Hulk Hogan signs with ROH?


Getting Noticed By Management

This was just announced this afternoon

- The following was sent out this afternoon by Ring of Honor:
Baltimore, MD - Ring of Honor Wrestling Entertainment, LLC is happy to announce that entertainment legend, HULK HOGAN has signed a contract with ROH.

When signing Hogan had this to say "Signing with Ring of Honor is exciting for me on many levels. Getting to continue my journey in the best wrestling company in the world has my motivation and drive at an all time high. If you want to be the best, you prove it in Ring of Honor."

So how long before someone says they can't wait for the "The Rise and Fall of ROH dvd?" I wonder if there is a relationship between ROH and TNA that we don't know about.. I hope this is a fake dirt sheet
I posted this in the TNA section but I'll post it here too.
In the comments section of that post it says they changed the whole article. Now the article is about Austin Aries talking about Hogan possibly leaving TNA and Aries never working for WWE.
Ring of Honor never sent that press release out. I, like I'm sure Killam since he reports on it for WZ's main page get all ROH press releases sent to my email and today I got one about tickets going on sale next week for Supercard of Honor Weekend in April.
I'm calling bullshit on this one. I highly doubt ROH can afford to bring in Hogan if this were true.
The best part of this joke is that Ring of Honor would probably want nothing to do with Hogan, who wrestled an entirely different style from ROH.

I seriously saw this headline and knew it was a joke before even reading anything. The source confirmed it.

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