How often do you see your boyfriend/girlfriend?

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
I only see my girlfriend once a week at the most, and it's starting to get really frustrating. The annoying thing is she lives 2 miles away. I could walk there in 20 minutes! I just like being in her company more than anything else but she almost has to 'find a space in her diary' to see me.

What about yourselves?
she almost has to 'find a space in her diary' to see me.

If you don't mind me overstepping the bounds of casual acquaintance and pointing this out... that's not a good sign. At all. If she's making statements like that and acting like she's doing you a favor by lending you some of her precious time, it's probably time to kick the bitch to the curb. I mean, unless I'm just totally misinterpreting it, that's pretty fucking horrible.
If you don't mind me overstepping the bounds of casual acquaintance and pointing this out... that's not a good sign. At all. If she's making statements like that and acting like she's doing you a favor by lending you some of her precious time, it's probably time to kick the bitch to the curb. I mean, unless I'm just totally misinterpreting it, that's pretty fucking horrible.

But I don't want to kick her to the curb. I really like her and when we're together it's just amazing. She's beautiful, funny and she makes me happy. But I need to let her know that I don't think we see each other enough. And I don't think it's a case of she is doing me a favor by lending me some of her precious time, she is apparently busy most evenings and she goes out most weekends with her gay-brother and his partner. But why not invite her boyfriend?!

Worrying times are ahoy... :(
But I don't want to kick her to the curb. I really like her and when we're together it's just amazing. She's beautiful, funny and she makes me happy. But I need to let her know that I don't think we see each other enough. And I don't think it's a case of she is doing me a favor by lending me some of her precious time, she is apparently busy most evenings and she goes out most weekends with her gay-brother and his partner. But why not invite her boyfriend.

Worrying times are ahoy... :(

Exactly. I'm telling you, and you may not want to hear this, but something is very much amiss here. Totally not my business and I'm not going to sit here and debate you on it but... just think it over, ya know? If things were as storybook as you're making them out to be, and she was as into you as you seem to be into her, would she really be spending all her free time with her brother and his boyfriend and just penciling you in here and there?

Sucks to think about stuff like this, I know. I've been there. But sometimes things just aren't as good as you have yourself convinced.
Maybe your right. But I'd rather discuss it with her than make any rash decisions that I'm gunna regret. Anyway, enough about moi. Back to the topic at hand. :D
My girlfriend lives like 30 miles away and I have no car so I only see her 3 times a month or so, it's pretty crap.
In the holidays, four/five times a week, during Uni once every two weekends. Luckily her Uni's only a 15 minute train journey to make, and with a student rail card it's relatively cheap. The bitch moans when I want to watch match of the day though.
Yeah? Well my last girlfriend lived in another fucking country. She lived in Massachusetts and I lived in Italy.

She broke up with me at a really bad time, too :(
In the holidays, four/five times a week, during Uni once every two weekends. Luckily her Uni's only a 15 minute train journey to make, and with a student rail card it's relatively cheap. The bitch moans when I want to watch match of the day though.

I've already laid down the ground-rules when it comes to Formula 1, Football and Wrestling. :lmao: :D
Yeah? Well my last girlfriend lived in another fucking country. She lived in Massachusetts and I lived in Italy.

She broke up with me at a really bad time, too :(

Poor Doc, would some Mickie james cheer you up?

I've already laid down the ground-rules when it comes to Formula 1, Football and Wrestling. :lmao: :D

Oh she loves F1, she never misses a race. She finds wrestling funny and can watch it occasionally, but she hates football. And footballs the most important one.
No girlfriend for me. Women are ****s. They can't be trusted. I'll just continue to have my fun while I'm still young.
I get to see my girl everyday, when I wake up in the morning she's curled up next to me, when I come home for lunch she's got something made, when I get home from work she let's me play Madden, cooks supper for me, and then I get to go to bed with her at night.

I love my girlfriend, she treats me like no other.
I wouldn't mind a boyfriend but I don't really have a lot of free time at the moment :( Always nice to have one come christmas time though. Who else can you have a snowball fight with and will actually let you win ;)

One of my ex's came from the same town as me, but he went to Scotland and I stayed in Eire. Seeing him only one weekend in October for whole term was not pleasant. :(
I wouldn't mind a boyfriend but I don't really have a lot of free time at the moment :( Always nice to have one come christmas time though. Who else can you have a snowball fight with and will actually let you win ;)

One of my ex's came from the same town as me, but he went to Scotland and I stayed in Eire. Seeing him only one weekend in October for whole term was not pleasant. :(

Well, how about...

Nah, never mind :p

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