I Need Your Help With The EOY Awards...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
For the best Bar Room thread of the year, I need two more nominees. I would prefer threads where people flipped their shit. So, if you can find me the threads where FTS flamed Slyfox696 (I think it had to do with college football) and where justinsayne flamed Slyfox696 (I think it was about Aaron Rodgers...IC and Slyfox696 got into it in this one as well), I would greatly appreciate it.
I also found one where you told me to suck your dick because Tennessee's week one win so epic that they were going to go further than Texas.
In that thread where Sly and I got into it a bit, there was one pretty interesting segment where he applauds Notre Dame for working the system to be able to get into BCS bowls. That is a bit different than his take on Texas' working the system this week.
I don't know. I think I've been staff as long as they've been there. Log out and view as a guest and see if it's still there.
Pope 4 Bant/Break Up

Lord Sidious/Sidious' Moderator Comments, both started by me.

Both of those are like one thread in two parts.
Are we leaving me being nominated in the Lemming award twice for shits and giggles or can we replace one of them with Deadman?

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