How Long Will It Be Until We See a HIAC match on T.V?

Barbedwire Ropes

With the WWE watering down all of their gimmick matches with over-done gimmick pay-per-views, how long do you think it will be until we start to see these "extreme" gimmicks take place on Raw or Smackdown television?

First off, I think if this ever were to take place it would have to be on Raw. A live version would probably draw well, but if it were taped alot of people could just read the spoilers and see if its worth watching or not. But it would most likely be so watered down it would just be a regular pinfall match that takes place entirely in the ring, just with the cell acting as a backdrop of sorts. But after this past episode of Raw, I dont think its completely out of the question.

If the WWE were willing to do it "right" though, it could potentially elevate the status of a mid-carder into a main event superstar.

Your thoughts?
There has actually already been a Hell in a Cell in the past, but it wasn’t that good. I think it was between Kane and Mankind; I’m not sure who ended up winning though because Stone Cold ended up interfering and attacked the Undertaker.

Anyways, I hope that match was the last one we ever see on TV. That match should only be used once a year and it should be on one of the Big 4 because it’s probably the most special and best gimmick match the WWE has. If it is put on TV, then some of the lust it has is taken away because it doesn’t seem as big as it is usually seen when it’s on ppv.

Anyways, that’s just me hoping it won’t be on TV ever again, but alas I don’t think that will be the case. Vince has been known to do whatever he feels he needs to do to get ratings up when they are down. Eventually, he is going to run out of ideas since he can’t always do the same ones over and over so he’ll end up putting some huge match inside the Cell hoping it will draw…because it would probably draw well.

I hope we don’t see a Hell in a Cell match on TV again because of how special it is but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were to happen again.
But, don't you feel that these gimmick pay-per-views are already taking away from the intensity and emotional impact of the Hell in a Cell match and other such matches already?
But, don't you feel that these gimmick pay-per-views are already taking away from the intensity and emotional impact of the Hell in a Cell match and other such matches already?
I feel that the Hell in a Cell pay per view does take away some of the lust the match has…but that’s simply because they are having 3 of them. If it was only one match inside the Cell then my answer would be no because it’s still happening just one time.

Another thing that does kind of bother me and makes it feel like some of the lust is taken away, is the fact that it’s not on a major pay per view. I know that Summerslam and Survivor Series aren’t really seen as the major pay per views that they once were anymore…but they are still part of the Big 4 so I think either one of those is where the HIAC match should be. If the match can be held at any B pay per view or on TV then it doesn’t seem that special and like I’ve already said, it takes the lust away from it.

I still think that we’ll end up seeing the match on TV sooner or later just because of the way Vince is when the ratings start to go down. If it does happen, expect for it to have a lot of build up and don’t actually be surprised to see it happen.
The hiac match in general, while still exciting, lost a lot of it's luster years ago imo. When WWE has a cool concept it's hard for it to keep upstaging itself yet by understandably not doing so, it's hard for things to stop seeming redundant after awhile. At this point, after the ppv I think that there should be a long wait til the next hiac match. At some point in the future I can forsee another one being on an edition of Raw, but it's probably best to keep the matches relegated to ppvs.
does it even matter anymore? this weekend will be the first time the cell has been used in the PG era unless i missed one somewhere.
i feel that with being pg..we won't see any blood. unless there is a legit cut and their isn't going to be any of the crazy stunts off the top or through the cage that we have seen in the past.
as far as i'm concerned the cell is nothing but a prop anymore. so if it gets put on tv i really won't give a crap. i barely watch wwe anymore. of the 5 hours of wwe tv i can watch each week i'm only watching about 45 minutes of raw.
There is good news and bad news regarding the Hell in a Cell.

Bad News: This matches prestige will become equivalent to a cage match. Soon it will indeed become a boring match that really you do not get excited for at all and it will end up on Raw or Smack Down.

Good News: WWE will most likely come up with another match that you see as rare as you did with the hell in a cell and the elimination chamber, and it will be as entertaining as these matches once were.
There have been 2 hell in a cell matches on TV

Kane & Mankind Vs. Steve Austin & Undertaker-June 15, 1998
Kane Vs. Mankind-August 4, 1998

The dates are just from memory, I may be wrong.

While the first one was more of a segment to promote the 2 main event matches at King of the Ring (Austin Vs. Kane & Taker Vs. Mankind) and it was enjoyable, the second one was actually treated as a match, and it (in my Opinion) Is the worst HIAC ever. It's like 7 1/2 minutes, and was just bad all around. So, hopefully, if HIAC is put on RAW, and as a actual match, they should try to make it a enjoyable match.
I dont think we should ever see a HIAC match on tv, dont get me wrong i would love to see the match for free. however wwe uses tv matches to hype ppvs, so having a hell ina cell type match on tv would blow-off the feud there. That was the only match that was rare and GOOD (see punjabi prison match)
What is the differance between "hell" in a cell and a regular cage match? I really don't know, they don't have weapons hanging from the top, there isn't more blood and I don't see a differance.

The steel cage match was used to end fueds and prevent interference from outside sources, same as the "cell"

If it isn't any differant than a regular cage match then there is no reason it shouldn't be on tv. in my opinion.

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