Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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That we did. And perhaps, with a hell of a lot of work, you could rise to a level of at least mediocrity.

Your in, as our Head of Memorials.

Your first duty? Write a memorial for Areoplex.
There once was a man named Areoplex
Who was obsessed with Lesnar's pexs
He joined the world order
but of talent he only had a quarter
Now the Macca Effect brings us 0VX

Wow. I suck at poems.
I think me getting unbant was a sign, Jane.
It was a message from the God's that nothing can destroy the Jane World Order.

Let us not disappoint them.

There once was a man named Areoplex
Who was obsessed with Lesnar's pexs
He joined the world order
but of talent he only had a quarter
Now the Macca Effect brings us 0VX

Wow. I suck at poems.

Xfear? TM?

One of you ban ZeroVX for being an annoying cunt. If it's questioned tell 'em Jane sent you.
Fuck Undertaker the 5th. He's now an Enemy of the Order. He gave me a 6.5 out of 10.

What an ass. I give him the chance of a lifetime, and he's just a jerk...

Ban him.
Considering me and JKO are representing the Jane World Order in the tournament, I expect to see you all out voting for us.

Or else.
My most trusted advisers (my eyes) have informed me his name is Via Armbar. Just fyi.
Thanks for still talking about me Jane. It's good to know my name keeps coming out of your mouth rather than anything funny or interesting.
Hey, can I ask you a favor? Can you not use that Janesasters sig? Or at least take the bit about me out? I know I've said it in public before, but it's really not something I want in someone's sig. Hope you understand.
Thanks for still talking about me Jane. It's good to know my name keeps coming out of your mouth rather than anything funny or interesting.

LULZ alright then.

Hey, can I ask you a favor? Can you not use that Janesasters sig? Or at least take the bit about me out? I know I've said it in public before, but it's really not something I want in someone's sig. Hope you understand.
Huh. I never noticed that sig. Kinda cool. I'll censor it.


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