How would YOU have booked Batista's return?


The One...The Only...and The Best
It seems as though, according to recent WZ posts and threads, some people (myself included) don't blame Batista's lackluster reaction to his return on Batista himself. They blame it on the way WWE Creative booked him to be this megastar and his rusty ringwork now doesn't muster up to his ringwork of 5 or 10 years ago. So, if you fall into this same boat, how do you think Batista should have been booked for his return?

If I was behind Creative, I'd book it like this...

Rewind the clocks back to whenever the last time Orton and Bryan faced off for the WWE Title one on one (which I'm guessing is Hell in a Cell? Correct me if I'm wrong). For weeks, Bryan has gotten the upper hand on Orton in tag competition and even attacks. The Authority is worried their boy isn't going to come out of their next match on top. So what do they do to ensue Orton's win? Hire some extra muscle in the form of Dave Batista. He makes his unknown return on the night of the ppv match. Just as it looks like Bryan is going to win, Batista runs in, hits the Batista Bomb on Bryan, and helps his former Evolution mate snag a win. The next night, Batista returns with some promo that garners massive heat about how he helped add the final piece to The Authority's puzzle and some kind of Evolution puzzle, then Daniel Bryan challenges Batista to a match at Survivor Series. He accepts, and then attacks Bryan. Whether Bryan beats Batista beats or not doesn't matter because the feud goes on for the next few weeks. Fast forward to January when Sheamus makes his return. One night, Bryan is getting beat down by everyone in the Authority, until Sheamus makes the save, putting him on the Authority's hit list. This all builds to a match between Sheamus and Batista at WrestleMania; something I'd find way more intriguing than Orton vs Batista. And Bryan could either fight HHH or go for the title.

What do you think of that? And again, how would YOU have booked Batista's return if you were a part of WWE Creative?
I'm not a fan of his.

I didn't like that he came out looking like the rock. he's suppose to be "The Animal". He should have came out kicked the shit out of his first opponent and left. Jumped the Big Show or someone huge backstage and laid the boots to him. Next go on and destroy someone else and go from there. Should have made him an Animal not a movie star. Finally have someone like bryan beat him after he kicked the crap out of a bunch of people. Keep his talking to a minimal

Again I am not a fan of his but this would have make more sense.
I'm getting a feeling that these "How would you have booked" threads are beginning to look ridiculous to me(personally) and I'm myself guilty of that crime. And yet I will confess they cannot be abolished, no matter how brilliant or absurd any of such thread-creators might be or appear.

As far as Batista's return, none of us could've foreseen how big of a debacle and disaster it was going to be, nor are any of us significantly more creative or intelligent than whoever WWE has currently employed(or else we would be working in Hollywood, or publishing comics, fiction, or anything in the real world).

That being said, the only thing which I would want to do is once I'm aware of how big of a disgrace Royal Rumble was, especially right from Rey Mysterio's music to the shower of boos to the end, I'd have turned Batista heel the next night itself OR by Elimination chamber, by which time I'd have made Orton drop the title to either Bryan , or anyone, so that we'd have had an intriguing story entering WM XXX wherein both Orton and Batista are heels and united, yet competing in a triple threat for the title, with anybody as champion, which mostly it could've been Bryan. (to see whether he can retain as an underdog champion).
It depends on what you want to do. If they wanted him face as they clearly did, they shouldn't have announced his return and then let Bryan take a beat down and let his music hit to shock the fans. Royal Rumble time, have bryan get screwed in the final four and put batista over in a hurry. Get the fans upset about the elimination but happy that the people that screwed him were undone.
I'm not a fan of his.

I didn't like that he came out looking like the rock. he's suppose to be "The Animal". He should have came out kicked the shit out of his first opponent and left. Jumped the Big Show or someone huge backstage and laid the boots to him. Next go on and destroy someone else and go from there. Should have made him an Animal not a movie star. Finally have someone like bryan beat him after he kicked the crap out of a bunch of people. Keep his talking to a minimal

Again I am not a fan of his but this would have make more sense.

My thoughts exactly. I'm not much of a fan of his either, but I honestly think his cocky "Kanye-esque" (as some people refer it to) run he had in 2010 was the last best thing he did in WWE. I would have liked if he came back like that or even like the animal he was as a face. He just didn't fit in the way he returned that Monday Night (just like how he didn't fit in those tight ass clothes he returned in)
I'm getting a feeling that these "How would you have booked" threads are beginning to look ridiculous to me(personally) and I'm myself guilty of that crime. And yet I will confess they cannot be abolished, no matter how brilliant or absurd any of such thread-creators might be or appear.

As far as Batista's return, none of us could've foreseen how big of a debacle and disaster it was going to be, nor are any of us significantly more creative or intelligent than whoever WWE has currently employed(or else we would be working in Hollywood, or publishing comics, fiction, or anything in the real world).

That being said, the only thing which I would want to do is once I'm aware of how big of a disgrace Royal Rumble was, especially right from Rey Mysterio's music to the shower of boos to the end, I'd have turned Batista heel the next night itself OR by Elimination chamber, by which time I'd have made Orton drop the title to either Bryan , or anyone, so that we'd have had an intriguing story entering WM XXX wherein both Orton and Batista are heels and united, yet competing in a triple threat for the title, with anybody as champion, which mostly it could've been Bryan. (to see whether he can retain as an underdog champion).

Sorry. I just have a lot of ideas for how I'd do things differently. Maybe it's because I'm a writer so I'm too creative for my own good. No matter how brilliant or absurd my ideas are. Mostly absurd.

That being said, Batista has proven in the past that he fits better with that monster heel persona (even if he can't be the "monster" anymore given how he's slimmed down to Orton's size) so he should have been heel by now. Especially with the reaction he gets. Hell, he gets more heat than Orton; the supposed top heel of the company.
John Cena is about to win a match then Batista comes out and attacks Cena and ends with a Batista Bomb through the table. Then he wrestles every week and builds to a win against Cena at Mania in a squash match with both guys careers on the line
It depends on what you want to do. If they wanted him face as they clearly did, they shouldn't have announced his return and then let Bryan take a beat down and let his music hit to shock the fans. Royal Rumble time, have bryan get screwed in the final four and put batista over in a hurry. Get the fans upset about the elimination but happy that the people that screwed him were undone.

See that's what I don't get. Why bring him back as a face to begin with? He works better as a heel and his last heel run was the best run he ever had. The only reason I think they'd want him face is to promote his movie or something, but that doesn't come out until, what? May? It'd make more sense for him to be heel.
Sorry. I just have a lot of ideas for how I'd do things differently. Maybe it's because I'm a writer so I'm too creative for my own good. No matter how brilliant or absurd my ideas are. Mostly absurd.

That being said, Batista has proven in the past that he fits better with that monster heel persona (even if he can't be the "monster" anymore given how he's slimmed down to Orton's size) so he should have been heel by now. Especially with the reaction he gets. Hell, he gets more heat than Orton; the supposed top heel of the company.

Of course his heel work from late 2009 till his departure in May was amazing. I found his work much more pleasurable as a heel quite frankly. It's boring to see a face batista losing to Edge 4 pay per views in a row, losing to Mysterio, etc.

The dynamic on Raw would've been tenfold as intriguing than it is now, if only Creative had any idea how to turn things around and use What IS, rather than try to force the audience into accepting Batista as a face. They tried to do it by making him go against Alberto Del Rio-a known disliked wrestler- and it failed as they're saying how the audienced would boo Batista's offensive at the EC.

Back in 1999 before WM 15, The Big Show had just debuted as Paul Wight under Vince Mcmahon and supposedly to "save" The Rock- the heel champion leading into WM. Even with a far less abler wrestler like The Big Show and The Rock being a heel, the dynamic between the two was amazing on a weekly basis.

Batista's big return could only be saved if they unite in a quasi-heel fashion, and the audience doesn't quite know who's side is he on - WWE Universe or Randy and the Authority. But instead, he comes looking awkward and all and exclaims "I'm back to win the Rumble, back to headline WM-Deal with it" . Bleh. As if we didn't know that Batista.

By my proposition to have a dynamic similar to WM 15, HHH is the new Vince Mcmahon ,Randy Orton's The Rock- never quite sure whether Batista's here to save him or to steal his WWE WHC from him, Batista's the hired muscle that was Big Show, and Daniel Bryan can be the Stone Cold babyface as the challenger. What an amazing story we could've gotten! That way, even the creative knows whom and when to turn- Whether Batista as a full-fledged face, or Randy Orton as the face and Batista as heel.

Just to add to this spontaneous creation of a Batista return storyline by me, I don't think Daniel Bryan can be a tough babyface facing Evolution, or Authority+Orton+Batista on a weekly basis, not on mic, nor in the ring. He's just too small and unbelievable. I believe CM Punk would've given us amazing promos and Raws in this storyline. Why the hell did they not book it like this! ??????
I think the biggest thing to remember in all of this is that Batista was suppose to be a surprise entrant in the Rumble… his return was internally spoiled and it ended up blowing the big return… So if the Rumble happens and he's a big shocking return, the fans may not flip as much, if at all…

That being said… after the shit that went down at the Rumble i think they're doing it in one of the best ways that they can… Bryan will be added to Mania tonight by Hogan IMO and then you have the duel heels of Orton and Batista both crying about it...
With the way he left after Extreme Rules 2010, it didn't make much sense to me for him to come back babyface. We're supposed to just forget he left in a temper tantrum after he couldn't beat Cena?

It just would've been much more logical for him to come back with the same personality as when he left, at least in the beginning. For me, I thought it would've made perfect sense for them to reunite Evolution and have him be an enforcer of sorts for Orton. Then, maybe the fans might not have reacted so poorly to him winning the RR if Orton told him, "I'm really glad you're going to do the right thing and relinquish your shot at my WWE World Heavyweight Championship." Then that's where we'd see the Batista of old and he makes the face turn.
Instead of trying to make him a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble he should have appeared at the first Raw after TLC, make him the underdog. Have HHH bring up the times he was betrayed by Batista and fought against each other, saying that he re-signed Batista because it was best for business but that he will never get near Orton and the title. Then instead of having Batista run all over Del Rio, have him get his ass kicked every week after fighting valiantly for a while. Then have him win the rumble even with Orton interfering to try and stop him.
I would have had him come back as a spoiled Hollywood type with an entourage with a leather coat and shades he pulls up in a limo and the first person he sees is Steve Lombardi he asks him "Did you see Riddick?" Lombardi answers "Yeah I am a big Vin Diesel fan" Batista goes crazy and beats the Yankee logo off the Brooklyn Brawler with Michael Cole screaming "THE ANIMAL IS BACK!!!!!!"
I would have booked him for an Evolution reunion. It would have worked. Plus an Evolution reunion hasn't happen yet. Them (with Flair too of course) vs. The Shield w/Vince for control of the company would have been great.

Then I would have booked Brock Lesnar vs. Batista!! "The Animal vs. The Beast Incarnate" Would have been awesome right?? Damn. Fresh too.

Then, once the novelty of having him back wears off, I would have had him job to Sheamus and Roman Reigns. Well maybe not job, but ultimately lose to them after a decent feud. Why not right? He's already in his mid-40s, why not pass the torch to the younger big dudes? I hate to say it, but that's all he's good for really.

Then I'd cut his ass.
I would have had him alone in the ring with Punk as the final two in the Royal Rumble, have a double elimination like Luger/Hart at Royal Rumble 1994.

It sucks Bryan would have been left out but it makes more sense storyline wise for Bryan to finally get his hands on HHH, they got alot of history.

Batista/Punk/Orton could have been an entertaining triple threat, Punk with the mic work and Orton/Punk both try to get a good match out of Batista
I think the general consensus is that he would have been better served returning as a heel and joining up with The Authority and Orton.

I think they should have built to Batista vs. Lasnar at Wrestlemania, but with Lesnar taking on somewhat more of a face role. I would have given the title match to Punk vs. Orton (which probably would have kept him in the company) and I would have stuck with Triple H vs. Bryan. Lump that in with Undertaker vs. Cena and Batista returning as a heel gives you a pretty strong Wrestlemania Card.

I think there could have been some interesting promo's done with Lesnar/Heyman/Punk given the history and given that they might have to find a way to work together at some point.

This scenario also leaves the door open for Orton or Batista to turn at some point giving a strong build to what would be a fairly decent Summerslam Match.
I have to believe that Batista's return probably was at least under a handshake agreement to headline Wrestlemania.

Raw Before Rumble
I would have gone into the plan with his last run in mind being a spoiled heel going to Hollywood coming back and acting "Hollywood" but delivering a half-hearted promo about being glad to be back.

Royal Rumble
I would have guessed fans wanted Daniel Bryan in Royal Rumble so I would have made Batista 30th in RR

Elimination Chamber
There would have been a short feud and match at the PPV, but why isn't it against a guy like Dolph Ziggler or CM Punk? CM Punk vs Batista for the Wrestlemania spot on the line! Batista WINS!

Daniel Bryan would have to then win Elimination Chamber and walk out with the title in order to give us a main event for Mania which would be fresh and more believable.

Randy Orton loses the title and we begin to show The Authority have lost faith in him while Batista defends his spot on the card successfully and we'll see Trips buddy up to him. On television we've seen Batista bad so far, but he hasn't committed to The Authority.

Too much time before Mania would see CM Punk & Daniel Bryan vs Batista & Randy Orton... Orton wins the match for his team only for Triple H and Batista to give him the THUMBS DOWN and injure Orton writing him off television for a few weeks. This gives Batista heat, keeps the title on Daniel Bryan and gives Orton a valid reason to be in the main event and hopefully as interesting as he was when Batista & Triple H first turned on him (which is a spark his career desperately needs)
First of all wwe made huge mistake by unifying the whc and wwe championships.

It makes no space for more wrestlers and storyline.

I book batista for royal rumble as surprise entrant. So he got a babyface pop. Brock also book as surprise entrant and eliminate batista. After that they both booked at ec match and batista eliminates brock and then brock attacked him and randy pins batista. So batista challenge brock a match at wm30.

in my point of view this is best way to book batista as babyface and go safe. But current story he sucks. universe hates him as a hell. I wont expect this type of reaction for batista.

As for as bryan
They book him for royal rumble match at 27 and win the rumble. Triple h challenge bryan not winning the title. So bryan challenge triple h in match for #1 contender spot at ec. If hhh wins bryan lost his spot. If bryan wins he go against randy orton at wm. At ec bryan wins with the interference from kane, shield, wyatt family for hhh and cm punk, cena, sheamus, big show, christian, mark henry for DB. Cm punk hits gts to hhh and yes lock from DB. It setup cm punk vs hhh at wm.
I don't think anything positive can be said about how he was booked, whether you like him or hate him. The WWE doesn't seem to understand that booking Batista to win the Royal Rumble for his return was a foolish decision. The fans were red hot for Daniel Bryan, but would have settled for Cesaro, Punk or Reigns. I don't think anyone was ready to mark out in a positive way if Batista won the match, so they were given incentive to jeer the shit out of him. All of this happened while HHH and his bitch expected us to cheer for him, go figure.

So now he's grasping at straws to be accepted as passable, and he doesn't have the finesse he used to have. I've been critical of his lack of agility when he was at his prime, I'll just say that I'm not impressed with his ability to pull off a convincing match today either.

If I had booked this, I would have debuted him as a heel. He's an extra name in an already over-crowded playing field and he'll apparently only work if he gets the main event. The fans only need to hop on their computers to become privy to this, fucking let them. Let them get all up in the tweets where Batista mocks their favorite stars, let them read between the lines in all the dirt sheets that explain how Batista managed to finagle his way into the Royal Rumble. Let the fans hate him, and let him behave in ways that encourages their hatred. If the fans hate him for reasons other than anything involving Randy Orton, it'll make Randy look better for being associated with him.

Maybe the fans will still be upset because Randy isn't facing their favorite performer at Wrestlemania, big whoop. They're getting their favorite performers in matches at Wrestlemania, they should be content with that. If you absolutely must book Batista in a way that builds hype for Wrestlemania, have him play into all the searing hatred that the IWC has for him with negative comments online and have him use heel tactics to steal the Royal Rumble from them. Booking him as a face was fucking stupid, the fans weren't just going to ignore their favorites to cheer on a guy who's really just another one name endomorph.
It's hard to only re-book Batista and not everything else because as a result, everything else would change. Therefore I would've went this route...

1: I would've had CM Punk win the Rumble

2: DB in the Rumble but cheated by Kane instead of Punk

3: Brock in the Rumble and eliminated by Batista

4: Batista eliminated by an already eliminated Brock ala Kane-Punk

5: Had DB, Orton, Brock, Batista, Cena, Sheamus in the Chamber

6: Brock & Batista are eliminated simultaneously by DB & Orton (knee & rko) after they double close line eachother.

7: Cena wins the title @ Chamber

8: Brock challenges Batista to a No DQ match @ Mania

9: Kept the Kane screwing DB angle at Chamber thus challenging HHH @ Mania

10: Tell creative to get off their ass and get Sting situated for a match.

D. Bryan vs Triple H (Stone Cold special guest ref)
Cm Punk vs John Cena (c)
Batista vs Brock (No DQ)
Sting vs Undertaker
Orton vs Jericho or Sheamus

I would've booked the Batista vs Brock match the way the Kane vs Big Show vs Raven match was at Mania 17...have the guys go backstage at one point and slam eachother through walls and glass windows and Godzilla vs King Kong.
I wouldn't.

Fact of the matter is, all he does is fill space that should be given to non part-timers. Every year, a few Superstars return for a big fat paycheck, and a higher spot on the Wrestlemania card without really having to work for it. Yeah, they did their work in the past, but you're giving time away that could showcase some of the up & coming talent that the WWE has to offer but nobody knows. Batista is in the same category as The Rock, especially when they both come back and say they returned for the love of the sport, when we all know that they left to make more money elsewhere.

If I really had to book Batista returning, I'd either have him not return, or have him show up and beat down Lesnar, because those two giants fighting would be a sloppy but physical match, considering their time spent in MMA. There wouldn't really be a point to it, but it has more of a point than Lesnar/Undertaker. Honestly, nobody cares about Batista. He got booed as he left and booed as he returned.
If Batista was a surprise entrant this would have been different. He would have received a great reaction and there wouldn't be an issue. He wasn't and that is the problem.

If they could have their time again; I'm sure the WWE wouldn't have him appear. I think a company leaked it beforehand and that is really shit luck. They didn't need him to sell the PPV and him winning the Rumble (as a surprise) would have been awesome.

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