I Have Had It

I can't help but my laugh my ass off at all of you telling Coco to fuck off. Because he dare have a different opinion? It's not like he told the kid to go kill himself. You people are too fucking sensitive.

Your dad calls you fat? Boo fucking hoo, I'd gladly trade you my dead father for one that insults me if you'd like. Everyones parents are dicks, that's how life works.

I'm sure you would, but not everyone's parents are dicks and even so, it doesn't give them a reason to insult their own children. It's now how life works. And I could care less if Coco has a different opionion, no reason to be a insentive douch about it though. We aren't be sensitive, you and Coco are just being insensitive. Big difference.
I can't help but my laugh my ass off at all of you telling Coco to fuck off. Because he dare have a different opinion? It's not like he told the kid to go kill himself. You people are too fucking sensitive.

Your dad calls you fat? Boo fucking hoo, I'd gladly trade you my dead father for one that insults me if you'd like. Everyones parents are dicks, that's how life works.

Need Coco share it? No.

Keep it to yourself, man. Sometimes people just need to talk shit out with people who care for them and I am getting sick of people thinking that they know better because they throw a sarcastic remark into their retort. Coco, at the end of the day you could have just said you didn't agree but you didn't. You thought that your time would be better spent mocking a guy who is obviously in a poor state. Congratulations.
You post your personal problems on a fucking internet forum, you're asking for it. I honestly can't believe you guys are having such a fit over Coco telling the kid that he should appreciate his father for putting a house over his head.

People are allowed differing opinions, and if you post shit like this on a forum full of strangers, you're basically putting a sign up that says "Please Mock Me".

Parents are dicks. Get over it.
SC man, sorry to bail on ya, but I'm seriously logging off before I say/type something to XFear or Coco that'll get me banned or in troubled, I am beyond pissed with those two and I tend to say things I might regret later, so good luck with you situation man, if you want to pm and vent some more about it, feel free I'll be back on later.
Get off your high horse Matt. Did Coco tell SC to go fuck himself or anything? No he didn't. You responded with blatant flaming, dropping F bombs here and there. Huge fucking overreaction on your part.
You post your personal problems on a fucking internet forum, you're asking for it. I honestly can't believe you guys are having such a fit over Coco telling the kid that he should appreciate his father for putting a house over his head.

People are allowed differing opinions, and if you post shit like this on a forum full of strangers, you're basically putting a sign up that says "Please Mock Me".

Parents are dicks. Get over it.

No, your wrong x. SC asked for an understanding person to give him some advice and help after giving people the situation. I, at no point, felt that he was "putting up a sign" asking to be mocked. People just feel the need to be assholes and that is unacceptable.
You post your personal problems on a fucking internet forum, you're asking for it. I honestly can't believe you guys are having such a fit over Coco telling the kid that he should appreciate his father for putting a house over his head.

People are allowed differing opinions, and if you post shit like this on a forum full of strangers, you're basically putting a sign up that says "Please Mock Me".

Parents are dicks. Get over it.

Im sorry, but some people have feelings. Maybe people like you or me don't have any... we need to pander them with our unemotional knowledge that will somewhat help the situation. Thus, they will have their problems solved & we can all get back to doing what we were previously doing.
You post your personal problems on a fucking internet forum, you're asking for it. I honestly can't believe you guys are having such a fit over Coco telling the kid that he should appreciate his father for putting a house over his head.

People are allowed differing opinions, and if you post shit like this on a forum full of strangers, you're basically putting a sign up that says "Please Mock Me".

Parents are dicks. Get over it.

I hate to bring this up but didnt you have ago at Tidigs for doing the exact same thing COCO is doing here?, you basically said to T digs about Tentas personal situation and that he was being an insensitive dick towards him, how is this situation no different?, isnt SC vonerable, in the end he asked for advice not to be berated and playing the double standard doesnt help, you cant argue at one guy for doing something wrong and then praise another for doing the exact same thing.

No disrespect X im just saying
No, your wrong x. SC asked for an understanding person to give him some advice and help after giving people the situation. I, at no point, felt that he was "putting up a sign" asking to be mocked. People just feel the need to be assholes and that is unacceptable.

The fact that this thread was created in the first place is what I'm referring to Dave. Literally fucking ANYONE from this new poster, to the most veteran posters on here, if they start a thread about their personal problems, they can expect to be mocked. Because this is the fucking internet, and that's what happens. Doesn't make it right, but you have to expect it.

I just find it ridiculous how largely so many of you are overreacting on Coco for this. It's not like he told the kid he should go kill himself or something, he was simply trying to see if maybe his father has a reason for being angry at him. And you all respond with "fuck you this, fuck you that, blah blah blah insensitive asshole".

I highly doubt it. You see my mom and dad had a rocky relationship. Two years before my mom passed away she found him to be cheating on her. She kicked him out but he kept coming back. He even went so far as to abuse her in front of me once. Eventually he moved out and got his own place. But you see when my mom passed away all he could talk about was the person he cheated on my mom with. Also he informed us literally a week after my mom's funeral that we had to meet this woman because we were going to be moving up to where she lives ( Canada ) soon as I graduated middle school. So I don't think that has much to do with it.

Prove it.
And is he not being insensitive? I personally thought that he was.
I hate to bring this up but didnt you have ago at Tidigs for doing the exact same thing COCO is doing here?, you basically said to T digs about Tentas personal situation and that he was being an insensitive dick towards him, how is this situation no different?, isnt SC vonerable, in the end he asked for advice not to be berated and playing the double standard doesnt help, you cant argue at one guy for doing something wrong and then praise another for doing the exact same thing.

No disrespect X im just saying

COMPLETELY different situation. Tenta's mother had just died of fucking cancer. Quite a bit different from your dad calling you fat, wouldn't you say?
The fact that this thread was created in the first place is what I'm referring to Dave. Literally fucking ANYONE from this new poster, to the most veteran posters on here, if they start a thread about their personal problems, they can expect to be mocked. Because this is the fucking internet, and that's what happens. Doesn't make it right, but you have to expect it.

I just find it ridiculous how largely so many of you are overreacting on Coco for this. It's not like he told the kid he should go kill himself or something, he was simply trying to see if maybe his father has a reason for being angry at him. And you all respond with "fuck you this, fuck you that, blah blah blah insensitive asshole".

Not all of us are using such language to refer to this situation X, in the end i can understand why SC is upset, yes blatant flaming wont help his case in regards to what COCO may have said but in the end sensitivity could have helped the issue and choosing what he said carefully would have been nice, but instead he chose to just mock SC, that isnt a nice thing to do, in the end if i see a thread and i think someone is being silly i just ignore it, he could have just done that instead of stating something that he knew was going to garner a negative reaction.
The whole reason for posting somewhere is to contribute to the thread positively. If you don't like the thread, then don't post. I thought that was one of the unwritten rules here? Why not be nice & just PM SC instead of drawing attention to yourself. This is SC's problem about his dad being an ass, not Xfear or CoCo wanting another shot at glory in another bar room thread by detracting away from the original purpose.

How's that for no swearing towards you?
COMPLETELY different situation. Tenta's mother had just died of fucking cancer. Quite a bit different from your dad calling you fat, wouldn't you say?

SC stated that his mother died and he was left with his father and the other women, and he also stated in this thread that his father is being abusive.

So no not two different things entirly, only that Tenta is currently dealing with his situation and SC is dealing with the aftermath of his, in the end when Tenta posted his problems and wheSC posted his they where met with two different reactions, Which IMO is biased, its not just about weight its about dealing with someone who is basically being an ass after someone you love has passed no please before you reply read the whole read and see if you still agree with what im saying or not.
Okay that's it. This is ridiculous. All I wanted was some simple advice. I didn't want everyone and their mother to start arguing over people's opinions on the situation. Look just delete the thread or trash it or something and then it can just be forgotten.
The whole reason for posting somewhere is to contribute to the thread positively. If you don't like the thread, then don't post. I thought that was one of the unwritten rules here? Why not be nice & just PM SC instead of drawing attention to yourself. This is SC's problem about his dad being an ass, not Xfear or CoCo wanting another shot at glory in another bar room thread by detracting away from the original purpose.

How's that for no swearing towards you?

I know you're fucking kidding me kid. You simply have to be. "Another shot at glory in another bar room thread"? The fuck are you talking about? This coming from the kid who started a thread to celebrate a grand total of 400 posts? Please, if you think I give a fuck about random bar room threads, you're sadly mistaken. Go back to making your atrocious posts in which you constantly reveal you know nothing about wrestling.
The whole reason for posting somewhere is to contribute to the thread positively. If you don't like the thread, then don't post. I thought that was one of the unwritten rules here? Why not be nice & just PM SC instead of drawing attention to yourself. This is SC's problem about his dad being an ass, not Xfear or CoCo wanting another shot at glory in another bar room thread by detracting away from the original purpose.

How's that for no swearing towards you?

I think you made a good point, and i haven't seen anything flame like yet, apart from your smoking hot Mikey James Avatar :D (sorry attempting to lighten the mood here)
I know you're fucking kidding me kid. You simply have to be. "Another shot at glory in another bar room thread"? The fuck are you talking about? This coming from the kid who started a thread to celebrate a grand total of 400 posts? Please, if you think I give a fuck about random bar room threads, you're sadly mistaken. Go back to making your atrocious posts in which you constantly reveal you know nothing about wrestling.

Again with the attention drawing... oh, and again with the hypocrisy. You speak of "flaming is bad" & yet you start swearing. Real mature X... for someone of your high positioning i thought you would act a little more professional here, but oh well.

May I also suggest that some of what you say in the wrestling area doesn't make any sense either. Unlike you, I have actually been in the ring & in matches with others for a small portion of my life. I am currently in training to become a professional wrestler to be taught in Australia's most prestigious wrestling school. I have been hit in the head a few times with weapons before sure, but at least I have experience to know something.
You know what? If you don't like him, then just move out and provide for yourself.

Everyone's problem is solved.
Again with the attention drawing...

Attention drawing? You really think I give a shit what you and the rest of the terrible noob club thinks of me? Please.

oh, and again with the hypocrisy. You speak of "flaming is bad" & yet you start swearing.

Difference between cursing and flaming...not very difficult here.

Real mature X... for someone of your high positioning i thought you would act a little more professional here, but oh well.

Sorry if I don't appreciate random people like yourself telling me I'm looking to hijack a thread for my own ego. Don't play innocent here.

May I also suggest that some of what you say in the wrestling area doesn't make any sense either.

That must be why I'm constantly agreed with in every one of my posts. Duh.

I had a good chuckle the other day when you said "I don't understand why TNA doesn't use BG James as a road agent!" despite James having been a road agent for years for them.

Unlike you, I have actually been in the ring & in matches with others for a small portion of my life.

Wow! You've been inside of a ring? Jeez that practically makes you the God of wrestling knowledge!

I am currently in training to become a professional wrestler to be taught in Australia's most prestigious wrestling school. I have been hit in the head a few times with weapons before sure, but at least I have experience to know something.

What a ridiculous argument. So now fans aren't allowed to judge something unless they're involved in it themselves? Someone can't judge a movie if they've never made one? I can't judge an athlete's performance if I've never played his sport? Yeah, that's laughable.

I highly advise you to stop with the bullshit. I could care less if you like me, but you'll damn well show some fucking respect.
I highly advise you to stop with the bullshit. I could care less if you like me, but you'll damn well show some fucking respect.

You need to take your own advice here X, you havent show respect for SC's situation.

before this turns into an arguement I do want to say that this thread has derailed totally from SC's situation, since the arguement stated ive seen basically one post of advice and that was from Sly on the matter.

Maybe we all should agree to disagree and stop argueing and go back to helping someone in need instead of bickering amongs ourselves

Just saying
X, I love you man, but I don't like what you are saying. Remember a few weeks ago when I was feeling really down about my ex liking a dude exactly the same as me? First thing you said was "Anyone who mocks Doc about the online thing will get an infraction". This just seems like...I dunno.


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