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TNA The Same Fate As WCW?

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After it was turned into WCW it sucked bad. During the days of Jim Crockett Productions in the Carolina's it was HOT. The last two weeks however hasn't reminded me of that as much as another company I remembered just today. WCCW. It has had that great feel to it and had the gang mentality of Jim Crockett Promotions which I believe had a better product than the WWF and Vince, Vince just didn't screw over his main workers and make them leave like Crockett did.
TNA isn't like WCW, so far. With this Jarrett-Angle situation unfolding, I don't want to see TNA give Angle too much power. In wrestling, you always have to look to the future, and Angle is only gonna be in proper physical condition to wrestle for at the most 3 more years. So I say put Russo as head booker, and have Angle work under him. No matter what people would like to say, Russo wasn't the reason WCW died. The channel didn't want wrestling as apart of it's image. Under the right circumstances, Russo can come up with pure gold like the Attitude Era. TNA won't go in the same direction WCW went in as long as they don't let the egos' get too big, and stay within their budget.
The difference is that WWE and TNA are in different fields of entertainment now. Vince isn't interested in being a professional wrestling promoter anymore. He uses his "entertainers" as a way to make more revenue for his company. TNA will keep getting better but there will never be any reason for Vince to buy TNA because he doesn't care about wrestling.
What is it with you people always saying that Vince will buy TNA or that WWE will buy TNA? Are you people trying to convince yourselves that it will happen? Is that wishful thinking? I do not get it at all? Why are some of you posters here so narrow minded. You people talk as if only 1 wrestling company can exist which is laughable. Why can't we have 2 wrestling companies exist? Where there is a McDonalds, there is a Burger King. TNA is not for sale and TNA is going no where! Plain & Simple!

They can co-esxist but as history has shown Vince wants total control and hates competition taking away any attention from WWE. So if TNA was ever to get massive global exposure and a huge boost in ratings <LOL> he wouldn't just sit there and let it happen.

I wouldn't be suprised if they weren't all owned by 1 conglomerate or WWE really owns TNA already , now that would be a major swerve LOL

Actually your reference to Burger King and mcDonalds might not be that far from WWE vs TNA.

Hungry Jacks aka Burger King sells bigger sloppier burgers that are more or less same as McDonald's other than name and a few ingredients and thus better value in the short term

McDonalds is a more established product with better global exposure, a better product overall, more stores, more palitable products however not as good on value, on the flipside they are evolving all the time

and both own other franchises aswell like KFC and Subway and both sell competing products aswell ie Coke vs Pepsi so it goes on down the line

In that example i'd say WWE is Macca's and TNA is Burger King, don't know what either are like in other parts of the world jsut here in Australia.

Anyway they don't need to compete, and TNA will be around for a while yet unless they decide to pull the plug themselves. Only time they'd ever directly compete is if they had PPV's on the same day or TNA decided to go live on a Monday or Tuesday, which would be a mistake same with constantly referencing WWE, when's the last time you heard anyone in WWE mention TNA? Yet the flipside they do it all the time. Which is exactly what WCW did to there detriment as i already said
No TNA will not suffer the same fate as WCW for one reason. TNA isn't trying to beat WWE at it own game and in its prized timeslot on monday nights. Lets be honest TNA isn't trying to compete with the WWE they are trying to be TNA and seperate themselves from WWE. Yeah they take in WWE guys who get fired so what star power doesnt hurt to have it gets fans watching. TNA has it's own fresh fun stlye of Pro wrestling to watch. I have watched WWE all my life when TNA came out I tried it out liked it for a while and then it went down hill for a little bit. Now as of late I am very much happy with what they have going. The storyline is flowing from week to week home grown stars are begining to get the pushes they deserve and things are very interesting in TNA right now.
I made a thread similar to this before, and my biggest point was that if TNA is going to compete with the WWE it won't be for awhile, at least 15 years down the road. At this point, there is no reason for WWE to buy or even worry about TNA. Impact is not on at the same time as any WWE shows and TNA is not taking away many of the WWE's viewers, if any. WCW was actually a legitimate competetior to the WWE before it went under, TNA still has a long way to go to get to that point, but I do think it will happen one day.
I think TNA will be around longer than WCW. The reason why WCW folded was because they were not making any profit. They spent way to much on getting older guys on, that their profit disappeared.

So aslong as TNA countinues to slowly gain profit, viewers, and sponsorships, I think they will be alright. Also unlike WCW, TNA really isn't even a blimp of Vince's radar(imo). I don't think the WWE cares enough or fears the company enought to buy it out, yet anyways.

WCW made a fatal error by handing out huge contracts, that ended up costing the promotion big time. So when ratings went down, they had no choice then to end the promotion all together. I'm hoping Dixie, Spike Tv, and the other people in charge of TNA plays it smart and invests wisely.
Hmmm its a tough question, Bischoff is a bit of an ego-maniac and i think that&#8217;s partly to blame as to why WCW ran out of business. And then you have Jeff Jarrett who i also think seems to be a bit of a ego-maniac. So technically both companies are ran by the same sort of person. However i think the difference is if Jarrett started going wacky, Dixie and some other back stage people would step in. No one really stopped Bischoff handing out the massive contracts to Hogan, Savage, Hall, Nash, Etc and IMO it was huge contracts that killed WCW.

As long as TNA stays the way they are, with a slow but sure process of growing, i think in 10-15 years they will really begin to pick up and make big profits. Yes 10-15 years sounds such a long time, but if you said 7/8 years ago, that one day TNA would be on network Tv, signing some of WWEs future stars (Bobby Lashley, Kennedy looks next) and some of WWEs mid card/going past it stars but still big names (Kurt Angle, Booker T, etc) i can bet you everyone would laugh.

TNA have come an unbelievable long way in 7/8 years, and as long as they continue to slowly build and don&#8217;t make silly moves, in 10-15 years time they&#8217;ll become a semi-threat to WWE. And i think THEN we should ask the question, will they have same fate as WCW.
LAtely, i've been asking myself the same question and if you would have ask this very same question last year, it would have said no way because Jeff Jarrett would rather lose all his money then sale to Vince McMAhon. But a year as past, Jarrett is being push aside by Dixie Carter and Kurt Angle just like Ted Turner was push aside by AOL executive so i don't know if it's going to happen or not. But something is sure I don'T see TNA getting more success that they are getting right now. They are lucky to get the ratings they have especially with the product that they have right now. The main event mafia is becoming a cancer for TNA just like the NWO was for WCW. They have four guys that can barely wrestle without taking drugs before a match then you got World Elite which would have been a good faction on their own but now they look more like a weaker version of the mafia. Then you got Mick Foley, who by the way shouldn't be book on every PPV, the guy can barely walk let alone wrestle, why is he use on every PPV when there are guys that are younger then him and would benifit more from getting his spot. Then you got Sting, who unlike every other big name on the roster, is actually use to make the young guy look good. Since coming back in 2006, the guy help, Abyss, A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan look like main event players in the company while the other 4 just tried to destroy his work. What good did Kurt Angle, Booker T, Scott Steiner and KEvin Nash did for the company. Absolutely nothing the ratings are at the same level they were before any of them arrive so you lose them, it won't make a difference.

The point am making with all of this is that TNA right now in the same boat as WCW was back in 2000/2001 except for the losing money part but that simply because they don't have to pay for the production fee, universal studios pays for that and that why Most TNA ppv are film at the impact zone. I wouldn'T be surprise if TNA goes bankrupt in a couple of year the way it's going right now and i wouldn't be surprise that they would sale to Vince especially since Jarrett is pretty much out of the picture.
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