How does Jack get his Swagger back?

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Being a fan of both The Miz and Jack Swagger, I can't really say who I'd like to see as US Champ More...I would like to say though that taking Jack Swagger's push away was pretty stupid. He is a great entertainer, as proven by his match with John Cena a couple weeks ago. It was a great match, and though I knew Swagger had no chance of beating Super Cena, he definitely did not disappoint as far as entertaining us
Having watched Raw last night, I'm goin to have to say Swagger really has the WHOLE package man, I knew he was a good wrestler, but he's actually got swagger man, that promo was great, UNFORTUNATELY, he still has that lisp and its bad man. Realistially though, what else is holding him back?

Anyone?... that is the only reason I can think of that he isn't in the upper midcard right now(at worst), because aside from that terrible lisp, this is normally Vince's wet dream, a big strong looking guy, that can wrestle, and he can cut a promo? Too bad.
I am really worried about Swagger after seeing Raw tonight. He issued a challenge, SANTINO (of all people!) accepted the challenge and Santino WON! Swagger just lost to the biggest joke on Raw, that's NOT a good sign. I don't understand what Swagger did wrong, he is the perfect candidate out of the rookies to become a future champion.... wait, correction.... he WAS. That loss to Santino is going to be difficult for him to overcome. I still think that Swagger can become a star someday in WWE, but they need to start over from scratch with him.

Maybe a move to Smackdown could help him out to make a new start, but that would be a bit of a shame too because he should become US Champion.... Imagine how much heel heat he could get for repeatedly calling himself "The All American-American United States Champion.... Champion!". He can still make it in the long run, it's just going to take a larger push now and perhaps a move to Smackdown because he has gone downhill ever since coming to Raw. WWE shouldn't give up on Swagger just yet and hopefully they won't because he's a possible future world champion and deserves to have a chance at living up to that potential.
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