I Think I'm Going To Ban Jane...

I honestly can't wait until you're banned, Jane. A total of like four people like you; everyone else thinks you're the worthless poster that you really are. Also, I seriously doubt that you got banned from 4chan; that's just a lie you decided to tell in order to make yourself out to be a master troll. But, with each word you write, you become just like another fallen faux-troll: Brad The Great.
I honestly can't wait until you're banned, Jane. A total of like four people like you; everyone else thinks you're the worthless poster that you really are. Also, I seriously doubt that you got banned from 4chan; that's just a lie you decided to tell in order to make yourself out to be a master troll. But, with each word you write, you become just like another fallen faux-troll: Brad The Great.

I don't know where the whole "Jane got bant from 4chan" thing comes from. I didn't. I just masked my IP and couldn't get on /b/.

And you now what, Diglett? I think someone's getting a little jealous of Jane. Look man, the JWO has room for new members. You could do big things with us!
Admin. Mods dont have that kind of power.

And I will eat my penis if Jane becomes a staff member on wrestlezone.
Only if the world REALLY WILL end in 2012, because you becoming mod is the first sign of the apocalypse.
Actually, if you deleted my account I wouldnt need to survive without WZ, because I'd be able to create a new account scott free because (A) you'd be deleting my IP record so I could create a new account and you wouldn't be able to prove it was me and (B) I wouldn't technically be creating an alt. Ban > Deletion of account.
Hi Jane, hows the JWO?

Better than ever.

I got bant and unbant and hated and troll'd some people and xfear hated me but than forgave me and Via Armbar went in the WHAAAMBULANCE and everyone got all mad and yelled and I was just like :( and then I got admin.

How are you?
Better than ever.

I got bant and unbant and hated and troll'd some people and xfear hated me but than forgave me and Via Armbar went in the WHAAAMBULANCE and everyone got all mad and yelled and I was just like :( and then I got admin.

Turbulent times for you, glad it's all better now though

How are you?

I am good, went to work, came home and listened to ABBA, my life is pretty full right now

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