Spaceman Spif
Getting Noticed By Management
I can't help but my laugh my ass off at all of you telling Coco to fuck off. Because he dare have a different opinion? It's not like he told the kid to go kill himself. You people are too fucking sensitive.
Your dad calls you fat? Boo fucking hoo, I'd gladly trade you my dead father for one that insults me if you'd like. Everyones parents are dicks, that's how life works.
I'm sure you would, but not everyone's parents are dicks and even so, it doesn't give them a reason to insult their own children. It's now how life works. And I could care less if Coco has a different opionion, no reason to be a insentive douch about it though. We aren't be sensitive, you and Coco are just being insensitive. Big difference.