How Long Until Vince...

Vince will never buy TNA, at least no time in the near future. Reason being, they simply aren't a threat and never have been.

Yes, and the irony is that no one illustrated that principle better than TNA themselves. They didn't need Vince to run them down, all he had to do was watch as they imploded with their ridiculous claims leading to the January 2010 Monday night experiment that they would overtake WWE in the ratings and become the number one wrestling company. If Vince had written a script detailing how to eliminate a competitor as a major factor, he couldn't have done a better job than TNA did unaided.

Having staked everything on a foolish roll of the dice, TNA relegated themselves to a subordinate position and sent themselves stampeding back to Thursday nights with their tail between their legs. It was all so unnecessary.

Vince buying TNA? No need. If the smaller company is successful in running their business by reducing the bottom line and achieving profitability, they can stay in operation and remain a nice little alternative to WWE. If they're losing money and their investors tire of throwing good money after bad, they'll eventually fold.....and Vince can buy up the company's library at salvage value, if that's his pleasure.

But he doesn't have to spend big money buying TNA to put them out of business....they've been their own worst enemy.
Neither of the two things mentioned will happen. TNA will continue to exist as it does, not a true competitor to WWE but as the clear number two. I'm pretty sure they're well financed by Panda and aren't in danger of going out of business anytime soon. However, they've also proven that they're not capable of being the kind of titan that WWE always has been and will continue to be.

It is actually possible for two televised wrestling companies to exist over a longer period of time. I'm not a TNA fan, I don't watch and I don't plan to anytime soon, but why do I care whether they exist or not? It doesn't affect me as a WWE fan. Not everything needs to be a competition.
I dont think Vince feels the need to buy TNA because for one they are not a threat and two TNA is like a secret development ground for WWE. Before anyone takes it literally I mean TNA is easy pickings for WWE. Look at how much talent WWE snagged from them and ROH!! Vince probably in my opinion see TNA as a way of young talent paying they dues, seeing how they get over and making it to the big leagues...that being WWE. Nothing against TNA but I'm sure most their talent won't turn down a call from WWE. Its like if you play basketball and your playing overseas. Eventually your hoping the NBA notice you because thats where the best from all over the world is at

this is what I was gonna say vince can sit back and pick young talent from tna, and even tho vince is an egomaniac he NEEDS to have competition and it HELPS tna a lot that they really arent competition (if you understand what I am saying) becuz if they were a real threat vince would have brought them out years ago...

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