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Mid-Card Championship Winner
Towards the end of Monday Night Raw, it was announced that next week in Memphis, Hulk Hogan would be on hand for a huge announcement pertaining to Wrestlemania 30.
My question is, what do you think this may be?
We have seven long days until we find out, I would suggest WWE will keep their cards very close to their chest so no spoilers have the chance of getting out.
Personally, I think Hogan will announce the return of CM Punk. I really believe up until the un-named WWE main eventer told the dirt sheets Punk was going to be on Raw tonight that it was probably the plan. With it being leaked, I think keeping him off Raw in Chicago was smart, bring him back as a huge surprise next week would be a huge and if Hogan has some "kayfabe" sway in decision making, maybe Vince has him announce CM Punk returns for Wrestlemania 30.
This is just my 2 cents, hell it could be to announce the name of some C Grade celebrity who is going to perform 6 songs and take up valuable minutes on the ppv..........
So wrestlnig fans, let us know what you think Hogan's huge Mania XXX announcement may be.
I also think he's just gonna announce some c rated celebrity or a band performing... I hope I am wrong but seeing as he is not involved in any of the current feuds, i doubt he would announce anything that would excite us. Hell, with the current obsession over Daniel Bryant, is there anything else that would excite us?
cm punk story is ended in chicago raw. Noway to bring him back next week.

Hogan maybe announced a match for bryan against hhh or insert bryan in wwe title match.

Hogan maybe announced a wm rematch hogan and t vs piper and bob
I think Hogan is going to bring out his former band mates Metallica to play live at Mania 30. Hogan will also be playing bass.

Other than that, pretty certain it will be about the Main Event. I cannot see Orton vs Batista, two heels, going at it for the Title.
The announcement of Hogan coming to WWE has already created a buzz, even I hope that he is not coming just to announce a great match or a band's performance.
People want to catch the wrestling and get entertained, so I'm hopeful to see some wrestling action.
Since most people are stating a performer or celeb will be announced, I'll throw the curveball and say he will announce his WM 1 match into the HoF.

Usually when they say someone has to make a Huge Announcement its not that Huge lol.
GIVE UP THE CM PUNK STUFF ALREADY!!!!! It's not going to happen. You people are just setting yourselves up for disappointment. Accept the reality of the situation. Your beloved hero stabbed you in the back. If he didn't come back in Chicago with his loyal HOMETOWN fans chanting his name, he's not coming back at Wrestlemania.

I think that Hogan's big announcement will be one of a few things:

1) He will be the guest referee for the Championship Match

2) He will announce a stipulation for the Championship Match (No DQ, "I Quit", etc.)

3) Some stupid celebrity appearance or band performance.

4) He will announce something to do with Warrior (a segment with Hogan and Warrior or something).
It'll probably be a Piper's Pit segment for Mania or something, I just hope it's not some band as that will go over like a fart in church, wrestling fans aren't paying to see some band waste their time shilling their latest single.

There's obviously the potential for Hogan to be the one that steps up to back Bryan and makes Triple H vs Bryan with the stip that if Bryan wins then he gets added to the WWE title match, I mean you can see Hogan cutting a promo about Hulkamania and how he's feeling the Yesmovement in the same way, Hogan is a master of that stuff, but I am not totally sure WWE want Hogan involved in any current storylines, they may just want the nostalgia promotion.
He is going to announce that Kiss are playing at Wrestlemania... The biggest band in the world.

It might have something to do with the Main Event. Bryan is a lock to face Triple H, but the Main Event is still heel vs. heel. Perhaps Hogan will pull some kind of Wrestlemania Host Powers out from nowhere and get someone else in the title match, the most likely being "if Bryan beats Triple H he gets in the Main Event" stipulation.
I think the huge announcement will turn into a that's it announcement. Isn't that how most of these wrestling announcements go? My guess it will involve some kind of WWE NETWORK/WWE AXCESS announcement.
He is going to announce that Kiss are playing at Wrestlemania... The biggest band in the world.

It might have something to do with the Main Event. Bryan is a lock to face Triple H, but the Main Event is still heel vs. heel. Perhaps Hogan will pull some kind of Wrestlemania Host Powers out from nowhere and get someone else in the title match, the most likely being "if Bryan beats Triple H he gets in the Main Event" stipulation.

Something like, "Ever since I've been back, brother, all I see is HHH throwing his power around, brother. Well, let me tell you Hulkamaniacs something: When WWE asked me to be the special host, brother, I told them only if I have the power to give the WWE Universe what they want, brother. Well, let me tell you Hulkamaniacs one thing. HHH doesn't own the Hulkster. Daniel Bryan vs. HHH WILL happen at WM30, brother. And if Daniel Bryan wins that match, then the Main Event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is going to become a Triple Threat, with Daniel Bryan as the third competitor, brother. Wrestlemania 30 is for the Hulkamaniacs, brother."

Or something like that, but it will take up the entire first 20 minute segment.
We all know he doesn't have the authority to create matches as a measly host, so that's out of the question. It'll likely be some MINOR announcement like someone said about having a Piper's Pit segment or a band performing or some crap that doesn't have anything remotely close to MAJOR about it. We've all been watching for years...WWE should be incredibly predictable to us all by now. Just look at their anti-climactic match making we've known about months before they are made.
Something like, "Ever since I've been back, brother, all I see is HHH throwing his power around, brother. Well, let me tell you Hulkamaniacs something: When WWE asked me to be the special host, brother, I told them only if I have the power to give the WWE Universe what they want, brother. Well, let me tell you Hulkamaniacs one thing. HHH doesn't own the Hulkster. Daniel Bryan vs. HHH WILL happen at WM30, brother. And if Daniel Bryan wins that match, then the Main Event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is going to become a Triple Threat, with Daniel Bryan as the third competitor, brother. Wrestlemania 30 is for the Hulkamaniacs, brother."

Or something like that, but it will take up the entire first 20 minute segment.

I hope this is the announcement. They even teased the three way last week. Hopefully they do this because I'd love it
I'm not too sure about Hogan being powerless to change the card at Wrestlemania XXXX. Remember, as the host, Rock used his "powers" to override the anonymous GM's decision at Wrestlemania 27. He re-started the match, and made it a No DQ after the count out. Hogan could be the voice of reason, who gives Daniel Bryan his shot. Although, you're creating a bigger mess with Orton as an afterthought in the WWE WHC build, Bryan VS Triple H, and the disaster surrounding Batista's return, if you throw Hogan into the mix.

Still, as the host, The Rock's interference helped Miz retain the WWE Championship in the main event. Hogan's name is synonymous with Wrestlemania, so you have to believe he'll have a major impact on the show somehow for a memorable moment. I'm not a fan of the idea, because you're throwing more fuel on the fire for the crowd at Wrestlemania ("Hogan!" chants), but I'm leaning towards Hulk Hogan announcing himself as the special guest referee for the WWE WHC match.
We all know he doesn't have the authority to create matches as a measly host, so that's out of the question. It'll likely be some MINOR announcement like someone said about having a Piper's Pit segment or a band performing or some crap that doesn't have anything remotely close to MAJOR about it. We've all been watching for years...WWE should be incredibly predictable to us all by now. Just look at their anti-climactic match making we've known about months before they are made.

I'm not so sure about this. Did you watch Wrestlemania 27, where Rock di have match making ability, and he restarted the Main Event, Attitude Era Style? By this I mean that he made it no DQ, no Countout, which was a staple of most main event matches in the Attitude Era. It worked because it was the Rock, and he was the #2 guy in the Attitude Era.

Don't expect Hogan to come out as a heel, either, as he was foolishly booked in TNA. Both WWE and Hogan have to know that Hogan can't get revenge on someone who attacks him, and him taking a bump is a rocky proposition.

So what kind of announcement can he make? He can talk about Daniel Bryan being screwed over, time and again. "All the Hulkamaniacs can see, brother, that it was HHH and his wife that orchestrated it, so here's how WM 30 is going to go down. Brother. HHH will face Daniel Bryan in a one-on-one match at Wrestlemania, with a spot in the main event on the line. If Bryan wins, he is in the Main Event against Orton and Dave Batista on the line. But if he loses, brother, he can't challenge for the WWE WHC for a year, brother."

Something like that. HHH, Orton, and Batista all come out to complain and/or threaten harm to Hogan if he doesn't reverse his decision. Hogan holds up a file that says "No Contact Policy", and if Orton or Batista touch him, they're stripped of the title/being #1 Contender. If HHH puts his hands on him, Bryan gets to fight him AND regardless of result, Bryan is in the Main Event with Orton and Batista. It's the same manipulation the heels have been demonstrating for 9 months, and now, Hogan has been given the power, brother, at Wrestlemania 30. It evens the odds, and based on Hogan's reaction from the fans upon returning, it gets the fans behind Bryan even more, if that's possible.
It'll be a 20 main segment, with 8 of those minutes filled with hogan walking to the ring and throwing his finger to his ear, signifying that once again, he's left his hearing aid at home.

After that I think he'll announce that the main event is a triple threat, but before he can announce the third man, Orton comes out and whines that he shouldn't have to defend his title full stop, its unfair he's facing Batista and now another person. He throws a wobbly which sees him attempt an RKO on hogan, but as he runs in for it, he runs into a brick wall named Batista, who spinebusters him before telling hogan it doesn't matter who is named, he will win, deal with it.

The third man isn't named until the week before mania and is probably punk, presuming this whole thing is a work.
What if it's the Wrestlemania I main event will be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame. I do remember reading about it past couple of weeks. I believe Mr. T was the hold up. It would be the first match in WWE Hall of Fame
yes but surely Hogan wouldnt announce his own matchw as being inducted, this would be much better coming from Vince,in my opinion. Unless The announcement is Vince jhimself being inducted into the Class of 2014
I suspect it will be one of the following
1) Something to do with Hot Rod...maybe that he will be co-hosting, or the return of Piper's Pit
2) Inducting someone into the Hall of Fame...maybe Scott Hall
3) Announcing a band who will be giving a live performance at WMXXX

What it absolutely WILL NOT be is anything in regards to the main event. We are getting Orton v. Batista. That is final.
We still don't know what type of continuing role Hogan will be playing in WWE, do we? Or how often we'll actually see him, although I suspect whatever they have planned will involve him not showing up nearly as much as many originally thought when we heard he was coming.

When Mick Foley divorced himself from TNA and announced he would be returning to WWE, I figured we'd be seeing him a lot. Instead, it hasn't worked out that way....and when we do see him, he's more likely to show up as Santa Claus than Mankind.

I'm now thinking this will prove closer to what Hogan's role will be. No great involvement; just an occasional burst where he addresses the crowd, urging us to eat the vegetables, take the vitamins, say the prayers, etc etc etc. He probably figures the crowd will be knocked out just at the sight of him.....and maybe they will.

For that reason, I certainly can't see Hogan being even remotely connected with anything involving CM Punk. That would suggest he would be engaging in a (kayfabe) administrative function at WWE, somewhat similar to what he did at TNA. It would involve him being around a lot more than I think he intends.

On the other hand, this is Hulk Hogan and if WWE is thrilled to the gills with having him back, they might be tempted to put him in a General Manager's role......and that's where things could get dicey. It scares me to think that what he's coming to announce is that he'll be competing at a "Winner Becomes GM of Raw" match against Brad Maddox, or something as ridiculous as that. Yes, that sounds stupid, but Maddox has no rep to protect; he could be knocked out in 10 seconds by a mighty Hogan closed. Ugh.

Hopefully, he's showing up simply to reveal what someone else will be doing at WM30. Not CM punk.....but someone other than Hogan himself.
Its not going to have anything to do with CM Punk or Daniel Bryan. I think some of you people just love being disappointed so you come up with unrealistic hopes/expectations.

I'm thinking he announces that Mr. T is being inducted to the HOF, and Mr. T will be on Piper's Pit at WM.
GIVE UP THE CM PUNK STUFF ALREADY!!!!! It's not going to happen. You people are just setting yourselves up for disappointment. Accept the reality of the situation. Your beloved hero stabbed you in the back. If he didn't come back in Chicago with his loyal HOMETOWN fans chanting his name, he's not coming back at Wrestlemania.

I think that Hogan's big announcement will be one of a few things:

1) He will be the guest referee for the Championship Match

2) He will announce a stipulation for the Championship Match (No DQ, "I Quit", etc.)

3) Some stupid celebrity appearance or band performance.

4) He will announce something to do with Warrior (a segment with Hogan and Warrior or something).

The problem is that apart from Mr Hogan himself, almost everyone associated with the Ultimate Warrior from back in the day is no longer with us, such as Mr Perfect etc.
So, with the announcement of the Andre the Giant Memorial 30 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal, I guess there is no further need for speculation about Hulk Hogan's announcement and therefore no more need for this thread.

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