So, is Vince REALLY going there?

So, next year is the 10 year anniversary of WWE purchasing WCW and, consequently, WCW going out of business. As everyone knows, Wrestlemania is in Atlanta, where WCW was based out of, next year as well. At first, everyone seemed to think it would be pretty much a "WCW"-themed weekend. Basically, everyone was penciling in Goldberg, Arn Anderson and other WCW wrestlers being inducted into the Hall of Fame, and even a Goldberg farewell match (possibly against Taker?) at WM 27. Now, reports suggest that WWE's "big name" inductee is going to be Ultimate Warrior, which only had a, what, 2 month run with WCW?

My question is this- Do you think Vince is doing this out of disrespect to either TNA or WCW? Also, do you think Vince will use any footage from Warrior's match with Hogan at Halloween Havoc '98 to somewhat bury Hogan for joining TNA?

Now, before people say I'm reading too much into it, or bash what they think my thoughts on it are, I'll wait for the replies to start coming in. This is a forum, and I want to know what your thoughts are on the situation.

I think you're making something out of nothing. No one on WWE payroll has said anything about a WCW themed hall of fame or WM.It's in Atlanta,sure but that's probably because they won the annual bidding war for the event to take place there.Goldberg was heavily rumored to be involved somehow,but that won't be happening because no one seems to have the right kind of deal for this guy.Someone that insatiable shouldn't be trying to make a return anyway.I'm sure this will be a,for lack of a better word, normal WM just like most of the rest. I think Vince may have a few inside jokes on camera about TNA,much like they do, but wouldn't go so far as to use WM to disrespect anyone.TNA simply doesn't mean that much to him.
It will not be WCW themed... but may be more WCW centric... I can't see Vince wanting to honor the company he trashed 10 years previously unless its to dance on its grave one more time... no... but I can see the guys who perhaps came up in Atlanta being priority... Hence Arn Anderson, potentially Goldberg and maybe guys like Booker, The Freebirds or Pillman... I am really thinking Jericho might get it this year if he does leave, I am sure he'd agree to a match at WM in return for the honor and Vince will want to keep him away from opposition like the new Wilpon group or TNA...

2nd guessing it is wrong... but we have seen noticable thawing in relations between Vince and Savage AND Warrior in recent months...Warrior would be too much of a risk to allow on the podium unchecked... and he would never agree to be a non televised inductee... but in reality we are seeing a format develop for the HOF

1 Main Eventer... this is not always a former World Champ... DiBiase level though is minimum, so this oculd be anyone from Savage to Jericho to JBL to Shawn to Goldust...

1 Tag Team... Freebirds is likely as Hayes is on the Payroll and they can always rehire Ray Gordy (Slam Master) to team with Hayes the following night for a short match...

1 Foreign Star... I think Muta is likely this time around, as he is fit enough to show up and accept the award... Vachon last time

1 midcarder turned agent - This is Arns slot this time around...they've done guys like Atlas, Steamboat, Garea in the past...

1 deceased wrestler - WWE have to be careful with this, too many deceased wrestlers draws attention to the fact people die in the biz... here is the where the mostly deserving candidates sadly are... Rude, Bulldog, Owen, Pillman, Misawa, Bossman, Earthquake... So there is always a queue... if I had to pick one it'd be Pillman for Atlanta... he really did revolutionise the biz twice and should be honored where he changed it... if they would do 2 I'd say Rude too... Davey Boy can wait till next year (hopefully when Harry is on the way to the title)

1 former promoter - Jim Crockett this time as its Atlanta... makes sense as he did run the territory for a long time... maybe the whole Crockett family...

1 Commentator - Running dry on these now, so I think this one will be rested for next year... I really don't see Schivone or Bischoff going in any time soon... maybe Zybysko at a push...

1 Celebrity - Definitely won't be LT this time around... This is where it could get icky... if Vince really does want to piss on WCW... and oh god...Scream 4 will be out about then... David Arquette... If he's smart they should put Jim Johnston in this year... the real unsung hero of the WWE...
Warrior will not be there this year, and i dont think next year either. and if the Myth of why Vince hates Savage is true, then i dont see him being put in, no matter how much people (even good ol' JR) want it to happen.

taking on the theme THTRobtaylor started, i'll throw in my picks

1 Main Eventer... Goldberg most likely.. but if either one of them are done in TNA by then, possibly Nash or Sting as well. hell DDP even? and if it aint a WCW theme then maybe time for The Rock? or HBK?

1 Tag Team... The Road Warriors aKa: The Legion of Doom. always a crowd favorite, who didnt love hearing "UUUAAAAAAHHHH WHAT A RUSH"

1 Foreign Star... i like the pic of Muta for this one also

1 midcarder turned agent - well, could actually be 2 possibly? because you got Arn of course, but also Dean Malinko as well. Hell, Finley as well. any of these 3.

1 deceased wrestler - Owen, Bulldog, or any dead WCW guy. (minus Benoit unfortunitly)

1 former promoter - oh it HAS to be Paul Heyman. GREAT Heel in the WWE, managed some of the top stars, and also was one of the best GM's. and helps that he shot down TNA's offer.

1 Commentator - yeah they are running low here.. Joey Styles maybe? Zybysko?

1 Celebrity - if they do indeed do a WCW theme, then Dennis Rodman, or Karl Malone. not David Arquette, as his title run was one of the worst moments in WCW history
I heard Ultimate Warrior turned down the offer of being in the WWE Hall of Fame. I think it may have been last year that he was asked to join the Hall of Fame but he turned it down. He was going to be the main wrestler inducted that year but when he turned it down they focused on Ted Dibiasi instead. I don't know how true that is but I read that.

I do not think Wrestlemania is being held in Atlanta because of WCW. That seems kinda dumb. I do hope Ultimate Warrior is inducted into the Hall of Fame soon along with Randy Savage. Now that would be Cool (as Carlito says).
I don't mind if they hold a WCW theme HOF induction next year. It gives recognition to hard working wrestlers who deserve their spot in the HOF. I don't see how Vince would trash WCW by doing this either. I hope that Vince can get the Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage b/c they really deserve it. I wouldn't mind seeing Goldberg, DDP, or even Booker T being inducted b/c they were some of my favorite wrestlers growing up. On a side note, I can't wait until Wrestlemain b/c it's going to be right where I live in Atlanta and I will be going there.

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