I Have Had It

We can't all have the kodak family man, my pops just recently started being a dad and I'm 29. He just wasn't really around, drugs, jail, booze. He was a bad father. I was raised by my grandparents. I loved/love him dearly, but yeah I didn't have much to do with him. It took colon cancer to bring him around. He has since worked hard to mend the burnt bridges and rebuild our relationship. We are pretty tight now, but yeah it was very rocky for a looong time. It sucks and I'm sorry you are going through it. I recently socked my father-in-law in the mouth for the way he treated/talked to my wife. He's good now, and we are cool now. lol.

You seem really understanding of what I'm going through. I think my dad will come around at some point too. I just hope it's sooner rather then later. I was raised by my mom and her mom/dad/ and brother. The four of them have been the biggest influences on my life. I am sorry to hear you went through it. Thanks for understanding and sympathizing with me.
Interesting... Coco & Milky are insensitive dicks. That's what I have learned so far...

Anywho, the best way to maintain a relationship is keep in contact with someone & talk to them one on one. When my parents were married, if it wasn't for soccer I would not have known my dad. He was always working. When my parents split & divorced, me & dad have one of the greatest relationships a family could have. Why? Because we get to sit down & talk to each other... possibly spending time together by going out & going things like demolishing a house from scratch. Boy that was fun...
I have the same type of dad too. Acts like a douche because he thinks he can and everything he says and does is the "right" way. But I put up with it just because I live under his house and until I move out I have to deal with his bitchy attitude.
Thanks FalKon. My dad was/is the same way. He was/is always working. When my mom passed away I tried to garner a relationship with him but it just hasn't worked. I do really think though that once I move out on my own I will be okay. I mean he used to treat my sister the same way as he treats me now. Since she's moved out on her own and what not they have had a decent relationship compared to anything they've ever had since my sister was born.
You seem really understanding of what I'm going through. I think my dad will come around at some point too. I just hope it's sooner rather then later. I was raised by my mom and her mom/dad/ and brother. The four of them have been the biggest influences on my life. I am sorry to hear you went through it. Thanks for understanding and sympathizing with me.

Yeah I do understand and I hope he does come around sooner rather than later as well man. Really though only you know your dad and only you know what it might take to get through to him, whether it really is socking him in the mouth, just laying into him, or sitting him down for what feels like the thousandth time and saying hey this is what's up man. He sounds like a bully, so likely it'll have to be you really standing up to him. I'm no counsler or shrink though, but that's my thoughts.
Interesting... Coco & Milky are insensitive dicks. That's what I have learned so far...
Yeah. I'm willing to eat shit without complaining to keep a roof over my head, so I'm a dick. Gotcha.

If he doesn't like it, he can move out. It should be as simple as that. His father isn't holding him down and making fat jokes. Just the last part. If he doesn't like it, he can try to wiggle his robust posterior through the front door. Nobody is making him stay.
Yeah. I'm willing to eat shit without complaining to keep a roof over my head, so I'm a dick. Gotcha.

If he doesn't like it, he can move out. It should be as simple as that. His father isn't holding him down and making fat jokes. Just the last part. If he doesn't like it, he can try to wiggle his robust posterior through the front door. Nobody is making him stay.

Seriously man fuck you and your holier than thou attitude, you are nothing but a fucking douchebag. Why don't you just butt out of this thread if it annoys you so much? You don't have post here asshole.
Where do you live?


Maybe he needs to vent something about the passing of his wife?

I highly doubt it. You see my mom and dad had a rocky relationship. Two years before my mom passed away she found him to be cheating on her. She kicked him out but he kept coming back. He even went so far as to abuse her in front of me once. Eventually he moved out and got his own place. But you see when my mom passed away all he could talk about was the person he cheated on my mom with. Also he informed us literally a week after my mom's funeral that we had to meet this woman because we were going to be moving up to where she lives ( Canada ) soon as I graduated middle school. So I don't think that has much to do with it.
Seriously man fuck you and your holier than thou attitude, you are nothing but a fucking douchebag. Why don't you just butt out of this thread if it annoys you so much? You don't have post here asshole.
Fuck you. I have parents too. Your opinion is no more valuable than mine.
Coco... it might be better to pander SC than to tell him to "just suck it up" when it comes to these type of things.

SC... from your descriptions, your dad seems to be a very harden man & someone I feel isn't much of a human being to try & address the issue. The best way to probably go with is to ignore him. Pretend he isn't there. If he says something generic or nice, then speak back. When he is an ass, ignore him. It has worked in the past for me, might do for you.
Im not going to delve into my life and my situation in regards to who my dad is and why my relationship with him is well unsteady, the fact is that our lives take a hell of alot of twists and turns, our families and people we know the relationships we develop can be either good or bad.

Your dad seems to be a douche bag, pretty much how alot of us are with our own fathers, the fact is he may have deeper issues and insecurities within himself just like my dad has, hes a compete control freak and continues to be, the best thing to do is two things, maybe sit and talk with him about the situation and ask him why he feels that he needs to bash you to make himself feel good, or why he feels your such a burden, if worse comes to worse do what i did and move out.

I have a wife and two kids now and i live my own life, and don't involve my dad in anything anymore, if he gains interest i will talk about things, if he wants to make fun i just get up and leave.

Don't let his negative impact on your life get to you, you are a human being and deserve to be treated like one, if your under age there is always childline, someone who can basically talk to your father and help you out, in the end you cannot allow someone to take his own personal demons out on you, because you need to deal with your own, not anyone else's.

Its unfair for a father to put his problems and take them out on you or anyone else, you are not an emotional punching bag man.

I hope this helps and people vent all the time here, so don't feel bad because people here are calling you a douche, they are just being insecure themselves and if they dont want to contribute positively they should really just leave the thread alone IMO
I fail to see what I've done wrong.

Doesn't surprise me, you always do. You're being very rude. You may not think he is innocent in this, but you don't have to say

If he doesn't like it, he can try to wiggle his robust posterior through the front door

or any of the other insentive things you have said in this thread. You can be civil, but that seems to be beyond you as I have said you are douchebag.
Man, SC, shame about you living in Canada. If you lived closer I totally would give you some money so you could stay in a motel around here or something.
Yeah. I'm willing to eat shit without complaining to keep a roof over my head, so I'm a dick. Gotcha.

If he doesn't like it, he can move out. It should be as simple as that. His father isn't holding him down and making fat jokes. Just the last part. If he doesn't like it, he can try to wiggle his robust posterior through the front door. Nobody is making him stay.

Coco, shut the fuck up, dude.

I know from my own personal experience that it's not as easy as that. You can't just up and leave one day. Believe me I tried it. I am in a similar situation to SC and to be quite frank, you are beginning to piss me off with your insensitive comments. Do me a favour and fuck off for a while, you insensitive asshole.
Man, SC, shame about you living in Canada. If you lived closer I totally would give you some money so you could stay in a motel around here or something.

Thanks Doc. I do have a job though and am working on saving money. Me and my buddies are going to move out and get our own place hopefully sometime in the beginning of the new year.
Thanks Doc. I do have a job though and am working on saving money. Me and my buddies are going to move out and get our own place hopefully sometime in the beginning of the new year.

It's the best thing to do, get some breathing space and get away from him, it seems like he has blatant issues with either your own positive going ons in your life, or is voicing his own insecurities, just get yourself out of there as soon as you can for now just ignore him bro, because If you attempt to fight with him he will probably end up thinking that your trying to fight him and get agressive.
I can't help but my laugh my ass off at all of you telling Coco to fuck off. Because he dare have a different opinion? It's not like he told the kid to go kill himself. You people are too fucking sensitive.

Your dad calls you fat? Boo fucking hoo, I'd gladly trade you my dead father for one that insults me if you'd like. Everyones parents are dicks, that's how life works.
SC, don't ignore him when he chucks a degrative comment at you, instead forcefully stick up for yourself, and do so endlessly. Eventually, he'll cease and gain more respect for you. But first, you have to respect yourself and show him you are not a joke. I'm guessing you just let him insult you, and you should'nt, even though he is your dad. Trust me, this is why fighting sometimes works.

You definitely need closure with this, becaus it seems to be affecting you immensely.

Coco, you are trying too hard.
I can't help but my laugh my ass off at all of you telling Coco to fuck off. Because he dare have a different opinion? It's not like he told the kid to go kill himself. You people are too fucking sensitive.

Your dad calls you fat? Boo fucking hoo, I'd gladly trade you my dead father for one that insults me if you'd like. Everyones parents are dicks, that's how life works.

Thats not how parents should be, Im not a dick to my kids, and prior my dad was a dick to me, You cant justify the situation like that X, its not all black and White.

I by far disagree with the way this situation is being dealt with, SC asked for an ear and an opinion, not members bashing him.

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