How I Met Your Mother

I for one pray to god that Barney doesn't marry Robin, It would make it seem too Friends-like, Which the creators have said they want to avoid being compared to. I agree with the argument that why else would the bride want to see Ted. but I think we have the whole of next season to build on that as well.

As in the first episode of this season The Best Man, Lily no longer has a baby bump leading me to assume that we have at least 6 months to discover the bride, which I think is long enough for Ted and the bride to form a friendship.

I think the whole of next season will focus on Teds quest for the mother obviously, Robin's love life, the build up to Barney's and ??? wedding and the birth of Marshall and Lily's baby with the show ending at Barney's wedding where Ted meets the mother.

Also did anyone notice that in the scene with Ted and the mother, the movie which they were going to go and see was the Wedding Bride 3...
I for one pray to god that Barney doesn't marry Robin, It would make it seem too Friends-like, Which the creators have said they want to avoid being compared to. I agree with the argument that why else would the bride want to see Ted. but I think we have the whole of next season to build on that as well.

As in the first episode of this season The Best Man, Lily no longer has a baby bump leading me to assume that we have at least 6 months to discover the bride, which I think is long enough for Ted and the bride to form a friendship.

I think the whole of next season will focus on Teds quest for the mother obviously, Robin's love life, the build up to Barney's and ??? wedding and the birth of Marshall and Lily's baby with the show ending at Barney's wedding where Ted meets the mother.

Also did anyone notice that in the scene with Ted and the mother, the movie which they were going to go and see was the Wedding Bride 3...

There are a lot of ways they can go with this BUT

The producers confirmed that Barney's bride will be revealed in this year's season finale and also that Lily will have the baby in the season finale. They also confirmed that Ted will meet "the mother" at this wedding. The fact that Lily will have the baby in the finale leads me to believe that the entire episode will focus on that and the last few minutes will be a flash forward showing Barney and the bride saying "I do" (or in Barney's case "Challenge Accepted") and Ted walking outside and seeing a girl with a yellow umbrella. Then next season which is likely the last, will fill in the blanks, including showing several flash fowards to parts of the wedding with the final episode revealing the mother and Ted talking to her.

That's where we're headed in general, IMO but although they've made a couple big reveals, they've left enough of it open to make it interesting.
Quinn is back this week. Here's the TV guide listing's description for 2/27: Episode is called "Kharma."

"Barney continues to woo Quinn even after learning that she works at the Lusty Leopard as the stripper Karma. Meanwhile, Robin moves to the suburbs, while Ted adjusts to no longer having Robin as a roommate."

So it sounds like we have 3 legitimate potential brides:

The frontrunner: Robin

The Newcomer: Quinn

The Darkhorse: Nora(I still think she's in the running, they're trying to get us to forget about her)
Monday's episode wasn't great but it wasn't bad, just so-so, IMO.

I really can't get a read on Quinn. Is she going to marry Barney?

I liked the twist at the end with Ted moving out. That is not what I expected at all. It seems like they're really started to give us big storylines with Ted, even though Barney's wedding is what this is all leading us to. However, I think they're trying to show us that Ted is finally ready to meet "the mother."
I'm with SDS on last Monday's show. Solid episode, but nothing superb. However the twist at the end, never saw it coming. I'm really interested in seeing how Ted's character develops from here. It looks like we are seeing a maturation of Theodore Evelyn Mosby as SDS said and we now begin the true quest for the mother. I expect we further see Ted's maturing process played out on screen while we also see continuation in Marshall/Lily's living saga and pregnancy, Barney's love life, and whatever the hell Robin is doing.

Speaking of Barney I love the added addition of Quinn. She is a curveball and sort of the wild card here. She looks to be the favorite right now as she is the one fresh in our minds. We know Barney cares about her and is developing those feelings we've seen him have with Robin and Nora. Question is does she last? I mean how perfect is a stripper for Barney. Yet I can't see it. I like Quinn, she is a nice reoccurring character, but nothing more really. And with Robin doing nothing at the moment it could make her an easy slide in to be Barney's wife. I hope that isn't the case and what Barney said about moving on is true. I'm still pulling for Nora. I just loved her character and I think her and Barney were perfect suitors and fall into that whole "opposites attract" theory.

Either way we have two weeks of reruns as I don't think the next new episode is slotted to air until the 19th. I'm definitely itching to see how all this plays out here as we are nearing the end. We only have about 5-6 more episodes left of the season I would think as the last one was 18. Things should get interesting, that's for sure.
Definitely agree with you Theo. I can see the next few episodes being mainly about Ted because a lot has to unfold for him in order to speed things up. I predict HIMYM to have about a season left or two at the most. But anyway, I think this episode was pretty epic. With all the Marshall/Lily crisis they're have in the superbs, that was pretty fun. Having Robin have a diary was a good touch as well.

As for Barney, I really have no idea who he could marry. Hell, Barney could marry himself, that would be pretty awesome if you ask me. Lol.
Speaking of Barney I love the added addition of Quinn. She is a curveball and sort of the wild card here. She looks to be the favorite right now as she is the one fresh in our minds. We know Barney cares about her and is developing those feelings we've seen him have with Robin and Nora. Question is does she last? I mean how perfect is a stripper for Barney. Yet I can't see it. I like Quinn, she is a nice reoccurring character, but nothing more really. And with Robin doing nothing at the moment it could make her an easy slide in to be Barney's wife. I hope that isn't the case and what Barney said about moving on is true. I'm still pulling for Nora. I just loved her character and I think her and Barney were perfect suitors and fall into that whole "opposites attract" theory.

Either way we have two weeks of reruns as I don't think the next new episode is slotted to air until the 19th. I'm definitely itching to see how all this plays out here as we are nearing the end. We only have about 5-6 more episodes left of the season I would think as the last one was 18. Things should get interesting, that's for sure.

I was really thinking the mother would be Robin but now I'm kinda leaning back towards Nora. The show has done a good job of making us "forget" about Nora which makes me think that within the next couple of episodes somehow Barney will run into her AGAIN and realize that he loves her and wants to be with her. At the same time though, why would Nora take him back? Also, Nora was not that close with Ted (that we know of) so why would she ask to see Ted shortly before she walked down the aisle to marry Barney? That clue really points us to Robin. At the same time, Robin seems too obvious and Quinn does to some extent too.... Whoever it is, they've done a great job of giving clues for everyone.

One quick note, I am STILL sticking to the theory that the mother is Barney's half-sister. It just fits perfectly.

As for how many epidose are left, #18 just aired so there are 6 more with episode #24 being the season finale. The question is, are they going to air the last two episodes as a 1 hour special?
Quick Half Baked Idea: In the pre-wedding scene where Lily (in what may be a bridesmaid outfit) tells Ted that the bride wants to see him, it is not actually Lily. It is Lily's stripper doppleganger with new hair and working on his brutish accent. Meaning Ted is going to see Quinn, who will tell him that she can't marry Barney because of his feelings for Robin.

Otherwise, ok show this week. The comedy and concepts were kind of hoaky but the end was really well done. I'm also not ready for HIMYM: Suburbs Edition.
Quinn is apparently back tonight. It seems like a big waste of time to invest this much time and energy into a character with the sole purpose of leading us astray but at the same time, they're making it seem too obvious that Quinn is who Barney marries. I'm curious to see where we're going from here with regard to Quinn and Robin (who I believe marries Barney).
Epic episode tonight. Barney and Quinn have definite chemistry and in my honest (yet bias) opinion look a way better couple than Barney and Robin did. So my question is with this being the 19th episode of the season and past seasons going somewhere in between 22-24 episodes, does anyone think there is still time for Barney and Quinn to separate and for Barney and Robin to get back together and tie the knot. In saying that I personally think that the wedding will be a flash forward so therefore there is plenty of time for another twist in this saga, However I'll be pissed if there is.

Also future Ted chimes in and says "That was the last I saw of Robin for awhile but ill come back to that" Could this mean that Ted and Robin are just taking a break from each other as friends or that Robin and the gang are taking a break from each other. Soo many questions but overall great episode. 8/10
Does anyone remember the flash forward scene with Marshall and Ted outside of what I think is Barney's wedding (at the time we assumed it was Punchy's wedding) having a heart to heart about something? What the heck did Ted say? It feels important now.

Good episode last night. Unlike Nora, Quinn really seems like a good match for Barney and she seems to have genuine feelings for the guy. They really played on our emotions last night. The show has taken so many heavy turns over the past year that the Quinn/Barney blow up felt like something this show would legitimately do. To turn that on the viewer was smart and a lot of fun.
Epic episode tonight. Barney and Quinn have definite chemistry and in my honest (yet bias) opinion look a way better couple than Barney and Robin did. So my question is with this being the 19th episode of the season and past seasons going somewhere in between 22-24 episodes, does anyone think there is still time for Barney and Quinn to separate and for Barney and Robin to get back together and tie the knot. In saying that I personally think that the wedding will be a flash forward so therefore there is plenty of time for another twist in this saga, However I'll be pissed if there is.

Also future Ted chimes in and says "That was the last I saw of Robin for awhile but ill come back to that" Could this mean that Ted and Robin are just taking a break from each other as friends or that Robin and the gang are taking a break from each other. Soo many questions but overall great episode. 8/10

I agree. Loved that episode and the game that Barney and Quinn were playing with the group. Since they made it so obvious with Quinn (including the ominious last line where she said she'd stop stripping if she got married and then the look on Barney's face), I think she's not the bride.

As you mentioned, the wedding will be a flash forward in all likelihood and I think what they're going to do is make it seem like Quinn is the bride (possibly even a proposal by Barney before the season finale but we don't get Quinn's answer until the finale) and then show in a flash forward that it's someone else, then backtrack and show how we got there. HIMYM is a show that likes to lead us down one path then trick us with something else. Quinn is just too obvious as the bride right now, although she seems perfect for Barney.

There are 5 more episodes left in this season, so I expect a lot more answers (including possibly more clues about the mother; remember she's at the wedding so she either knows Barney or she knows the bride).
Does anyone remember the flash forward scene with Marshall and Ted outside of what I think is Barney's wedding (at the time we assumed it was Punchy's wedding) having a heart to heart about something? What the heck did Ted say? It feels important now.

Ted and Marshall were sitting on a bench outside the church and Ted is peeling the labels off of his beer. Marshall says something about how Ted always does that when he's nervous. Ted admits to Marshall that he's very nervous about giving the Best Man Speech and about what to say. Lily then comes outside and tells Ted he's being summoned (by the groom [Barney]. Then in the ultimate foreshadow, it starts to rain.
Wow, you're good.

I assume that this is before the wedding but with Ted already drinking and stressing about a speech it may be after the actual ceremony.

New half-baked theory: wouldn't it be IRONIC if Barney is marrying Alanis Morrisette? Between the raaainnn, on your wedding day and the similar childhood Canadian music careers of Alanis and Robin it would be too perfect.

Anyone on here over 25 that knows what I am talking aboot?
There is a possibility that they don't show who Barney is getting married to even in the finale. They might Barney with some woman, and only the back/outline of the woman.

This week's episode showed that Barney-Quinn is the perfect couple, which means that they probably will not end up married. The whole 'Broath' and the Julius Ceasar from ancient 'Broman' times parts were hilarious.
I'm not a fan of Quinn personally (Barney/Nora, and that ship has died...), but I'll admit that both the character and the actress did a wonderful job on this week's episode. There was a good bit of chemistry showing between her and Barney which was great, and the prank pulled had me going :worship: because I legit didn't see it coming.

A few good laughs, a few dramatic moments and a few meh moments (mostly from Marshall, who kind of stunk up the episode with his mini-issues about not having as many sexual conquests as his friends).
There is a possibility that they don't show who Barney is getting married to even in the finale.

The producers already stated that Barney's bride WILL be revealed in the finale. Also, just to clear things up because some fans seem either confused or they're reading too much into it, the producers did confirm that it is indeed Barney's wedding where Ted meets the mother. Some fans seem to think that it's a wedding but not necessarily Barney's.

I'll see if I can find a link to the interview but it came out last summer after the finale last year.
I still don't think it will be Barney/Ted and Robin. Quinn I really think its the one for Barney. Last night when I thought about it, it seemed perfect that Barney would marry a stripper.
I quite like Quinn. Her and Barney work so well together and I buy them as a legit couple especially after last episode saying she'll stop stripping once she got married. Maybe that's too much of a hint, but I hope not. I just don't want it to be Barney and Robin, that might be why I seem to like any of Barney's girlfriends (Nora and Quinn). The whole Ted and Robin situation has been well played out and I've enjoyed it. I sort of have that relationship with a friend and I can relate to it. The season is really picking up here at the end and I dig it.
Episode description from of the Season 7 Finale which will air on May 14th:

In a flash-forward to Barney’s wedding day, his bride-to-be is ultimately revealed, and the gang reminisces about the time when they encouraged Ted to follow his heart and go after the one that got away.

Also, in flashbacks to each of Barney’s, Robins's and Quinn's youth, it is learned that Barney's magic teacher may have conned his mom, Robin had a history of shoplifting and that Quinn was required to interview "a sort of wilting Gypsy Rose Lee" for a school project.

Also here's an article that raises a few questions:
I have finally finished re-watching "The Shield" box sets, so have begun How I Met Your Mother from the beginning, having seen a few odd episodes here and there.

I am just about to finish the 1st disc of series 1 and have enjoyed every episode so far. Finding Ted a bit whiny, but Robyn is looking extremely hot and Barney is hilarious as always.

I have been told that more focus is on Barney as the series' go on, and that he becomes funnier and funnier. Is this true?
I have finally finished re-watching "The Shield" box sets, so have begun How I Met Your Mother from the beginning, having seen a few odd episodes here and there.

I am just about to finish the 1st disc of series 1 and have enjoyed every episode so far. Finding Ted a bit whiny, but Robyn is looking extremely hot and Barney is hilarious as always.

I have been told that more focus is on Barney as the series' go on, and that he becomes funnier and funnier. Is this true?

Yes, Barney's role gets much larger as the series goes on and he does get funnier and funnier, at times, almost to a point of ridiculousness.

You'll find that the series starts to get more "serious" storylines as it goes on but still keeps it's comedy roots. Also, watch for the clues Future Ted gives about the mother. The show does a good job of keep continuity going as far as the clues about the mother. You'll see, for example, when they start talking about the yellow umbrella.
I loved the "Star Wars" episode last night.

Anyone notice in the "2006" flashback, there was a "sandwhich" sitting on the table?? haha.

I thought that was a unique way to tell the story the end was great with Barney having sex with Quinn in the stormtrooper outfit (and Ted with a baby in 2015).

I'm just not sure about Quinn. Seems like they're making it too obvious.
Been wondering this for a while now but how can Barney play a womanizer character and be gay irl? That just strikes as odd to me.

Did he got the role before he came out of the closet or what was up with that?
Been wondering this for a while now but how can barney play a womanizer character and be gay irl? That just strikes as odd to me.

Did he got the role before he came out of the closet or what was up with that?

He got the role after playing such a great womanizing jerk on Harold and Kumar goto white castle. It just proves how much of a great actor he is that he can do that even though he's not attracted to women.

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