How often do you see your boyfriend/girlfriend?

:blush:..... :p

But yeah I just happened to notice your Muse ensignia. You manage to get tickets to see them in October?
I'll be sure to get back at everyone once I find her. I've never had one, and from the looks of it, it doesn't seem I'll ever have one. If I do... it'll probably be quite a while.
The one thing people never seem to realize is that relationships are hard work, man. Sure, sometimes you get lucky, and someone totally caters to your needs and is happy doing so, but most of the time you get someone who has certain expectations when it comes to you. Right now, I don't have a girlfriend, and I'm happy not having one...maybe in another year or two, when I feel like meeting a woman's emotional and "other" needs.
:blush:..... :p

But yeah I just happened to notice your Muse ensignia. You manage to get tickets to see them in October?

Yeah... But I waited too long to order them and ended up getting balcony tickets :p
But the O2 is kinda small anyway, so it won't be too bad.
Whenever really, I get bored of people if I see them everyday although she sort of is an exception to the rule. I see her most days but a day off here and there is nice, that way you can catch up with mates and go on drunken rampages that may or may not last the entire weekend.
Girlfriends give me less time to watch wrestling. How will I stand a chance of becoming a better poster if I have a girlfriend?

To the original poster... have you considered that maybe you imagined having a girlfriend? 'Cause I was just rewatching the season finale of House, and that shit was trippy like a hippie!
I'm thinking anywhere from 3-4 days a week is good. Anymore and it can become annoying, until you're in a serious relationship where it's, y'know.. love.
I see my girlfriend for maybe 2 days out of the week. She'll come up after work, stay for her day off, and then leave the following day before work. She lives an hour away, and there's just a lot going on that limits our time together. I have work and Zack, and she has work, family, and a pregnant sister, and eventually school. Once September hits, we'll see each other for a few hours Thursday afternoon, and that's it.
Agh that doesn't sound good for you- especially with September not too far away :( I suppose though it makes the time you do have together so much better. When I went to visit my ex in Scotland it was always amazing. I still have this love for Scotland basically becuase of those visits.

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