I just wanna update you guys.

Brave man. Not only giving her the link to that creepy ass thread but also telling her that you joined a wrestling forum and made a thread about her, professing your love for her to a bunch of complete strangers.

What's next, you gonna tell her you viciously *********e to her yearbook pictures?

Thank you, and actulley, I was looking in my yearbook, and as I said in my first thread, I kinda hated her, well not hated, but she was annoying. Well, just like most of the other kids in my yearbook, I gave her horns and a goatee.

I erased it, but I chuckled a little bit.
I was surfing /b/, and came across this image, seems like something you guys would taunt me with on this thread (or ellismanv2).
Word to the wise...

Unless you are Jane, which you are not, posting shit from 4Chan will not fly.
Word to the wise...

Unless you are Jane, which you are not, posting shit from 4Chan will not fly.

I want Jane to come down here right now and make me a triforce. Then we shall see who should be going on 4chan and who doesnt, I love my /b/. How dare you.
Ok guys, we'll let me tell you, a certain girl in my school likes me, unfortunately, it's not Karlie. It's a fat, smelly, ugly, crazy, alternative education, bi-polar, have I said enough?
I was being completely serious. If you haven't gotten any poon yet, you need to start working a little harder to reach your goal. Have you heard of roofies?

My chances are completely shit now, considering that fat bitch likes me...did I tell you who told me? Not sure if I did, but yeah, she told, Karlie.

Isn't that fucking fantastic? The girl of my dreams tells me a fat disgusting smelly chick likes me. Better yet, she told me I should go out with her. Of course I didn't want to say I thought the fat chick was the most disgusting thing on earth, because then I'd look like an asshole. I just told her she's not my type, but damn. Fucking fat people....pisses me off.
Today was awesome! Last class of the day, computers. Yeah, what ever we we're doing sucked big floppy donkey dick, but guess who sat next to me? Karlie. At first she was sitting by her, friend, but she didn't even talk to him, no, she talked to me.She started by asking me why I wouldn't go out with the stupid fat chick, she said I broke the girls heart (Ha ha ha.), I told her the girl wasn't my type. She asked me what my type was, and I almost described her, but I decided not too. The entire period we talked, apparently she can't read directions good, so I was helping her the entire time on the project thingy.

She kept asking me what to do, she kinda yelled at me too, and when I couldn't help her...she said she was going..to kill me, but she smiled when she said that, so she was probably joking. We basically did the project together. It was soo awesome. I hope this didn't sound weird.
Convince her to be belimic, then fuck her

Ok, I looked it up, and I think I know what you where referring too. Not sure if you mean Karlie being belimic, or the fat chick. Karlie is already skinny as a stick, I mean seriously, she'd probably be able to still get in the play things at Mcdonald's.

Now that ugly obeast girl...that's a good idea...though hell I don't know, knowing that thing, she's probably been with a lot of guys (most likely stoners). If I take a stab in there, I'm probably gonna end up walking out of the doctor's office in a week, with him telling me I have aids.
Get with the fat chick. They try harder.

Hell no. Look, She has a facebook or something, I'll get you a picture of her from there.


I don't know when this picture was taken, but she's like...2x fatter now. It was probably taken when she was like...8...I think she's like..16 now.

Besides, remember when I told you guys Monday, about how I talked to Karlie (hot girl) in computer class? Well yesterday we didn't talk as much, it was kinda like a lecture and step by step telling us what to do, so we didn't have a chance, but today we did. She also asked me to sharpen her pencil...which..puts me back to the whole carrying book thing, but this time there was no asshole was there to take it from me.

Not sure if I mentioned it, don't think I did, but I looked on her myspace page, and saw a few songs on there, so I listened to them, it was by a band
"Train", and the songs where actually pretty good, so I added them on my Ipod and a few others by Train, but the other song she had was that Justin Bieber kid, and I wasn't going there. So if she ever asks me what kind of music I like, I'm going to say Train.

I'm going to slowly ease my way into the friendship circle, then..we she trusts me...RAPE. Okay, nobody take that seriously, I was just joking, but apparently a lot of you don't get that.

I know I know, I need to get a blog. I'm in the process of getting one.
And your complaining why? She looks one fine piece of ass.


You creepy ass son of a gun. I'm sorry, but your excited because she asked you to sharpen her pencil? Jesus Christ. No offence, but she's probably just playing you for her idea of fun. Hrsh, but it's how bitches like that work. I have had such an experience, take my word for it.

She can play me all she wants, as long as she talks to me. The thing is, I would do anything for her, as long as she asked it. And no..I wasn't really excited about it..I mean I was excited about carrying her books, but things are a little bit different now...completely different. I just figured it'd be nice of me to do it, hell, I would probably do it for any good looking girl in my school. Now if it was the girl above in the picture...well that probably wouldn't happen considering she'd just eat her pencil anyways.

Now trust me, she may look...decent...in that picture, but hell...she's one ugly son of a bitch in real life.
She can play me all she wants, as long as she talks to me. The thing is, I would do anything for her, as long as she asked it. And no..I wasn't really excited about it..I mean I was excited about carrying her books, but things are a little bit different now...completely different. I just figured it'd be nice of me to do it, hell, I would probably do it for any good looking girl in my school. Now if it was the girl above in the picture...well that probably wouldn't happen considering she'd just eat her pencil anyways.

Anything to get into her pants eh? I like your style.

Now trust me, she may look...decent...in that picture, but hell...she's one ugly son of a bitch in real life.

Obviously, the concept of sarcasm is lost on you.
First off all, I'm the REAL ellisman. I have no clue who this guy is.

Yeah, back in august, I was kinda stressed out and expressed myself in a bad way. But I've changed and I no longer have her(robin) in my life. I'm sorry I came on here and vented like that. I never hurt her or anyone else. My bad.

Now, onto you dude: WTF? I read your thread, at least some of it, and your pathetic, really. Excited over holding a girls books? Typing messages on myspace about it? Wow dude, that's just un cool to say the least. Is that pic the girl you liked? If so, she's just using you to make herself feel better, as she looks fat and ugly in my opinion. Just go to a strip club and get laid, but I doubt you will. Shit, you'd probably ejaculate before she even took her panties off the way you talk!

Oh, and Doc, I do have a sense of humor, thanks, I just wasn't interested in your little war.

I'm not a cunt. I'm sometimes emotional, just had a lot of stress when I was on here before.

Anything else before I get banned?

Good luck to you all lol...(waits for the group hug pics/comments)
First off all, I'm the REAL ellisman. I have no clue who this guy is.

Yeah, back in august, I was kinda stressed out and expressed myself in a bad way. But I've changed and I no longer have her(robin) in my life. I'm sorry I came on here and vented like that. I never hurt her or anyone else. My bad.

Now, onto you dude: WTF? I read your thread, at least some of it, and your pathetic, really. Excited over holding a girls books? Typing messages on myspace about it? Wow dude, that's just un cool to say the least. Is that pic the girl you liked? If so, she's just using you to make herself feel better, as she looks fat and ugly in my opinion. Just go to a strip club and get laid, but I doubt you will. Shit, you'd probably ejaculate before she even took her panties off the way you talk!

Oh, and Doc, I do have a sense of humor, thanks, I just wasn't interested in your little war.

I'm not a cunt. I'm sometimes emotional, just had a lot of stress when I was on here before.

Anything else before I get banned?

Good luck to you all lol...(waits for the group hug pics/comments)


Anybody think this guys for real? And no, that girl in the picture isn't the girl I like, I can supply a picture of the one I like if you want, but the girl in that pic is the one who likes ME, and I doubt you read my thread, because it's buurrrried in the Bar room. Then again, I did have a link to it in this thread. But seriously..."Ellisman", what made you come back, and look at a prison thread.

Dammit, I'm actulley shocked right now, hell...maybe you actulley are Ellisman. If your not though, you actulley trolled me pretty good...damn wait...this is April 1st. Who are you? Is this some kinda sick april fools joke? If so, you got me pretty dammmn good. *Claps*
Ok I know this is some kind of sick joke now, I know it. Who is it? I don't think LAB would be stupid enough to create an alt, just for a joke, that would be epic though. Um...was it one of the mods? Was it TLC? Was it Slyfox? Who????

I'm serious, if this guy is seriously Ellisman.....
No bud, I'm actually ellisman7...I had an Randy Orton Avatar when I left..E7 was my last name before I left I think...Norcal kicked me off the forums.
I remember I was in some controversy because I thought will made a deal with me that If i voted for Edge, I would get green rep from him.

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