How long until WWE acknowledges TNA exist?

From a business standpoint it would of course make sense for WWE not to acknowledge TNA on their broadcasts.

I don't think the WWE need to acknowledge them, nor do I think TNA need to be acknowledged by the WWE.

From a wrestling standpoint, I think it would be good to mention peoples title reigns.

It gives that particular wrestler history, and shows that that they didn't train, do nothing for all these years and then magically appear on Heat.

However anyone with the Internet will know about any promotion they want to look in to anyway, so it wouldn't make a difference what the WWE choose or choose not to acknowledge.

I much prefer TNA (And ROH) to the WWE. I love them both and both promotions remind me why I became a wrestling fan, and the WWE reminds me why I don't watch them very much anymore.
Chrisitan was a household name in WWE, just cause he wasn't a world champ and VKM doesn't seem to like him means nothing. He was part of one the most entertaining tag teams in history and broke alot of ground in matches. Not to mention multi time IC champ and a high fan base

Same can be said for Jeff Hardy, he was a big part of WWE history and in the tag team scene along with Christian and as a risk taker b4 he ever went to TNA, and they briefly utilized him b4 he saw the light that TNA management were all talk and no action

They both went to TNA and immediately got a title shot and Chrisitan got a title run, then they buried them, yeah that's great marketing and a huge boost to there careers.

Admitedly coming back to WWE they haven't done anything usefull with Christian but b4 he went to TNA to say he wasn't a huge star is just plain ignorant.

and they do mention that people were champs in other organisations they just don't mention what organisation unless it was WCW or the old ECW. whereas TNA mentions where they came from in a desperate attempt to gain some ratings

End of story
I feel that the WWE and WCW were on level footing. Taking jabs at one another made sense because it served to gain them something, an ego boost, maybe turning off some more impresionable viewers who believe anything their told, or even just getting a cheap laugh at the others expense.

WWE draws 4's on the main show, 2's on the B show, and 1's on the C show.

TNA draws 1's on the A show...

WWE already have an ego boost, no one is watching TNA as it is and if any more people were laughing at TNA for poor booking they may as well convert to a comedy club.

Don't get me wrong TNA is an ok watch, but it has a long way to come before the E needs to mention them for any reason.
Back during the Monday night wars the WWE and WCW took shots at each other. If one company hired a star from the other they would acknowledge that stars carrier. The stars wouldn't have to stat as newbies. TNA takes every shot it can at wwe. and wwe guys get there props.

Well, I'll tell you why TNA mentions the career of their WWE talent. TNA needs their talent to have credibility. How else to get that credibility? Tell everyone they worked in the best promotion in the world. WWE needs no such credibility for their stars, because working in the WWE implies that you're the best of the best. Hence, WWE doesn't need to sully their wrestlers with their histories from TNA.


But to get to the point of your thread...I've been having this really horrible nightmare in which the WWE and TNA teamed up to have a PPV. It was shit. I hated it soo much. But it's one of those recurring ones that just keep popping up. Perhaps, if you were to take my dreams as prophetic, the WWE will be mentioning TNA and even teaming up with TNA in due time.

However, I seriously doubt that WWE will be mentioning TNA any time soon. The only reason they mentioned WCW in the Monday Night Wars was because WCW was actually giving them a run for their money. What has been TNA's biggest claim to fame? Stealing has-been WWE talent and beating ECW's ratings? ECW, the talent farm that isn't even properly advertised? Right. Okay. Way to go TNA?

Until TNA actually proves a threat, by somehow beating Smackdown's ratings or nabbing a currently big, not "he was sorta big..." star will they be acknowledged. Even then. They'll only win an acknowledgment if Vince deems them capable of violating Raw's ratings. And it'll be a fleeting "Christian was champion on TNA, and now he's come back home to his beloved WWE, where all his fans were waiting for him" comment from the announcers. You'll hear it, laugh at the blatant spin, then keep going on with the match.
Although they dont acknowledge TNA an TV, they seem to acknowledge them in other forms of media. In Smackdown vs Raw 2009 when creating a character, when you see the available tights, you can see Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal's tights, when making finishing moves, you can make the "Texas Destroyer" a variation of Petey Williams Canadian Destroyer and the Black Hole Drop, a variant of Abyss Black Hole Slam.

But acknowledging them on TV... Only if TNA pays them.

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