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I hope this "they" storyline fails


Dark Match Jobber
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

If it fails and the ratings go down it will force change. Spike will force Dixie to make the needed changes and move the company in a new direction.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

Please Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair retire already.
I don't understand why you would want it to fail.

Imo the TNA product has been really hot and interesting for the last 3 months and I want They to succeed so they can be competition to WWE and we can have another conmpany war that would force both company to outperform each other.

The only reason I would see you wanting to see it fails is if you don't like the current product.
Uh huh, and where in that four-line rant did you even so much as moderately promote discussion to warrant this remaining in the NON-spam section of the site?

Where, in fact, did you even so much as propose a question to drive it?

I'll give this about ten minutes before I move it to the SPAM-friendly zone...
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

If it fails and the ratings go down it will force change. Spike will force Dixie to make the needed changes and move the company in a new direction.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

Please Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair retire already.

I have to make a quick comment on this. Who are you, Rush Limbaugh? You are a TNA fan and want them to fail? Let the storyline play out and see if you like it. Even if the storyline isn't your cup of tea, it is the most popular storyline TNA has at this moment. This storyline has the ability to make TNA even popular and gain more ratings. It may gain ratings and it may not.

I'm not the biggest Hardy, Hogan, or Bischoff fan, but if this storyline is pushed the right way and actually increases TNA's popularity then I don't see what the problem is. Hogan and Bischoff aren't going anywhere anytime soon guys. Whether that is good or bad, we will have to wait and see.
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

If it fails and the ratings go down it will force change. Spike will force Dixie to make the needed changes and move the company in a new direction.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

Please Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair retire already.

If the RAtings fall , and the "They " Storyline bomb's you won't see Spike Force Dixie into "saving TNA" with drastic change's. You will see Spike Dump TNA like a sack of dog crap for some more UFC re-run's.

The last thing anyone should want is TNA to fail, even if it means you were "Right" about Hogan, Bischoff, Ect. Becuase TNA's success really only helps the wrestling industry as a whole (WWE included).
maybe, just maybe...they want you to want it to fail. maybe they know how the IWC sees them. Maybe they know you'll watch to see it fail. maybe they are counting on it. Maybe.......just maybe.....that will in fact cause this to succeed
Look, whether this angle fails or not, Spike is locked into paying for Impact for the next two years. They signed a contract. Most likely that contract is for a set amount for each show. RAtings are nice, but for TNA they are not money.

Spike could move Impact, or even stop showing it as long as they kept paying TNA their fee every week. They do pay part of some salaries, I remember Sting and Angle, and probably Hogan and Bischoff, and maybe Spike could terminate those contracts. They could cancel Reaction. How credible would those be as threats? I doubt very much that a Spike TV executive would start using that as leverage to affect the content of TNA.

But I don't think that they can dictate much of anything creatively. If Spike or its executives wanted to run a wrestling promotion, they could have started one.

But to think that Spike TV could call up TNA offices and demand that AJ Styles get more TV time, or that Hogan cut a longer/shorter promo, etc. is just deluded.
None of their other failures have smartened them up so far, why would this one?

It will be a failure. It pretty much already is. When someone created the thread "what will THEY be called" my first thought was "it'll be called a failure more than anything".

I've been a casual TNA fan for a while. I never make a big effort to watch it, but if I'm home on Thursday, I'll watch impact, and I tend to really enjoy Reaction. I found it interesting when I read the rumors that "they" might be Dixie's parents, or some other outside faction coming to pump more money into the company or really change things around, but instead we got an NWO rip off and a heel turn from somebody who can not pull of being a heel. Bound for Glory pretty much turned me off TNA for good, now I'm not even going to watch it when I'm bored. If that was their "big PPV" of the year and the best they have to offer... then ouch. EV2 winning was totally disgusting too.

"They" already is a failure in my mind.

Even if it doesn't downright fail, it's not like it'll be a "success" as in boosting the ratings or doing anything for the company. It might not flop completely, but it's not like it's going to really improve the overall product.
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

If it fails and the ratings go down it will force change. Spike will force Dixie to make the needed changes and move the company in a new direction.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

Please Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair retire already.

Ok fair enough. You have your opinion but your cause is hazy man.

You say 'If it fails' could you please state a reason why you want it to fail?
Because I actually love the idea of a Hardy heel. If it's done right it could be great. But again your stance is speculative. Tell me exactly what bothers you about this.

Hogan is the force, Bischoff is the Higher-Up manipulator, Abyss is the muscle, and Jarrett the PO'd previous owner. But Hardy...that man is the main player here and can be an absolute annihilator. Destroy the competition with no remorse with the help of a plethora of foreign objects.

I see a very dark side to Jeff's character of this King Of the Creatures of the Night,and if pulled off with the tenacity of the Hell Austin of early 2001 and the ambiguity of the Ministry Taker circa 99, it could be f*cking sweet persona.
I don't know, I actually enjoy this storyline, the one thing TNA has that surpasses WWE is their awesome stables. TNA's stables kick ass and this one I expect to be no different Jeff Hardy, Hogan, Abyss, and Jarret? Bravo TNA that is good stuff. Just look at the stables, Fortune, EV.2 and now "they". The only stable WWE has going is Nexus which is just falling apart by the week, yea sorry everybody but the Evolution days are over, WWE can't make stables anymore. I really want this to work out because it is just the best storyline thought of in a while, who would have thought that there was ACTUALLY a Bischoff/Hogan conspiracy and Pope, Nash and Sting weren't a bunch of huge quacks.
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

If it fails and the ratings go down it will force change. Spike will force Dixie to make the needed changes and move the company in a new direction.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

Please Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair retire already.

I couldn't feel any differently man. I can't understand how you could be big TNA fan, yet want the company's biggest storyline for the past 3 months, the one they've hedged all their bets on, to fail.

If this fails, TNA will fail. I don't want to see Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair at the forefront of this, but there are wrestlers who are active who are potentially positioned to carry this feud.

Jeff Hardy- Hes the obvious choice. He turned heel in a move that shocked me, something that doesn't happen much these days. Have him positioned as the leading antagonist, the man behind the attacks, etc.

RVD- He's the one who was wronged by Hardy, since Hardy either orchestrated the attack on RVD, or willingly participated in and took advantage of it. Have him drop the stoner, laid back persona, and turn him into the hardcore guy hellbent on revenge.

Kurt Angle- He put his career up, saying if he lost a match, he would retire. Well, he lost because of a huge screwjob. Have him let Dixie re-instate him so he can go after the man/men who almost cost him his career.

Abyss- He can be Hardy's muscle, the heel who can do Hardy's bidding, as he's apparently been doing the last few months. Anyone that wants to go after Hardy has to go through him.

Samoa Joe- She can be approached by Dixie and asked to put his "me against the world" mentality aside for the good of the company, fighting the evil regime of Hogan and Co. He's realistically got the size and power to go after and through Abyss.

Ken Anderson- He beat the Pope clean to get into the title match, "turns his life around" and becomes a fan favorite only to be betrayed by Hardy in the end, as the two became friends and a tag team for a bit. The story tells itself there.

Deangelo Dinero- He was the guy who teamed up with those "old guys" you wanted to retire against Bischoff and Hogan, remember? He learned of parts of the consiracy through Miss Tessmacher and parts through Nash and Sting. They were the consipracy theorists who proved to be right all along! He then proceded to "fight the good fight" against "them." They can really put the screw to him via beatdowns and handicap matches.

There are plenty of good, young workers there that can carry the storyline. If we're not dominated by too much Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair, and let the young wrestlers do what they do best, wrestle, this angle can be a success and a good thing for TNA.

How could you be a TNA fan and want this angle to fail? It would be the deathblow of TNA, and the company you "love" you would only be able to see on your computer like Ring of Honor. You better believe that if this angle tanks and ratings plummet, Spike will pull the plug when their contract with TNA expires. Because for better or for worse, this is going to be the angle they run with for a LONG time.
.. who would have thought that there was ACTUALLY a Bischoff/Hogan conspiracy and Pope, Nash and Sting weren't a bunch of huge quacks.

Anyone with a brain, it was all too obvious.

Now if TNA wanted this nWo rip off to work properly, they first wouldn't of chosen a guy who has ZERO ability to portray a heel. Hardy can play a face but as a true heel, its impossible. He can't wrestle anyway, he just relies on spots, and you can't really be an effective heel when your moveset is based on pleasing the crowd. Look at AJ Styles, he's not really made a convincing heel until recently and he adjusted his style.

This angle is destined to fail because it has Hogan and Bischoff's hands all over it. Earlier in the post it was stated anything they touch is destroyed. Well thats an accurate statement, Hogan needs to be in a retirement home and Bischoff needs to focus on making more crappy sideshow TV programs(see half-pint brawlers)

The moment Hogan and Bischoff walked into TNA, it started a countdown to the death of a promotion.

TNA Then-
A promotion that went from hardly featuring guys who had their time to shine, instead focusing on promising talent who were making a name for themselves.

TNA Now-
A promotion featuring workers who've been in main events and had big matches elsewhere all the while the promising talent takes a back seat.
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

your right. all those weeks that Monday Nitro was destroying WWE RAW in the ratings were so terrible for WCW.
"Hollywood" Hogan did quite well as the champion for nWo and yet he wasn't the best "wrestler". Hardy isn't as well known world wide as Hogan, but Hardy does sell more merchandise than anyone else.
you don't have to be a great in ring wrestler to become a super star.
Ok fair enough. You have your opinion but your cause is hazy man.

You say 'If it fails' could you please state a reason why you want it to fail?
Because I actually love the idea of a Hardy heel. If it's done right it could be great. But again your stance is speculative. Tell me exactly what bothers you about this.

Hogan is the force, Bischoff is the Higher-Up manipulator, Abyss is the muscle, and Jarrett the PO'd previous owner. But Hardy...that man is the main player here and can be an absolute annihilator. Destroy the competition with no remorse with the help of a plethora of foreign objects.

I see a very dark side to Jeff's character of this King Of the Creatures of the Night,and if pulled off with the tenacity of the Hell Austin of early 2001 and the ambiguity of the Ministry Taker circa 99, it could be f*cking sweet persona.

Austin in 2001 sucked..was VKM bitch and *****fied...he wa not the raisin hell SCSA we allknew an love...was a water down version. But Jeff like Taker 97-99 circabe great though. He be a true menance striking fear and terror into people's hearts.
... and you can't really be an effective heel when your moveset is based on pleasing the crowd.

ALL MOVES are supposed to effect the crowd. Whether they're "crowd-pleasing" or not simply depends on who's using them. Example; Eddie's frog splash (when he was heel) and RVD's 5-Star. Or how about the old Undertaker "tightrope" move he did for years even when he was a heel?

I'm pretty sure Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, and about half the X-Division through the years were effective heels despite their crowd-pleasing ring work. "Canadian Destroyer;" need I say more?
The "they" storyline is actually really interesting, if it goes on for a while this group would gain more members and draw some more fans in and could POSSIBLY be a threat to WWE.
I think your logic is flawed...storyline after storyline failed in WCW, but real change never really came. With Russo, Bichoff & Hogan in charge, and Dixie drinking their Kool-Aid, you'll just see this stuff rehashed until it gets a response, or until they run themselves out of business. I love TNA, but the stuff I love about it have been getting phased out for a while now.
I don't understand why you would want it to fail.

Imo the TNA product has been really hot and interesting for the last 3 months and I want They to succeed so they can be competition to WWE and we can have another conmpany war that would force both company to outperform each other.

The only reason I would see you wanting to see it fails is if you don't like the current product.

You're living in a dream world. Eric Bischoff said something along the lines of, "TNA is an overglorified indy promotion", and basically went on to say they will never get big enough to even be considered a little competition for WWE. The funny thing about that is that the fucking hypocrite is now working in TNA. Hahahaha.

I hope this stupid angle fails too, because it will once again prove that wrestling promotions are NOT to be run by bow-legged hick ****s or old, horny men who no one cares about because they suck and are dried up, living on the last ounce of their little legacies. Why can't these so-called "legends" just give it up? Why can't they be more like Terry Funk? Funk is a real legend.

TNA was good back when no one knew about it or gave a shit. I remember the really old TNA days. It was a great alternative to WWE at that time. Now, it's nothing but a fucking copy-cat WCW. I don't even watch wrestling anymore, but I keep up with it to a degree. But if I had to choose, I'd pick WWE's ******ed PG-rated show over TNA's predictable second-rate piece of shit. Like WCW, they thrive off the very overrated "element of surprise", which is never really a surprise anyway...

"They".....more like nWo.....

The "they" storyline is actually really interesting, if it goes on for a while this group would gain more members and draw some more fans in and could POSSIBLY be a threat to WWE.

Sounds like you are looking forward to nWo vs. WCW, TNA version. :banghead:
I'm not exactly thrilled about the current TNA product, but I don't want this to fail. One reason why I do watch TNA is in hoping that they'll put out something that I enjoy. I want to be entertained by TNA and just because I don't like what they're doing doesn't mean I don't want them to turn it around and be able to grow.

Just based on general first impressions based upon what I know thus far about "They", and I haven't read spoilers for this week's iMPACT! and don't plan to, I see another takeover attempt. My first instinct on this tells me that it's going to be another TNA storyline centered around a struggle for power, which could be quite lame as there's been a lot of that from TNA. The one aspect of this that makes me curious about this right now is Jeff Hardy's presence as part of the group. Maybe he'll surprise us all and shine as a heel and maybe he'll give this storyline a little extra oomph.
I don't know, I actually enjoy this storyline, the one thing TNA has that surpasses WWE is their awesome stables. TNA's stables kick ass and this one I expect to be no different Jeff Hardy, Hogan, Abyss, and Jarret? Bravo TNA that is good stuff. Just look at the stables, Fortune, EV.2 and now "they". The only stable WWE has going is Nexus which is just falling apart by the week, yea sorry everybody but the Evolution days are over, WWE can't make stables anymore. I really want this to work out because it is just the best storyline thought of in a while, who would have thought that there was ACTUALLY a Bischoff/Hogan conspiracy and Pope, Nash and Sting weren't a bunch of huge quacks.

All TNA does is make Stables! SEX, Planet Jarrett, Angle Alliance, Christian Coalition, Main Event Mafia, Nation of Violence, The Beauftiful People, Fourtune, E.V 2.0, and finally They! Why does every major storyline of the company need to revolve around stables is unknown to me, but its practically a cliche of TNA booking by now.
All TNA does is make Stables! SEX, Planet Jarrett, Angle Alliance, Christian Coalition, Main Event Mafia, Nation of Violence, The Beauftiful People, Fourtune, E.V 2.0, and finally They! Why does every major storyline of the company need to revolve around stables is unknown to me, but its practically a cliche of TNA booking by now.

exactly its amazing they didnt take angle, hardy, anderson and rvd and call them team wellness
Have you ever liked something so much, and then suddenly had it all took away from you? Because that's exactly how I feel. I feel cheated. I understand that they(TNA) are free to do whatever they want, especially if they think it will boost ratings. But to me it was never about seen TNA beating WWE in ratings, or about bringing back nostalgia, or about continuing/finishing old WCW storylines(NWO). To me it was about enjoying wrestling. Back when Samoa Joe, AJ, and Daniels played a big role in the company. Back when they were given the spotlight, back when every match those guys had was a 5-star mactch. It makes me wonder how on the main page of another WELL-KNOWN wrestling site they always post "What was your favorite match at (Random PPV here)?" and everytime out of about 5,000 votes Motorcity Machine Guns lead the poles by almost 50% over other matches. That's what the real TNA was about...TOTAL NON-STOP AAACCCTTTIIIOON!!!!
I'm a big TNA fan so why would I want this "they" storyline to fail? Let me explain.

If it fails and the ratings go down it will force change. Spike will force Dixie to make the needed changes and move the company in a new direction.

I knew this would happen when TNA sold their souls and signed Hogan and Bischoff, whatever they touch they destroy.

Please Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, Flair retire already.

this is about the worst explanation for wanting TNA to succeed. you want them to fail so they can later succeed. i can see if this was WWE we're talking about because WWE is THE sports entertainment company. but TNA?

why would Spike say "hey change your product because we know it'll pick up if you do". how about they'll say "hey TNA is crap, we're taking it out of our network because you simply can't compete with WWE". TNA hasn't proven anything yet (keyword is "yet", so no TNA mark can chew me out about hating on them). if they fail or get worse than they are right now, they're out of it and Vince has a full monopoly again on the wrestling business.

you NEED TNA to succeed so WWE can change it's product. if WWE changes it's product and TNA starts falling, then TNA changes it's product, it's that simple. TNA right now is WCW before the nWo angle. the only difference is Turner owned the network and the company so he wasn't going to pull it. Spike doesn't own TNA and don't think twice Spike won't pull them from the network if they end up failing (especially the angle of "They" because it's what the company is centered on right now), even just a little.

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