I Have Had It

SC isn't a member of staff Deej. You aren't breaking any rules by disrespecting him.

And Doc, I never mocked SC in this thread. For that matter, neither did Coco. Telling someone to be glad their father puts a roof over their head isn't mocking.
SC isn't a member of staff Deej. You aren't breaking any rules by disrespecting him.

Does that make it okay to be disrespectful? Just because someone has a position of power on a internet forum doesn't give them the right to be disrespectful to the person behind the keyboard.
SC isn't a member of staff Deej. You aren't breaking any rules by disrespecting him.

And Doc, I never mocked SC in this thread. For that matter, neither did Coco. Telling someone to be glad their father puts a roof over their head isn't mocking.

And I'm sure you (who feels that talking shit about his father on the internet is the best way to handle this situation) are completely innocent and have done nothing to inspire your father's ire.

So this wasnt disrespectful in any way X?, Coco basically jumped down his throat without even asking him what is going on?, he could have least offered something better then the statement above if he truely wanted to help
I'll say it again:

You know what? If you don't like him, then just move out and provide for yourself.

Everyone's problem is solved.
And Doc, I never mocked SC in this thread. For that matter, neither did Coco. Telling someone to be glad their father puts a roof over their head isn't mocking.

Never said you did. I'm just saying that telling people that posting their problems is inviting people to mock them even though a few weeks ago you told people not to mock me (which I really, really appreciated by the way) is a little unfair.
Thanks for the vote of confidence X, but Jane green repped me so maybe I actually do need to sort my fucking life out.

SC hopefully everything works out. You know I'm one of your biggest friends on here. TBH, you can just get a job until you decide whether or not you want to go to University, and move into a small apartment. Try to talk to him about it, and if that doesn't work, move into a small apartment or something.

X, I respect you, but you do have certain favor to more experienced posters. You didnt sound like an ass until you started saying things like 'noob club' and implying that we shouldn't respect SC's opinions just because he's not a mod, or he doesn't have 3,000+ posts like the other people who joined in '06. You probably just got caught up in the moment, as you don't usually sound like you did tonight, but you were kind of asshole-ish in this thread.
X, I respect you, but you do have certain favor to more experienced posters. You didnt sound like an ass until you started saying things like 'noob club' and implying that we shouldn't respect SC's opinions just because he's not a mod, or he doesn't have 3,000+ posts like the other people who joined in '06. You probably just got caught up in the moment, as you don't usually sound like you did tonight, but you were kind of asshole-ish in this thread.

You must have misread the chain of events JKO. I wasn't calling SC a member of the "noob club" and trying to imply that would make it acceptable to mock him. I was referring exclusively to Falkon, who decided to take a potshot at me and claim that I was trying to hijack this thread to stroke my own ego.

Wasn't talking about SC. I like SC, have no problems with him.
My dad is a total douchebag. I have officially had it with his attitude and his treatment of me. All my life my dad has literally never been there for me. Although he has always been around he has never really been there emotionally. Growing up as a small child I remember his ways of spending time with me were to sit on the couch and fall asleep while I sat there and played. He would always tease me too. He would always call me meatball because I was a chunky kid. I hate the fact that he still teases me even though he himself has grown rather large. I am 6'1 or 6'2 and around 275 lbs. My dad likes to make jokes about me all the time involving my weight and I am so sick of it. He stands there and calls me fat and a slob and a pig right to my face. One night he sat there and made a joke saying I apparently need to lose like 800 lbs to get in shape. He thinks he is being funny but he isn't. I have no idea how he can think it is funny? I also do not know where he gets it from as his parents were never like this with him. I am so sick of his shit. His latest joke is that him and I are going on Biggest Loser next year. I know I sound like a whiney little kid when I post my problems on here but it really helps me vent. I just don't know how to live with a man who is my father by blood but not my father in any other sense of the word. I would totally move out except I have no money saved up or nothing.

At least your father was there to take care of you. My father left my mother when she had a 6 year old daughter, me at 2 years old, and another one year old son because he "couldn't be 26 with 3 children." He decided to take care of that by cheating on my mother and running out on her.

Then, throughout life, he got richer while we were obviously poorer. Not once did he voluntarily offer to raise his child support, which my mom had agreed to keep at a constant amount early in life. We were barely making ends meet, as in having 20 dollars to eat on weekly, and he was living the high life and visiting once every 3 months to see our squalor. Not once did the asshole even acknowledge our situation, even when it was obvious my mom had fallen into an outright nasty and abusive relationship that involved her and us children being beaten.

Then, as we grew up, he slowly stopped giving us as much during Christmas and birthdays and spending it on ******ed trips across country and gifts for nieces and nephews. That would be fine, except he would flake on visits and giving us extra money because he "was always strapped for cash." Bullshit.

Oh, don't let me forget how he's treating me now. I have never asked him for anything in 7 years of schooling in which I would know enough to ask him for money. So, when I graduated, he offered me a senior trip somewhere. I really wanted to go to New York. He and my step-mom immediately flaked, offering a computer instead. Only they knew I was getting one with my scholarship, so it was an empty offer. I ended up getting a 200 dollar iPod instead of a 1000+ dollar trip to New York that I would have loved. Because my dad's a douche.

Now, he likes to act like I'm the one who's ignoring him when he calls me once every 6 months and wants me to be absolutely free at that one moment. News flash, I'm in college jackass. So now I've got to handle a dad who's trying to act the victim without launching into his ass for being a no-caring, non-present douchebag of a father. In short, I have no father.

So. Maybe your dad picks on you about your weight. But at least he's there for you and paying for your life. My dad isn't there and is a horrible excuse for a father, and my mom regularly calls to dig into my brain and ruin any happiness I may express to her.

In short, you're MUCH better off than you think.
My dad is a total douchebag. I have officially had it with his attitude and his treatment of me. All my life my dad has literally never been there for me. Although he has always been around he has never really been there emotionally. Growing up as a small child I remember his ways of spending time with me were to sit on the couch and fall asleep while I sat there and played. He would always tease me too. He would always call me meatball because I was a chunky kid. I hate the fact that he still teases me even though he himself has grown rather large. I am 6'1 or 6'2 and around 275 lbs. My dad likes to make jokes about me all the time involving my weight and I am so sick of it. He stands there and calls me fat and a slob and a pig right to my face. One night he sat there and made a joke saying I apparently need to lose like 800 lbs to get in shape. He thinks he is being funny but he isn't. I have no idea how he can think it is funny? I also do not know where he gets it from as his parents were never like this with him. I am so sick of his shit. His latest joke is that him and I are going on Biggest Loser next year. I know I sound like a whiney little kid when I post my problems on here but it really helps me vent. I just don't know how to live with a man who is my father by blood but not my father in any other sense of the word. I would totally move out except I have no money saved up or nothing.

Being a former chunky kid myself, my dad was number one on the lists of calling me 'fat ass' or telling me I'm a heart attack waiting to happen. Although I was overweight, it didn't help matters. Not to mention he's a drug addict. Oh well. Life goes on. Save some money up, find a decent place, and move on. That's what I'm in the process of doing.
Fucking criminy to most of you. Yes Coco went the "Life sucks get a helmet, followed by a forehead smack" route, which was unnecessary and people jumped all over him for it. But X has a valid point that Coco didn't say anything "wrong" in the strictest sense of the word. The way Coco went about it is what caused it all, which I already said was unnecessary. SC was just looking for some friendly advice that wasn't "fucking deal with it, you have a roof over your head so shut up". This was his way of asking for his advice, I see no reason to be an unnecessary prick about it. He felt he needed to vent and ask for advice because we can provide many viewpoints, how dare he ponder such things. Sure Coco has a different opinion on the subject, and the way he went about it was all super for him, but that doesn't mean other people can't jump on him for it. I mean hell, we jump on people's opinions about everything on here, why is this different?

SC, your situation is unfortunate, and your dad sounds like a major prick. However I must concur that it isn't the worst situation possible. But you did say that you are working and saving up money so you can move out. This is the best solution you can go for is to move out. It will serve no purpose for you to stay with him if you don't have to, and will cause further anger and distraught on your part. I'd say just buck up and deal with it for now, and if it gets too unbearable for you, then see if one of your friends would let you move in on a temporary basis, just so you are out of your dad's house. But until you are able to get out, just suck it up, and be the better person. That is all you can do really. Hopefully this helps you out.

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