I just want to apologize.

One Punch Doug Crashin

To those who think I'm an idiot.

I know I've been using my ADD as an excuse lately. I really shouldn't. I really do try to convey myself better. At least when I post in the non-spam sections. Sometimes I may say things that are spoken out of my ass but usually that's because I don't even realize it most of the time. When I type I don't have anyone saying Bry, stop that's gonna make you look like an idiot.

That's basically it in a nutshell.
Fair enough.

My only worry is why you felt the need to say this? Just tell people to STFU and move on. It doesn't matter what people here think of you.
I've never had a problem with you Doug, but I can't exactly say I've had a proper conversation with you either, so I guess it'll bring me to a neutral point, but I'll still accept your apology for future references in case :)
Dont ever apologize you fucking imbecile. Also, don't ever use you're illness as an answer to why you're ******ed. I have ADHD as well. I don't take medicine for it. Be stronger than you think you can be. Fucker.
It was a joke, because you misspelled Tourette's Syndrome. Come on, now. Keep it together.

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