I just sent Doc a package of 30 condoms.

It's alot of pressure. If I could go back and change it, I totally would.But my situation is probably miles apart from yours.
She cant get pregnant if he puts it in her butt, although he does run the risk of a poopy dick.

Wear protection while fucking her in the ass though so you don't have a curious case of "shit dick", oh and finger a chick too as much as you can/like/want, my fingers still smell of pussy and fact of that matter is my whole self smells like pussy and sex.....GOODIE for me.
I usually charge $3.99 a minute for advice like this Doc, but since you're a buddy of mine I'll offer it for free.

Don't shove it in all at once. Tease with the tip just a litte; an inch goes in, comes and right back out. Inch goes in again, maybe a little more this time and then it comes right back out. Do this for just longer than you think you should. Then shove the whole beast (I'm speaking of my penis but just substitute beast with Doc Junior or something) in at once. It teases them enough, gets the juices going if you haven't performed any foreplay yet and it makes them know they're in your realm now.
In addition to Armbar's good advice, try every position you can think of over time depending how much time you want to spend with the girl, it makes for a nice experience instead of a boring one if you do it in mulitple positions. Also foreplay is great....fingering, licking her out or even her giving you head, it all works buddy.
In addition to Armbar's good advice, try every position you can think of over time depending how much time you want to spend with the girl, it makes for a nice experience instead of a boring one if you do it in mulitple positions. Also foreplay is great....fingering, licking her out or even her giving you head, it all works buddy.

It won't last long enough for any of this Doc.
Some may say that I'm rather stupid when it comes to the real world. These people would be correct. There is one thing that I am knowledgeable of however and that is wrestling. Based on that, here are my tips for Doc:

1. Don't go for the finisher early. You have to wear them down a bit first.

2. Use some holds in there instead of just going full speed ahead with an attack.

3. Psychology. Think before you act and ask yourself "why am I about to do what I'm thinking of doing?"

4. You can do things yourself. You don't need a mouthpiece.

5. Once the main action is over and the reaction is great you don't have to turn heel immediately.

6. Get a rematch clause in writing in case of a loss.

7. Make sure you last longer than Roddy Piper's first match (ten seconds).

8. Make sure everyone can't hear you call spots.

9. Length of a match does not mean it's awesome.

10. When you get the chance for the finish, don't try any tricks that you're not smart enough to pull off. Sometimes the people just want what they want and you don't need to have a fast count or a screwjob to make things work. Just go out there, get on top of them and last at least for three and you'll be fine.
Then again i have a girlfriend, so i like to pleasure my woman, but we just gotta get Doc laid first.
In addition to Armbar's good advice, try every position you can think of over time depending how much time you want to spend with the girl, it makes for a nice experience instead of a boring one if you do it in mulitple positions. Also foreplay is great....fingering, licking her out or even her giving you head, it all works buddy.

This would be some solid advice in general, but not with the chick I'm potentially setting him up with.
Well then, do what u gotta do to get him sex.

Well, the problem isn't with him knowing or not knowing what to do. The chick knows what she's getting into here. The problems right now are on her end. If I could solve these problems, he's getting laid, there's no question about it.

As long as he's cool with it. No pressure.
Hah, no. I know this chick I went to high school with, who now goes to Wright State, and she's a bit of a, er... "having fun" kind of chick.

You know those chicks who break up with their boyfriends because they want to have the "full college experience"? That kind of chick.

So naturally, she had no problem with this.
Doc, we may have our differences at times but I want to give some solid advice. Don't feel pressured because this girl you're being set up with is experienced, if something doesn't feel right, just say no. I am a firm believer in that when it comes down to sex, it will happen naturally. I have actually bailed on some near opportunities because I wasn't comfortable and didn't feel ready, the right girl then came along and I felt glad I waited.

The first time will always feel weird, but as the saying goes "There's a first time for sex and there's a first time for good sex", don't feel pressured into giving a 5-star performance because that will affect you the most, just take it one step at a time, if the girl is understanding, she will help guide you. Come the second time, you'll get more confident and so on, etc.

Some may say that I'm rather stupid when it comes to the real world. These people would be correct. There is one thing that I am knowledgeable of however and that is wrestling. Based on that, here are my tips for Doc:

1. Don't go for the finisher early. You have to wear them down a bit first.

2. Use some holds in there instead of just going full speed ahead with an attack.

3. Psychology. Think before you act and ask yourself "why am I about to do what I'm thinking of doing?"

4. You can do things yourself. You don't need a manager.

5. Once the main action is over and the reaction is great you don't have to turn heel immediately.

6. Get a rematch clause in writing in case of a loss.

7. Make sure you last longer than Roddy Piper's first match (ten seconds).

8. Make sure everyone can't hear you call spots.

9. Length of a match does not mean it's awesome.

10. When you get the chance for the finish, don't try any tricks that you're not smart enough to pull off. Sometimes the people just want what they want and you don't need to have a fast count or a screwjob to make things work. Just go out there, get on top of them and last at least for three and you'll be fine.

Oh and finally: if the chick's name is Katie or Vick, RUN LIKE HELL.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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