I hope this "they" storyline fails

didn't someone say Spike has a 2 year contract with TNA?
while there is no Ted Turner owner who owns the wrestling company and the TV network, Ted Turner did sell/merge the company with AOL which had no interest in having a wrestling company and then sold the company to WWE.

even if this particular story lines fails, I doubt TNA and/or Spike will remove any power from Hogan/Bischoff.
whatever they touch they destroy.
WCW did quite well with the nWo story line back in WCW. and before you say well WCW went out of business, it wasn't because of something specifically done by Hogan and/or Bischoff.
didn't someone say Spike has a 2 year contract with TNA?

even if, didn't Spike have a contract with ECW then they bumped them out for Monday Night RAW when they were TNN? a contract can be easily bought out if they see it's not bringing them a profit. if TNA draws less than any other show they got, they'll just show re-runs of CSI or something (or put TNA in a TV slot where they'd beg for a buy out).

any other example of a wrestling show leaving a network is basically because the company wanted to. the AOL/Time Warner thing was just an example, but it's not really a good one because Turner can give them a specific type of contract (like a short contract he'd of course re-new or a long term one they can always get out of.) i'm not too sure on how Turner did business with his own companies, but like it was said, if this angle fails, nothing good will come out of it for TNA. we don't really know what the TNA higher ups would do with Bischoff and Hogan. the ratings haven't really improved greatly with the baggage they've brought (like the washed up guys and the ridiculous storylines). if this angle fails, TNA could lose the loyal fanbase they've had that's kept them somewhat relevant.
Stables have been apart of wrestling for a long time.. When I was younger, I remember stables being a big part of wrestling, especially in WWE... The Hart Foundation, NOD, DX, The Brood, Ministry, The Union, Corporation, etc. So what's wrong if TNA has a few stables... Everyone is always talking about how TNA doesn't give enough wrestlers airtime. Putting wrestlers who aren't do much on their own in stables places them on television. One of the things however, it that TNA sometimes just seems to throw people together who don't really fit together. I was a little mad when I first saw the horrible turn segment at BFG, but it has people talking whether it's bad or good they have people talking. Even the people who "hate" TNA want to know what's going on in the company, so they can come up here and talk trash about it.
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

If it fails and the ratings go down it will force change. Spike will force Dixie to make the needed changes and move the company in a new direction.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

Please Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair retire already.

dude you say youre a tna supporter.you have to be greatful that there actually giving people what they want somehow.unlike vince he's giving us kiddy shit.like last night cena acting like a dramatic bitch when Wade Barrett was talking smack to him.he woulda usually snapped by then.even if it cost him his job.The "they" storyline is pretty good.four guys you wouldnt expect as "they".It was unpredictable.and i have a feeling theyre gonna start a feud with fortune so its even better then e.v.2 will jump in.and "They"will get more wrestlers in their faction.
Hogan, Bischoff, Sting, & Flair are why a good portion of the audience is watching my friend. I have been a wrestling fan since the mid 80's, & what you TNA fans don't get is its not 1985 anymore. TNA matches are fast, high energy, & well performed, but if theres no major angle who cares. Before Hogan & all these other guys arrived earlier in the year I would tune in to a TNA show to become bored because of lame angles & wrestlers that I did not care about, & I'd change the channel. I have been disappointed with the storylines in TNA under Hogan & Bischoff, until this ppv. I am not sure why they put Hardy into the group? I'm interested to hear from Sting about this, hasn't he been telling us all along? What is the agenda of this group? I can't wait to watch TNA wrestling for the first time ever. Not sure if this angle will work, but if it does turn out to be interesting thats better for us. I certainly hope it makes me want to tune in each week & buy ppv's.
Look, whether this angle fails or not, Spike is locked into paying for Impact for the next two years. They signed a contract. Most likely that contract is for a set amount for each show. RAtings are nice, but for TNA they are not money.

You ARE just kidding around, right? Do you understand how companies like Spike make money? Advertising. Do you know WHY they want their shows to succeed and pull in good ratings? Because the more people they expose to their advertisers, the more they can charge for their ad space on television. Therefore, it's VERY likely that how much TNA is making as per Spike TV per show is in direct corralation to the ratings they pull in. They also probably have a grace period if the show falls below a certain rating as well, to correct it and pull people back in before Spike TV starts discussing the future of the promotion on their network. Just because they're signed to a 2 year contract, doesn't at all mean they are paying the same set amount per show, every show for 2 years. How stupid would this be for TNA, if IN THEORY, a month after they signed their 2 year agreement to Spike TV, they found the hottest thing since the NWO and SCSA put together, and ratings just soared? They get stuck making the same ridiculously low wage while pulling in ratings that can compare to some WWE shows? I don't think so. Now, this is all in theory, and chances are they ARE making the same amount per show, since their ratings are quite consistant, but I'm just saying. I hate it when people try and get all technical about contracts and shit, as if they know the fucking world. It's like when WWE released Danielson and everyone was all "He can't come back before his 90 day no-compete clause is up," as if they've memorized every fucking word in the contract he signed, y'know, the one they've never, and will never see. Fuck...

Anyway, this is a stupid thread. TNA realized they needed to do something, so they did it. If they succeed, fantastic. I love TNA and would love to see them grow a little and expand. If it fails, they'll just revert back to how they always are. Kind of just floating around. Getting by doing whatever is convenient and/or nonsensical. I can't believe I even wasted my time writing that...
And I don't want it to fail. I hope it will grow and continue because it is very interesting for me.

I also don't fully agree that Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair should retire. I like them, tough they should not wrestler. Flair is entertaining as a Fortune leader, Bischoff is and probably will be more interesting as a heel boss. As far as Hogan, Nash and Sting go, have mixed feelings. The reason is that, at the moment, I don't see any significant role in TNA for them. I think that sooner or later Bischoff will betray Hogan, thus Hogan could fight with Bischoff. Nash is already retired if we believe his tweets, and Sting who knows. He is also talking about retirement, so maybe he will also be gone.
Honestly people need to stop complaining about rehashing old storylines such as the nwo in today's wrestling promotions. The truth is wrestling ran out of truly compelling storylines about ten years ago. Its not the writers fault, there's just so many stories that could take place where the underlining premise is good vs bad guys. Wrestling now a days is just creative waiting around for a past storyline to hit it's "maybe people wont really remember it" stage in order for them to repackage it with new people at the helm.

Just look at the wwe. John Cena for the last few years has been this era's Hulk Hogan. Top face,limited move set, merchandise monster and movie star;there is simply no denying it. Its only a matter of time before Orton transforms into this generations SCSA and Nexus could arguably be a newer improved "nwo". Instead of being established stars uniting to take over a company they are new up and comers. Same permise, different level of stardom.

So why the hell does everyone have a problem with a new version(if that's what it really even is) of the nwo in TNA? For god sakes its been almost 15 years since the original nwo formed. In wrestling terms that was a whole era ago. People need to realize that storylines need to repeat eventually. And I am positively sure that the three guys behind the biggest angle in wrestling history, even though it eventually led to the fall of wcw would not make the same mistakes twice in booking and creative.

People want something new. TNA gives you The Shore. A fresh new concept based off of today's world and not a rehashed storyline and what do people do. Shit on it before it even has a chance to take off. If you cant accept the new stuff stop complaining when they give you the same old storylines and plot scenarios.
I've looked at the IMPACT! spoilers for the next two weeks and even though I'm not sure how this week's IMPACT will turn out, the one next week actually looks pretty good.. I think we should give TNA a chance to see how if this actually works out. I seriously doubt that Eric Bischoff, Hogan, or Russo want to crawl back to Vince McMahon for work unless they are already on his payroll and he is the real "They" which is unlikely. They are not going to make the same mistakes and they are trying to find things that work in TNA. The ratings are going up slowly and they are edging closer to competing with SmackDown! in the ratings.. Raw's ratings are continuously dropping by the week, so they might not have to work too hard to catch up with them, but I think we should truly give this a chance. Everyone is frustrated with TNA, but for the most part we want the company to succeed. Even the haters keep coming back for more.
Damonjets i'm a big fan of you but i want you to fail. Let me explain.
I like how you like TNA but I don't like how you want them to fail.
I think you need to retire from writing posts like this so that wz hits will go down and it will force change. When this happens Wz will force you to write posts that are not complete SPAM and hopefully you'll write stuff that will make your posts go in a new direction (worth reading).

I knew you'd go all smarky when TNA got taken over by Hogan and Bischoff, the only two men to EVER outdo Vince McMahon's corporate (soul sucking) WWE. Whatever these two men touch was gold, and whatever these two men decide to leave turns to shit (WWE) (WCW).

Please Damonjets and smarks just like him. Retire already. Sooks.

One last thing: Under the reasoning that Hogan and Bischoff destroy everything they touch, just think about this. Hogan MADE WWE. Is WWE destroyed now? NO. Bischoff worked in WWE. Is it destroyed? NO. Hogan's heel run in WCW turned the ratings around in WCW and the ratings stayed really high right up until Hogan turned face. His face turn, coupled with his injury downtime soured fans. WCW went down the shitter when Russo took over. Bischoff was long gone. When Bischoff was in control of WCW, it was gold. Same with Hogan. Bischoff and Hogan are two of the most revolutionary and successful people in the wrestling business. They've made millions and turned companies around. Nothing they touch is destroyed, it's quite the opposite actually. The only person selling their soul here is a smark like you who repeats what other dumbass smarks on here regurgitate daily. No real wrestling fan wants guys from the 'exciting eras' like Hogan, Flair, Sting, and Nash to go away. I don't care if Flair is 100 when he retires i'd prefer watching an elderly gimp like him over 95 percent of WWE's boring ass roster any day.
I don't understand why you would want it to fail.

Imo the TNA product has been really hot and interesting for the last 3 months and I want They to succeed so they can be competition to WWE and we can have another conmpany war that would force both company to outperform each other.

The only reason I would see you wanting to see it fails is if you don't like the current product.

no it hasnt. just stop with the whole defending TNA act. its terrible. and it has been. i doubt it will ever improve.

they will never compete with the WWE.

people want to see the "they" angle fail is because it sucks. abig giant cluterfuck/waste of talent. hogan/abyss/hardy? insta-fail.
I hadn't watched TNA much in the past few months, but watched a couple of Impact episodes recently so decided to watch Bound For Glory. I think the way the show ended with Abyss and Jeff Jarrett just walking down to the ring randomly made the whole "They" reveal weak. It didn't mesh well together which gives me a bad feeling about where this storyline is going. Hopefully they step up and give it some fire, but I just don't see Jeff Hardy as a credible heel. Plus, the crowd gave almost zero reaction which really made the whole segment terrible.

And as for hoping this storyline fails so TNA and Dixie Carter makes changes, well that's just wishful thinking. I don't think this one storyline failing will be what makes Dixie make changes. Honestly, there's just too many that need to be made if they want to compete with the WWE soon. I'd love to see TNA get exciting, because if TNA becomes big enough to breathe down Vince's neck, then the WWE will get better, which I see coming anyway with The Miz nearing a WWE Title run, a possible Cena heel turn, CM Punk on RAW now, and Nexus still staying strong and interesting week in week out. With competition, Vince would push the writers more and a better product would be the result.

But with TNA probably 5 years from that point, it looks like we'll have to make due or hope they step up soon before it's too late.
I hadn't watched TNA much in the past few months, but watched a couple of Impact episodes recently so decided to watch Bound For Glory. I think the way the show ended with Abyss and Jeff Jarrett just walking down to the ring randomly made the whole "They" reveal weak. It didn't mesh well together which gives me a bad feeling about where this storyline is going. Hopefully they step up and give it some fire, but I just don't see Jeff Hardy as a credible heel. Plus, the crowd gave almost zero reaction which really made the whole segment terrible.

And as for hoping this storyline fails so TNA and Dixie Carter makes changes, well that's just wishful thinking. I don't think this one storyline failing will be what makes Dixie make changes. Honestly, there's just too many that need to be made if they want to compete with the WWE soon. I'd love to see TNA get exciting, because if TNA becomes big enough to breathe down Vince's neck, then the WWE will get better, which I see coming anyway with The Miz nearing a WWE Title run, a possible Cena heel turn, CM Punk on RAW now, and Nexus still staying strong and interesting week in week out. With competition, Vince would push the writers more and a better product would be the result.

But with TNA probably 5 years from that point, it looks like we'll have to make due or hope they step up soon before it's too late.

Was the garbage thrown in the ring and the loud you sold out chants not enough for you? I think they will handle this well because this will be Bischoffs baby. I am sure this all his idea and he knows how to do these kind of things.
johnbragg said:
Look, whether this angle fails or not, Spike is locked into paying for Impact for the next two years. They signed a contract. Most likely that contract is for a set amount for each show. RAtings are nice, but for TNA they are not money

Do you understand how companies like Spike make money?
I have some idea. Did YOU know that Spike TV and TNA are different companies?

Therefore, it's VERY likely that how much TNA is making as per Spike TV per show is in direct corralation to the ratings they pull in.

This is certainly possible, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that it's true.

How stupid would this be for TNA, if ... ratings just soared? They get stuck making the same ridiculously low wage ....?

Yes, Impact on Spike would be underpriced for a couple of years. However, TNA would be making boatloads of money off of PPV, merchandise and selling tickets. So TNA will take that chance in order to secure their only real revenue source, Spike TV.

You did say something smart:
I hate it when people try and get all technical about contracts and shit, as if they know the fucking world.

But you said that right after you got all technical about contracts and shit, like you knew anything about anything.

Therefore, it's VERY likely that how much TNA is making as per Spike TV per show is in direct corralation to the ratings they pull in. They also probably have a grace period if the show falls below a certain rating as well, to correct it and pull people back in before Spike TV starts discussing the future of the promotion on their network. Just because they're signed to a 2 year contract, doesn't at all mean they are paying the same set amount per show, every show for 2 years.

I'm guessing you knew all that because you pulled it out of your ass. It's very likely, probably, etc.

TV channels almost always buy programming for pre-negotiated fees. The last year of Friends, NBC had to pay out the ass to keep all 6 actors. It was a pre-negotiated fee, not based on what the ratings would be.

This happens because there are multiple networks, and multiple providers of programs, negotiating in the marketplace. TNA certainly wasn't Spike's only option to put on Saturday nights and then Thursday nights, and Spike may not have been the only option for TNA. So the two sides negotiate and reach an agreement on a price and a term for the contract.

Sports programming fees are pre-negotiated. Versus agreed to pay the NHL per season in their last deal. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/23/sports/hockey/23versus.html

Pro wrestling usually works like sports. Syfy is paying WWE close to $30M a year for Smackdown. http://www.examiner.com/pro-wrestli...we-smackdown-moving-to-syfy-network-this-fall

At various times, WWE had deals structured where they sold their own advertising, either buying the 2 hours from the network and selling ads, or splitting the ads between WWE and the network. Ratings are very important under that sort of setup, but they don't have that setup anymore.

It is very, very likely that Spike is paying TNA a set fee per week. It is possible that the contract is more complicated than that, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that it is.

agent67 said:
Hogan, Bischoff, Sting, & Flair are why a good portion of the audience is watching my friend. I have been a wrestling fan since the mid 80's, & what you TNA fans don't get is its not 1985 anymore

You see the point--it's NOT 1985 anymore. If it were 1985, a promotion with Flair, Hogan and Sting would be selling out football stadiums. If it were 1985, TNA would be trying to survive on Lou Thesz and Buddy Rogers.
Austin in 2001 sucked..was VKM bitch and *****fied...he wa not the raisin hell SCSA we allknew an love...was a water down version. But Jeff like Taker 97-99 circabe great though. He be a true menance striking fear and terror into people's hearts.


Oh ye, Austin's a real p*ssy here. I meant early 2001 not the cryin' blubber on the bridge against Angle.
Your an idiot what TNA fan wants TNA to fail. How could this help the company in anyway. Wouldn't you want this to suceed so TNA gets more veiwers what the hell. I understand you dont like the people involved but still you should want them to make something good out of it.
It's an odd situation. You have some amazing talent, MCMG's, Gen Me, Beer Money, Pope, Angle, Joe, ect. Then you have the Elderly World Order led by Hip Replacement Hogan. Give the old guys a rest already, If you're approaching 10yrs as an AARP member, it's time to go. They have a great young roster and a vastly superior (to wwe) ladies roster, and the roll out Jarrett, Abyss, the shells of Van Dam and Hardy, and the completely broken down ECW no stars, and THESE are what's featured in the big angles? The cage match was ok, but the only real reason to watch anymore is MCMG's.
there will always be an argument for Hogan and McMahon as for who made who. IMO it was both. McMahon would not have had WWF become as big as it did without someone like Hogan, but Hogan himself would not have been as big if he didn't have McMahon to promote him world wide. Hogan was in the AWA before he went to WWF and was never as big as when he was in WWF.

as talented and exciting as MCMG are, there are a lot of general wrestling fans that still don't know who they are.
if TNA was to rid with all the older name type wrestlers and only used the younger talent, the ratings would not be as good as they have been despite what the younger talent could do. even if the older talent can not compete as well in the ring, they are still names that bring in viewers.
wrestling is like Hollywood with movies. acting/story lines and names are important to bring in viewers.

wanting a big story line to completely fail so that the company can change really is ridiculous, because that change that could be made because of a complete fail could be the company completely going away. if your a TNA fan I doubt you want that. now I don't think that if this angle completely fails that the company would go away, but you never know.
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

If it fails and the ratings go down it will force change. Spike will force Dixie to make the needed changes and move the company in a new direction.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

Please Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair retire already.

You know seriously dude, why would you want the only competition to the WWE (and I use that term loosely) to go away?

If the rating go any lower than they are, Spike won't force changes they'll just cancel the whole damm show. That will move the company in the right direction for you it seems, down the toilet.

I'm a casual fan of wrestling in general, but I don't want to see TNA go away, to tell the truth, they put out a better product each week than the stagnant crap on RAW and Smackdown.

This the the problem with TNA, the fans, who don't want change. They just want the company to struggle on forever. I'm not happy with the Hardy heel turn, but I'll wait and see what happens with it before being all doom and gloom.
Fuck TNA.

For almost 8 years I have been a fan of TNA. When Hogan/Bischoff/Carter (The 3 Stooges) got their claws on it I almost threw the fuck up.

I had/have a huge problem with the direction they took TNA. Every single time I said something about it I had all of you TNA Fanatics piss all over the place with rage.

"Give it time." "How can you judge the story when it's not over?" "You are not a fan."

That shit up above is what I heard/read. That and the horsehit that multiquoters write. So I said, fuck it. I'll give it a chance 10.10.10 would be the final chance.

I ordered that piece of shit. I want a fucking refund and I want them to give me a time machine to go back and get the close to 3 hours of my life I wasted back.

Are you fucking serious with this NWO version 15? Abyss & Hardy? Cool. Makes sense. They're both "dark" and "fucked up" but Hogan and Bischoff? What the fuck are they going to do? Oh...the same shit they did 15 years ago? Fuck that.


Kurt Angle should retire. Get the fuck out of that turd of a company. Stick to the storyline. If Dixie re-hires him or he says I lost unfairly so I'm staying....fuck that.

Hey Sting, you were right. Nice job not fucking doing ANYTHING when "deception" was "revealed". I quoted those words because I was not deceived and nothing was revealed. There was no explanation for the deception or revelation. Plus what does it do? Nothing. Kevin Nash...see ya. Jeff Jarret, how the fuck do you side with the man who made you eat shit for 6 months? How?

I'm tired of weak ass explanations. I am tired of 7 man stables. I am tired of dropped storylines. I'm tired of "THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE TNA". I am tired of Hogan and Bischoff. I am tired of "asshole" and "bitch". I'm tired insta-bleeding. I am tired of seeing Mick Foley almost die. I am tired of seeing fantastic young wrestlers being moved around by people like the 3 Stooges of TNA and that sack Vince Russo and his team of idiot writers and bookers.

Fuck TNA. It's been deleted out of my DVR. I am so pissed that TNA has turned into a piece of shit. They fucked up by thinking that the IWC and the one-time only fans in the iMpact Zone is their key demographic.

Shocking me doesn't work if the explanation is shit. And no, I don't give 2 drips that this is the "start" of the explanations and change in TNA. In my mind and eyes, TNA has put themselves over the edge of being a viable company.

All of you young guys who are under 30 I feel so bad for you that this is the shit you have to watch. That you never got a chance to see awesome wrestling. I feel bad that TNA gives you the Attitude Era 2.0. I feel bad for all of you who are used to this and think that this is "good".

The only thing that I myself can do to help TNA get back to how great it used to be is take my money and time and give it to the WWE and the indy promotions. My support, time, and patience all ran out on 10.10.10.

TNA sucks. I will never watch TNA again.
Fuck TNA.
Only if Tessmacher, Angelina, Velvet, Mickie and Madison are their representatives.

For almost 8 years I have been a fan of TNA. When Hogan/Bischoff/Carter (The 3 Stooges) got their claws on it I almost threw the fuck up.
Dixie's been there since like 02 but whatever.

I had/have a huge problem with the direction they took TNA. Every single time I said something about it I had all of you TNA Fanatics piss all over the place with rage.
Since Carter was there in 02? Or after? Also May 2010 you've been here how long?

"Give it time." "How can you judge the story when it's not over?" "You are not a fan."

That shit up above is what I heard/read. That and the horsehit that multiquoters write. So I said, fuck it. I'll give it a chance 10.10.10 would be the final chance.
Yet here you are talking about it and you'll be here next week and the week after that. You'll keep watching you're just having a hissy fit.

I ordered that piece of shit. I want a fucking refund and I want them to give me a time machine to go back and get the close to 3 hours of my life I wasted back.
So you hated the Guns vs GenMe match? And the Knockouts? And the Lethal Lockdown? And Lethal v Williams? Cos you kinda don't bring that up at all.

Are you fucking serious with this NWO version 15? Abyss & Hardy? Cool. Makes sense. They're both "dark" and "fucked up" but Hogan and Bischoff? What the fuck are they going to do? Oh...the same shit they did 15 years ago? Fuck that.
Any faction with Hogan in it = nWo? Odd. Also wasn't the match between Angle Anderson and Hardy just great? See your only criticism of BFG has been the They story, but you claimed it was 3 hours of a waste so I'd love to here what you hated about the matches.

Kurt Angle should retire. Get the fuck out of that turd of a company. Stick to the storyline. If Dixie re-hires him or he says I lost unfairly so I'm staying....fuck that.
So Kurt should leave his only source of income because????? You said so?

Hey Sting, you were right. Nice job not fucking doing ANYTHING when "deception" was "revealed". I quoted those words because I was not deceived and nothing was revealed. There was no explanation for the deception or revelation. Plus what does it do? Nothing. Kevin Nash...see ya. Jeff Jarret, how the fuck do you side with the man who made you eat shit for 6 months? How?
What was Sting to do? And apparently 3 months = 6 now. Could be they were saving some story for future episodes of iMPACT but idk.

I'm tired of weak ass explanations.
Have they even given an explanation yet?

I am tired of 7 man stables.
The whole 1?

I am tired of dropped storylines. I'm tired of "THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE TNA". I am tired of Hogan and Bischoff. I am tired of "asshole" and "bitch". I'm tired insta-bleeding. I am tired of seeing Mick Foley almost die. I am tired of seeing fantastic young wrestlers being moved around by people like the 3 Stooges of TNA and that sack Vince Russo and his team of idiot writers and bookers.
Funny you're so tired you keep watching, except for the bleeding part who's been bleeding every week now?

Fuck TNA. It's been deleted out of my DVR. I am so pissed that TNA has turned into a piece of shit. They fucked up by thinking that the IWC and the one-time only fans in the iMpact Zone is their key demographic.
But you're IWC and they've done everything you didn't want, clearly they weren't thinking of you.

Shocking me doesn't work if the explanation is shit. And no, I don't give 2 drips that this is the "start" of the explanations and change in TNA. In my mind and eyes, TNA has put themselves over the edge of being a viable company.
"The explanation is shit, yeah cos you haven't had time to explain it, but it's shit, WAHHHHHHHH"

All of you young guys who are under 30 I feel so bad for you that this is the shit you have to watch. That you never got a chance to see awesome wrestling. I feel bad that TNA gives you the Attitude Era 2.0. I feel bad for all of you who are used to this and think that this is "good".

under 30? Uh-oh, here comes one of those "Back in the day of Tugboat, Earthquake and Dino Bravo, shit was helllll goood"

The only thing that I myself can do to help TNA get back to how great it used to be is take my money and time and give it to the WWE and the indy promotions. My support, time, and patience all ran out on 10.10.10.
Ah yes, support the giant monopoly who won't change a thing as long as they're being supported, tell you what this thread here: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=136354

Just for you.

TNA sucks. I will never watch TNA again.
$10 says he's here next week to post the same rant, any takers?
However you slice it, it's beyond idiotic to hope for failure when it comes to TNA. If you're a TNA fan, it makes zero sense. If you're a WWE fan, who hates TNA, you are basically asking for a stale WWE product. Competition equals quality in the wrestling business, and if there is no steady opponent for WWE, they will stay/become complacent.
That seems insane. If it does well, then they'd all have a part of the show that makes sense. You want them to retire now. However, if they work this angle well, then there'd be no reason to have them leave.

It would increase ratings and buyrates and then when they do leave, the company would have a chance to have had wrestlers make more of an impact and continue to build their own fan bases.

Hoping anything fails seems to be backward thinking.
Reddannihilation, I have to say that you are one dumb motherfucker.

I just have to say it one more time: you are one dumb motherfucker.


It's beyond my understanding how you multiquote a post and believe that its an actual response.

This is for you to read and ponder: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?p=2499843#post2499843

Let's say for example that you and I were face to face saying these things. Do you think our "conversation" would be like your post? Where you would one-line everything? It wouldn't because it's fucking stupid to respond like that.

Your post says absolutly nothing. Nothing. It's twice as whiney as my post and has none of the content.

But thank you for the response. I was hoping for one. It's just a shame that it comes from a dumb multi-quoting fuck such as you. I was hoping that maybe I was wrong and a real TNA fan would point out things that I might have missed. But instead, I get a butthurt crybaby kid like you who shits his tight jeans and cries into his emo hair when someone comes along and says "FUCK TNA".

Me not mentioning MCMG v GenMe, Lethal Lockdown, or Knockouts, while a good point, is negated by the fact that (A) you are a dumb multi-quoting fuck who knows jackfuck about anything wrestling related and (B) I bought the PPV on the pretense that TNA would deliver something big on the Deception and They angles/debacles.

Besides, why would I piss and moan about MCMG & GenMe? They're great.

Assholes like you are under the pretense that I or people like me hate everything TNA. Rather, I love the talent. I don't mind what's going on in the ring. The wrestling is fantastic. It's the storylines and constant unexplained/weakly explained swerves.

It's also the fans like you who are so fucked in the head that they can't admit to themselves that TNA was a better product before that Hillbilly Hooker Carter brought along the 2 men who helped destroy a company that was backed my a fucking multi-millionare and gave them the power to do it again.

You are so fucking stupid that reading your respones brightened my day because it made me laugh so hard.

Thank you dipshit.

So....all the TNA forums are all yours from here to eternity or until TNA folds. I won't be coming around because it seems like instead of real intelligent fans, the TNA forums are packed with assy fuckfaces like you.

By the way...the multi-quoting...really? You gotta stop trolling. Your highschool english teacher would fucking puke until an eyeball popped out if they read any of the horseshit you try to pass off as a post.

I can only hope that one day as you get older, you grow the fuck up and write an actual coherent post. Until then have fun learing how to throw saw dust on puke. It's the only job you're going to be qualified for.

Well, you were half right. I posted again. I hope you can collect your 10 e-dollars and shove it up your ass so you can take a good look at it with your eyes.

Oh, and fuck you.

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