I am not a hypocrite


Unregistered User
But I have come around on the fact that there are appropriate times to use the lmao smiley.

I have long considered :lmao: to be one of the most condescending things one could post on this forum. Rather than using your words to humiliate your opponent, this face is used to show that their argument is so pathetic that you don't even know where to begin to respond, so you laugh. It's rude and mean, but sometimes it is completely necessary.

I am not a hypocrite, I just changed my mind.

That is all.
Sometimes people deserve it being used on them. But quite often, people use where it isn't necessary.
Shouldn't that icon be ROFL? In fact, how exactly do you laugh your ass off? Is it more condescending if you are fat? Or is it insulting someones comedic skills if you are a white girl? What would crying someone elses ass on indicate?
I think I've busted :rolleyes: out a few times recently. Not my fault you're all such utter fuck wits that I'm actually rolling my eyes.

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