for me im a big cena fan but i have a few problems with him right now as a few of you guys said he has been the same character for about 5 years now even face guys go through a character change and stay good. but like you guys said he goes hustle loyalty respect he gets jos ass kicked for a few months gives a speach and then wins. i wanna cena go bad just for a change he is bland and he needs new moves but the reasons that wont happen is because.

1 the pg era and 60 percent of his fanbase is kids 12 and under and thats why they are keeping him good because he is the face of the pg era thats why ecw sucked because it was pg 13.

2 if he went bad then the kids would probably stop watching and then that will go their best merchanise seller and they wont want to lose money.

3 and three he is really the only face guy on raw who stays on the main title hunt he wont turn that away and let new guys have it
having him turn heel will be almost as good as the hulkster losing yellow and red or the rock going bad but wwe cares to much about keeping the kiddy fans.

he needs a new move set and he needs to go bad and im not talking his wannabe rapper bad im talking like he destroyes good and bad guys and says fu to all the wwe.

im a fan of cena but its been about 6 years and everyone changes their persona or face/heel every year or so except him. and wwe needs to change the main event lineup more if not they are gonna do a wcw and keep the same people in the main events edge and cena and undertaker are good but i dont want to see them ruling the main title 11 months out of the year i want to see rey mysterio, the big show, randy orton (good), chris jericho (good), kofi kingston and kane.
i wanna see them in the title reigns they barely let rey have the title in 05. they barely let big show have the title. they barely let kane have the championship all it is is john cena, tripple h, undertaker, and edge as the champions. and how can i post forum topics can anyone tell me
wow.. they made Cena look WEAK tonight.. he was fairly destroyed by Sheamus.. was really going to lose.. then left for dead again!!! I didnt like how they ended it with Cena tonight... he had zero offense against Sheamus... are they trying to make him weak or what?

Having Cena get the crap kicked outta of him by the CHAMP makes him look weak? Brother thats the norm. Hes the champ, that HAVE to make him look awesome and who better then the face of the company?

I for one am a huge Cena supporter. I'm in the military, and the way he respects the military is a great thing to me. But I do think he needs a change of character. Doesn't mean he needs to turn heel, but get away from the Clark Kent-boyscout image he has. Start messing people up. When Sheamus comes at you with a pipe, come at him with a 2x4. Do I see a heel turn being possible? Yes, anyone can turn heel, but with Cena its not needed.
Believe it that the Cena heel turn is coming, it just might not be coming for a long time still. Timing is everything when it comes to this kind of thing, a lot of different pieces on the show and behind the scenes all have to fall into place just right for them to do this successfully. Since his potential heel turn is being compared to the Hogan heel turn in terms of how big it will be, I'd like to take a closer look at the Hogan turn to make a point about this one.

If you look back during the time that Hogan turned and you look at his career at the time, this John Cena situation becomes much clearer. This is why I mentioned timing. Right now isn't the right time to turn Cena and if they try it too soon it won't work for the same reason that a Hogan heel turn wouldn't have worked at an earlier date than when it did. When Hogan left WWF his time had pretty well past, they had even tried to pass the torch to Ultimate Warrior but he dropped the ball, resulting in Hogan sticking around longer than intended and longer than the WWF crowd cared to endure.

When Hogan went to WCW not only was it an attempt at putting WCW on the map which it did, but it was also an attempt at boosting the shelf life of Hulkamania and Hulk Hogan altogether. It worked for a little bit, but by 1996 Hogan was a symbol of yesteryear and it was time marching on without him, who they had placed their stock into up to that point. When the Outsiders showed up and that gave WCW an opportunity yet again to revive the career of Hulk Hogan which they did by turning him heel.

If the WWE is to turn John Cena they are going to have to wait until the merchandise is no longer selling like it was, the kids aren't cheering anymore, and the people have lost all general interest much like WCW did with Hogan. At that moment is when they need to shock the world by having him make a devastating turn in bold fashion just like Hogan if he is indeed the modern day equivalent of the hulkster himself. Any other way and I don't see it going over well with the fans. It's going to have to be a complete recreation of the Cena character like it was with Hogan and I think his real life decline is going to have to be the trigger to fire this gun.
Although it would be great if they turned him heel it wont happen untill they have someone who can take his place. or the wwe decide they dont need a squeeky clean hero that small children love, much like they did in the late 90's
but i cant see any of those situations happeing any time soon

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