I Hate The Blacks

I don't know what root beer is. It sounds bad.

Transatlantic culture enquiry #2: why does American chocolate suck?
Maybe we need another thread for this? So the hijacking of this one will stop. And I like our chocolate, don't understand the hate. No not on American chocolate but questions about nations.
I'm American and I think it's weird. It doesn't taste any different, it's just pink.

I actually prefer pink lemonade over all the other types. :shrug:

Speaking of licorice, how anyone can like Twizzlers is beyond me. I rather eat a Milky Way then to eat Twizzlers.

Those things are absolutely disgusting. I don't understand how people could like them either.

See, I think so too, but I hear that foreigners think it tastes like cough medicine or something. Beyond me.

I've never tasted root beer, but I've never understood how people can say some soda's taste like medicine. I was drinking a Venezuelan soda the other day and my aunt said that and it makes no sense to me. If it really tasted like medicine, don't you think I would just drink medicine instead of wasting my money on soda?
I just hate them. I try to ignore them but it seems like there are more now than ever before. I could tolerate them in moderation, if they were the minority, but to give them equal space to the rest is just annoying. Let’s face it, most people don’t like them. They are easily the least popular and I’m sure I’m not the only one who would rather they did not exist at all. I think it would be best to just give them their own space and not mix them with the rest. That way the few who do like them can still enjoy them without infringing on the space of the majority who don’t. Personally my rankings are yellow, orange, green, red, purple, white, and pink. All of those are good but black is just terrible. How do you rank the jelly bean colors?
Well played, sir.

Although the yellows are ranked way too high, I hear they don't perform well at all.
Fuck. OFF. Root Beer is delicious. Nothing at all like Dr. Pepper. Though I may be biased. I've used DP as a chaser so much that every time I even smell it, I taste Whiskey.
Is it true that non-Americans hate root beer?

I hear this all the time, and I can't believe it.
I hate root beer. Eww, I even made it myself once, that made my experience with it worse.
Dr. Pepper-ish type of drink. That's the closest comparison I could think of. It's awesome.
Seriously? I have to try an american root beer then, I love dr pepper, it taste nothing like root beer imo.
Fuck. OFF. Root Beer is delicious. Nothing at all like Dr. Pepper. Though I may be biased. I've used DP as a chaser so much that every time I even smell it, I taste Whiskey.

LOL, only a small percentage of Australians liked dr pepper, so they removed it off the shelf for years only to bring it back in can only format a couple of years ago and sell it for $3.50 a fucking can....

I remember when it first came out over here, I was 7 I think, Mum brought ten bottles because of how cheap it was, had one sip and hated it. So I had ten bottles of it.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3629724 said:
I drink Ginger Beer. Is that American? If it is can I sing the American anthem and buy an eagle?

We have ginger ale. It's like ginger beer, only without all the ginger.
I drink that too, but you know, only in the company of a girl. I wouldn't want men knowing I was drinking plain ol' ginger ale. I'm not a pussy.
Fuck. OFF. Root Beer is delicious. Nothing at all like Dr. Pepper. Though I may be biased. I've used DP as a chaser so much that every time I even smell it, I taste Whiskey.

You stay classy San Diego... er... Kansas City.

Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3629724 said:
I drink Ginger Beer. Is that American? If it is can I sing the American anthem and buy an eagle?

You're not ever ever ever going to be the next Sam. Your humor comes off more as that of a bad cartoon character than that of a witty Englishman. Stop trying to be someone else and be yourself Brohan.
You're not ever ever ever going to be the next Sam. Your humor comes off more as that of a bad cartoon character than that of a witty Englishman. Stop trying to be someone else and be yourself Brohan.

1. I'm not trying to be the next Sam.
2. I'm totally being myself. Maybe when I first appeared on the forum I wasn't me but now? Me, me, me.

3. I'm Scottish.
Enough with the candy, back to the racism.

Fuck. OFF. Root Beer is delicious. Nothing at all like Dr. Pepper. Though I may be biased. I've used DP as a chaser so much that every time I even smell it, I taste Whiskey.
Agreed. I hate Dr. Pepper and root beer is generally my soda of choice.

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