will TNA face the same fate as WCW

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Does anyone have a Cystal Ball? I thought not, so then how can people predict if TNA is going to get bought out by the WWE? Currently TNA is not in a position to even bother the WWE, this move for Angle might have got their attention a little, but the fact remains, crap or not the WWE is a Global Wrestling Promotion, TNA is not. They are on two completely different levels going in two completely different Directions. And anyway if TNA were to be bought out, there would surely be another Wrestling Promotion to come in and fill the gap in the market sooner or later.

Wrestling is an Industry that strives on Competition, everyone on this board knows that, and I would bet Vince McMahon knows that as well. Vince bought WCW because it was being sold, and he could basically run what could of been the biggest angles in Wrestling History for a pretty low price. For the moment TNA isnt going anywhere, like I said the promotion is completely different to the WWE, and the constant comparisons between TNA and WCW or TNA and WWE is getting really old, really fast.
Obviously it's possible (would anyone have predicted WCW would go out of buisness?) but I dont see it happening. Most of the people involved with T.N.A. believe it has the potential to be a serious rival to WWE so I cant see any of them messing it up, certainly not in the near future.
by the time tna is even near wwe there headlining wrestlers would be retired
to say tna is doing better than wwe at this moment is dumb as fuc* ,let me say this very clearly "TNA IS NOT IN WWE LEAUGE" everybody says if you want to see more wrestling and less talk watch tna yes tna was more wrestling and less talk that was before they got that spike tv deal now they talk just as much as wwe and they are not very good at it,everybody talks about how tna puts on better shows then the wwe yeah fuc*ing right raw,smackdown,and the new ecw put on better shows then tna on a week to week basis anybody that disagree's watch tna's show it is a very poor show like sunday night heat there storylines suck "the jacka** gimmick" is destorying the x divison, jeff jerrent playing hhh lite ,the stealing of the title seen all that shit before in the wwe and they did it better tna does a 0.8 rating on there show and wwe smackdown does a 2.5 before and after move to cw network and raw does 2.8 on a weekly basis so how can you say tna is doing better at the moment that's dumb but to answer the tread no tna will not face the same fate i don't even see them being in wcw leauge yet but maybe they will right not they can't compete with wwe but maybe they will be able to in the near future and i think vince now knows it is healthy to have some un-friendly competion
Y 2 Jake said:
Obviously it's possible (would anyone have predicted WCW would go out of buisness?) but I dont see it happening. Most of the people involved with T.N.A. believe it has the potential to be a serious rival to WWE so I cant see any of them messing it up, certainly not in the near future.
Honestly? I did. Besides being a big geek when it comes to wrestling, I'm also heavily into movies and music. AOL/Time Warner is the biggest media conglomerate on the planet. They own a bunch of networks, film studios, and record labels that are all subsidiaries of the parent company. They're also predominantly owned by Saudis who only check the ledger sheet when it comes to these ventures. WCW happened to be on the downslide when AOL/TW took over, so for them it was as simple as waiting for it to fail enough (which their repetetive regime changes damn sure didn't help) so they could cut it off like a lame leg. Notice the TV schedule on TNT television is geared towards the slogan "We know drama" these days? Back when Turner owned the company, it was a hell of a lot like Spike TV is. All of the programming was geared towards people in the male 18-34 demographic. We're talking kung-fu and action movies...and action oriented shows. Warner changed that almost overnight and WCW was never in their gameplan. If TNA plays it smart and does a very grassroots campaign while keeping the standards of the product up to a reasonable level, there should be no reason they can't interject themselves into a head-to-head battle with McMahon in the next decade. WCW went from being a lambasted, redneck, backwoods promotion to handily throttling WWF each week. This was all accomplished inside of about three years (from Hogan's initial signing). As for right now, TNA is taking the necessary steps. Except this time, they didn't take all of the stars when they were aging and already going downhill. They grabbed a handful of WWE's top workers still in their prime. Angle now being the spearhead.
showtyme27 said:
to say tna is doing better than wwe at this moment is dumb as fuc* ,let me say this very clearly "TNA IS NOT IN WWE LEAUGE" everybody says if you want to see more wrestling and less talk watch tna yes tna was more wrestling and less talk that was before they got that spike tv deal now they talk just as much as wwe and they are not very good at it,everybody talks about how tna puts on better shows then the wwe yeah fuc*ing right raw,smackdown,and the new ecw put on better shows then tna on a week to week basis anybody that disagree's watch tna's show it is a very poor show like sunday night heat there storylines suck "the jacka** gimmick" is destorying the x divison, jeff jerrent playing hhh lite ,the stealing of the title seen all that shit before in the wwe and they did it better tna does a 0.8 rating on there show and wwe smackdown does a 2.5 before and after move to cw network and raw does 2.8 on a weekly basis so how can you say tna is doing better at the moment that's dumb but to answer the tread no tna will not face the same fate i don't even see them being in wcw leauge yet but maybe they will right not they can't compete with wwe but maybe they will be able to in the near future and i think vince now knows it is healthy to have some un-friendly competion
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The reason...NOT ONE PERIOD!
For those who think that there could be a new Monday Night War between TNA and WWE Raw, you better think again. A move to Monday Night would spell doom for TNA. Sure they might be able to take a small portion of the WWE audience away, but if an established entity such as WWE Monday Night Raw gets killed in the ratings every week by Monday Night Football, why would people think that TNA can fair any better.

Bottom line: As long as Monday Night Football is on cable, there is not going to be a new Monday Night War.
For those who think that there could be a new Monday Night War between TNA and WWE Raw, you better think again. A move to Monday Night would spell doom for TNA. Sure they might be able to take a small portion of the WWE audience away, but if an established entity such as WWE Monday Night Raw gets killed in the ratings every week by Monday Night Football, why would people think that TNA can fair any better.

Bottom line: As long as Monday Night Football is on cable, there is not going to be a new Monday Night War.
Raw was pulling basement ratings by comparison to their current numbers when the original Monday Night Wars were ignited. They weren't faring that much better than TNA is at present and WCW managed to thump them for over 80 weeks in the Nielsens. Monday Night Football has been on a hell of a lot longer than any prime time wrestling show and doesn't really have an earth-shaking effect on all of the ratings because it's not on year round. And inside of about a two-year stint wrestling's ratings as a whole went up exponentially to the point where Monday Night Football actually lost to RAW back in the late '90s. It couldn't spell any more doom for TNA if they went head to head. The only thing that would happen is that wrestling fans who are uninformed as to the alternative would likely catch it on the air by flipping through during commercials. The core TNA audience is dedicated and would keep watching it regardless, so thinking they would suddenly fold overnight from switching to Mondays is foolish, to say the least.
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