Batista's Heel Turn And What His Message To Fans' "Heroes" *MIGHT* Mean

It probably means he will just start beating some babyfaces.Hence why they started with the #1 jobber atm, Ziggler ( poor guy ).

Batista's problem was that he was put in the wrong place at the wrong time.DB is so over and people didnt give two shits about SkinJeanTista.Him coming in out of ring shape and just winning the rumble like that pissed off people and from there on it was only downhill that his babyface return could go, and down it went.

Tho I suppose this is all for the best, because even tho people might not like him anymore and he may not be as over as he once was with the fans, he signed a 2 year contract.So might as well have play the character that is better suited for him.The "Put the spotlight on me" self-proclaimed megastar heel.His promos were always good before he retired because he was what he was ment to be.And this promo was just as good.His face promos always sucked and made me cringe.

I think its pretty much a given that DB will be in the match with Batista and Orton.There is just no way they will let the fans completely shit on that match.That and DB deserves the title already after the abominable booking that happened from summerslam onward.
I honestly think a lot of people would have been fine with Batista's return if 1: he had returned heel, and 2: he had come back in October when the contract was signed.

Now from what I can gather from the past few weeks we've seen him...

Wrester wise

1) He's not worth the contract he will be on for few matches, no house shows etc.

2) He thinks he's half his age with his 12 year old sister's skinny jeans and his nose stud.

3) He's clearly just back for the big payday. Would he have rejoined for day after Mania and have to wait a year like Brock? Don't think so.

4) His promos have never been that good.

5) He hasn't had a single good match performance. HE'S GASSED OUT AFTER ONE MOVE!!!

6) He doesn't come across ever as fan friendly. Very much seeing the business we love as a business instead of as a passion that pays well.

7) He's not all that successful outside of wrestling. His MMA fight sucked and he's only gotten one major movie role, in a movie that doesn't look very good

Now person wise.

He cheated on his wife that had cancer with Melina and Kelly Kelly. And what makes it worse is he spoke about it in his autobiography like his wife was the one in the wrong - go figure?!

He has a great tendency to whine. WWE has gone to his head a little and made him arrogant and he simply whines because he can.
He has nothing to whine about, many wrestlers would kill for his spot and the money hes making. And you wonder why Booker kicked his ass backstage!!!!!

Now if they chose someone else to win the Rumble, it would have still pissed people off. They probably would have given the title back to Cena and then they most likely would have begged Rock to come back and win the Rumble.

Wow, you really like making lists!

Wrestler wise

1) He has already done house shows. As for his worth, we can either be subjective about that or look at how much merch he helps to sell. I don't have numbers, do you?

2) The way he dresses shouldn't really fall under "wrestler wise", especially since your description doesn't apply to his attire in the ring. Aside from that, who cares how he chooses to dress? These are grown men fighting in tights; it's not like there is any amazing standard in style in this business.

3) He is reportedly signed for 2 years. That fact doesn't really suggest that he's in it just for the payday.

4) While this is just your opinion, his promos during his last heel run against Cena were highly regarded by a good number of people in the IWC and were jeered by crowds.

5) I agree with him not having good matches, although his match with Ziggler did show improvement. Hopefully he works a little more on his cardio before mania.

6) I agree that he doesn't come off as very fan-friendly, but neither you nor I know enough about the guy to know what he truly thinks of the business. He apparently was watching while he was out of it, as he regularly commented on what was going on. As for his lack of friendliness, I'm glad they are giving him heel attributes to fit with that.

7) You're perfectly welcome to your opinion as to how the movie looks, but from everything I've seen, you seem to be in a very small minority if you think Guardians of the Galaxy doesn't look entertaining based on the trailer. Aside from that, he was in the latest Riddick movie and The Man with the Iron Fist. Riddick was mediocre in my opinion, but it's a pretty big name movie. The Man with the Iron Fist was a pretty fun Kung Fu movie. Check it out if you're bored; you might like it.

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