I Think I'm Going To Ban Jane...

It's whatevs. Xfear will retaliate and ban...well, whoever Tdigs treats as his own son. JMT? :lmao:
Calm down, guys, he'll be back in a few minutes.


Not big surprise...
Phew. I was afraid Xfear was going to destroy the Bar Room in a fit of Jane RAGE.
Way to go cum swamp, you got a friend in Lee.

Sorry Jane, I couldn't let Armbar use that insult and not use it myself. It's quite funny.
I really don't care if he's banned or not. He just needs to realize he isn't funny and needs to find a new schtick because posting burned out memes isn't nor ever was humorous.
Once again, you are lame as shit. The gag got old, Luther has become irrelevent, so kissing his ass is no longer a requirement, more of a pass time, ans not a good one at that. Like Armbar said, get better material, stop with the lameass jokes and ******ed memes, and just post like the rest of us. It's bad when the person you claim is a "cunt" is less of a cunt then you at the moment.

"waits for a lame ass reply"

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