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How much of the Cena hate is actually "what the cool people are doing"?

How much of the Cena hate is "blind hate"?

  • A minority of the hate.

  • A majority of the hate.

  • Not a majority, but definitely a significant part of the hate.

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Let's get a couple of things straight. Cena is no Rock in terms of mic skills or wrestling skills. But strolling through the Internet, it seems like last night never happened. I've seen pages and pages of people still hating on Cena after his refreshingly decent comeback he made. Sure he's a little rusty reusing the pinwheel joke, but there was great new material. I'm not saying that all Cena haters go bash on him blindly, but it seems to me a large part of it is. He gives the people what they want and they still aren't satisfied.
I think some people do bash Cena because it is the "cool" thing to do. However, I can only really answer regarding my own opinions of the man.

I don't hate Cena. By all regards he is a very nice guy and clearly does give 100% every time he is on camera. I was a fan of his during his Thuganomics phase, when some of his raps were really funny and he was something different.

However, I have just not been able to get behind his cheesy "superman" style persona over the last few years, and even his t-shirts and baseball cap attire gets on my nerves. I have never really been impressed by his wrestling ability either.

On Raw this week though, his return to the Thuganomics style rapping was good to see, and it was nice that the audience appreciated him. Cena needs to try and move a bit towards to a more adult-themed character, and the hate against him will become less and less, as people are simply getting a bit fed up of the crap he is made to say most weeks and are dying for him to do something different.

Hopefully (although he said it was a 1 night return), this is the start of a change which will make Cena popular with the adult fans again. I would definitely like to see that. It can't be nice for the guy to be playing a face and have half the arena hating you every night.
I think some people do bash Cena because it is the "cool" thing to do. However, I can only really answer regarding my own opinions of the man.

I don't hate Cena. By all regards he is a very nice guy and clearly does give 100% every time he is on camera. I was a fan of his during his Thuganomics phase, when some of his raps were really funny and he was something different.

However, I have just not been able to get behind his cheesy "superman" style persona over the last few years, and even his t-shirts and baseball cap attire gets on my nerves. I have never really been impressed by his wrestling ability either.

On Raw this week though, his return to the Thuganomics style rapping was good to see, and it was nice that the audience appreciated him. Cena needs to try and move a bit towards to a more adult-themed character, and the hate against him will become less and less, as people are simply getting a bit fed up of the crap he is made to say most weeks and are dying for him to do something different.

Hopefully (although he said it was a 1 night return), this is the start of a change which will make Cena popular with the adult fans again. I would definitely like to see that. It can't be nice for the guy to be playing a face and have half the arena hating you every night.

That's pretty much how I feel except the SuperCena part. I mean sure it's been the same for a long time now, but I kind of gotten use to it. He's a nice guy out of the ring and he's a nice guy in the ring.

With that being said, I highly doubt it's gonna be a one night thing. It's just too big for it to be a one night thing. We have a feud triangle going on here with Rock/Cena/Miz. It'd work perfectly if he can keep practicing his degree in Thuganomics.
No one here should ever say a bad thing about Cena's passion for the business and his drive. In his defense he is told what to say and how to act.

I have the same issues as others with his "Super Cena" gimmick. I understand others in the past have had the same thing just tweeked more to them, but for whatever reason Austin wrecking house didn't piss me off.

Cena on the other hand is just so corny sometimes, playing to his younger audience, but I mean come on. I do feel enough is enough and that last nights little rap on the Rock was a good start. I want to see more edginess out of the purple terd.

Cena hating is justified in my mind. Some probably do it because it's the IWC thing to do... but then again perhaps it's just because he is not geared toward our generation. Hence why they brought Rock back... not just to host Wrestlemainia but because they knew full well that a Miz v Cena feud straight up would be a bomb. Adding Rock in makes the feud more interesting. So big ups to WWE for at least recognizing that.
Actually, it's the opposite. I get so much crap for my sig because hating Cena isn't cool anymore. Infact it's almost like all the people who used to hate him have stopped and they expect me to do the same.
This is a nice thread. I had a discussion with my friend last night about this very thing. He was going off about how Cena's rap sucked. Now, I am probably one of Cena's biggest critics, but I thought his promo was awesome. He came to the ring to so much heat, but he managed to sway the crowd's reception with the rap. His rhymes were funny, but also true in many ways. His line about how the Rock says he loves the fans but Cena is there every week showing them was also a good point.

I do not hate John Cena the man. I hate this cheesy, cartoon character that we are forced to stomach each week. I used to love the guy back in 2003 when he was cutting raps on everyone while competing on Smackdown. I remember his taking a piss on Undertaker's grave while rapping, and I remember how he created the move, the FU to poke fun at Brock Lesnar's F5.

Last night's promo was the most that John Cena has entertained me since his mini feud with Christian in 2005. Each week, we clamor for Cena to give us something new and we argue that it's the "same olf shit." Well, he gives us something different, and it still is not good enough? I think we're being too hard on the guy. So, to answer your question, I do believe that a lot of it is just blind hate.
The first question that I want to ask the OP is where exactly did you read those pages on which Cena got hated despite cutting a good promo last night? I certainly haven't read any. Some people say that it was even better than Rock's promo and the others are saying how it was a good promo but it does not match up to The Rock's in any form. I do not understand how that is hating.

Back to the point, yes I do think that a lot of fans especially the older ones hate Cena because it is the cool thing to do. That, however, does not mean that the charges levelled against him are falls. He has been the same character for quite a while, talks about conquering insurmountable odds but somehow miraculously conquers those odds every single time. His promos and feuds from 2006 to 2009 were basically all the same stuff. I am sure that the Cena hate was started by a few ovveranalyzing members of the IWC but it has gained a lot of support over the years and it is because, on a certain level, these fans have not seen much to prove these allegations wrong.

But then I can assure you that there are a lot of younger fans out there who are cheering Cena because it is the cool thing to do for their age group. I even think that the fact that the adults do not like him much are making them cheer Cena on even more. Children love to rebel especially in such nodescript stuff like wrestling.
If this was early 2006 instead of early 2011 I would vote for the majority. But after witnessing the same old generic crap from him the last 5 years it's definitely the minority. Maybe last night was a turning point?
Saw this thread while going over the news and decided to jump in.
I agree with much of the sentiment here regarding Cena outside of the ring as opposed to inside.
He seems to be a great person, very fan-friendly (even when they hate on him), and willing to do what The Company asks of him no matter what. I grew up in the days of Hogan pulling his weight around so much, it's nice to see someone understand group dynamics a little better. Wrestling is a two-person minimum affair, after all!
As for Cena himself, I still don't really "hate" him, I'm just a little sick of seeing him.
I'm also very tired of seeing him win no matter the odds. I'm dying for some real in-ring drama right now, and it just doesn't happen when he's around.
The same thing goes for Randy Orton as well, so it's not really Cena's fault, he's just an unfortunate victim of my ire right now.
Look at the Wrestlemania situation. With Del Rio being heavily pushed, if he wins the title, I don't think there's ANY WAY WWE will let two heels win at the event, so Cena is almost guaranteed to beat Miz. Alberto could lose, however, and they could stagger his title capture to the next PPV, so that theory goes out the window.
But look at how I view the matches. I don't see storyline resolution or ring drama at all, and it's not just because I'm a "smart mark". The WWE product is just SO watered down right now, it's more of a situational response than an attempt at telling a story.
There isn't anything interesting in the Cena-Miz story right now, and a lot of that has to do with Cena just being too overplayed right now.
The same thing happened with the atrocious CeNexus angle.
Anyway, back to the OP, regardless of how I feel, I do think it's a popularity type of thing as far as in the arena. After all, that's why it's almost a perfect split between the females and kids cheering Cena and the men booing him.
There is a big difference between John Cena, and the character he portrays. Cena the person, I have nothing but respect for. He does tons of work for charities, he has a strong passion for wrestling, and he just seems like an all around awesome guy. It's just the character, it's been exactly the same for years. It's just time to update him a bit and I think a majority of the hating will stop. He admits he'll never be as technical as the Angles and Flairs of the business, but he doesn't need to be. It's not like Hogan will ever be remembered for knowing 385753 submissions.

I agree with someone above that says hating on Cena ISN'T the cool thing anymore, it's been played out so much for years. I haven't counted, but I would be willing to bet that there are at least 100 posts on this site a day bashing him. WWE may deserve criticism for not updating his character at all in 5 years, but that's not exactly Cena's fault. He is told pretty much word for word what to say when he goes out there, so you can't put that blame on him.
I think my hate towards Cena is just with the way he is booked. So I guess Im just frustrated with the wwe booking him as "supercena" who never loses a match cleanly. Please correct me if i am wrong here but i can only think of two times the guys lost cleanly since 2008. 1) Batista at summerslam and 2) sheamus at tlc this past year.
There was a difference from last night and the normal John Cena who shows up on RAW every other week. Last night Cena reverted to his old gimmick, the gimmick which made him liked and made him in every way. "The Doctor of Thuganomics" Cena came out last night, and if you read peoples reactions and the crowd reactions it was the Cena people like.

Next week, we'll ba back to old, boring, Cena. The Cena who'll cut a promo, let out a joke or two, go all serious before either hitting the FU or whatever you want to call it, or he'll be laid out.

That's the way shit happens for John Cena, weekly.

It doesn't change the fact that he has the same five moves. It doesn't change the fact that he's always in the main events and it always being pushed, no matter if he's winning or losing. He always has the spotlight, he's annoying as hell and did I mention the fact that he can't wrestle well?

I said it in another thread a while back. John Cena is a nice guy, does his promotional work, does his campaigning, makes some shit movies, does his stuff for Make-A-Wish Foundation and all is fine and dandy.

But inside the ring, John Cena doesn't seem to earn anything. That's all outside the WWE.

I've disliked Cena since his feud ended with Edge back at Unforgiven 2006. And unless he either turns heel, which will NEVER happen, or shows that he deserves shit for doing in-ring stuff, my opinion isn't changing.
He has been the same character for quite a while, talks about conquering insurmountable odds but somehow miraculously conquers those odds every single time. His promos and feuds from 2006 to 2009 were basically all the same stuff.QUOTE]

This is the same constant thing that is said about Cena as well as the 5 moves of Doom.

But let us journey back to a man whom many in the IWC cream their jeans over. The Overrated HULK HOGAN...his whole career was that quote above minus his NWO time.

So how can you use that as an example of why you hate Cena then you can say how great Hogan was. You cant itis Hypocracy.

I do firmly believe that the IWC Hates and Loves what is the coolest to do so at the moment. One reason Jerico and a few others poke fun at the IWC so much.

We hate who we think its Cool to hate.....we Love who we think its cool to Love....we Push who we think its cool to Push.

Jerico once said back about 4 years ago the ICW is the closet live in the parents basement jerk off to the Divas nerds who want to hang with the Cool kids but cant. Basically Michael Cole.

But anyways the IWC is very irrational and it shows. Cena will never be given a break cause of who he is even if he went back to thuganomics he would be hated about a month later cause its still cool to hate him. I have noticed some are also starting to hate on the Miz as well recently.

Basically here is the bottom line The IWC HATES WHOMEVER IS ON TOP AND LOVES THE UNDERDOGS. THE MOMENT THEY GET ON TOP OF THE PILE THEY START TO GET HATED. End of story fact is fact truth is truth.
Yeah, like many have said, I don't care for Cena's character. Him, personally, I have tons of respect before.

But back to the topic, I just mentioned this to someone the other day. It feels like people hate Cena just to be cool because a LOT of people dislike him. Me, personally, have never liked him; I never will.
The only thing about Cena that bothers me is his wrestling ability. He's a fantastic guy, and should be the face of the wwe. Hogan didnt know a wrist lock from a wrist watch, but thats not what we are going to remember him for, you remember hogan for his charisma. I dont like cena as a wrestler, however its hard not to root for a guy who would probably give you the shirt of his back. He's no ric flair. He could be a hulk hogan tho, on a smaller scale.
"He could be a hulk hogan tho, on a smaller scale." This is true except for the fact that Cena is most likely a nice guy and from what I hear Hogan as a person is a self centered A**hole, so in that regard Cena > hogan.

But at the task at hand, I think at least a good part of the hate Cena gets is undeserving. Sure he's not the most technically sound in the ring, but he's charismatic as hell and is a better wrestler than most people give him credit for. But I've always been somewhat of a Cena fan, so take that how you will. I do feel that whatever he does, the smarks and whoever else will find some reason to hate on him. Just my opinion.
I like Cena, I really do, but even I'll admit he can be boring in the ring. He's been part of the Main Event scene for what, five years now? Has he added ANY new moves to hi moveset? C'mon Cena! Your strength is nothing short of superhuman and you're pretty agile for a guy you're size, surely you can manage something! Superplex, powerbomb, DDT, Sideslam, ANYTHING!

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