How Do You Like Your Orton?

I like when he's punting has-beens in the head...Batista, Triple H, anf Flair.

but as far as his gimmick goes, he was great as the Legend Killer, and he's doing well as the Viper. Ortons done a great job establishing himself as one of the top heels in the company, which is funny, because he still gets cheered. I can't say I enjoyed his work as a Face, but it was because it happened far to quickly. I believe next time he's a face it will be a completely different story, but I don't see him turning face for another year or two although, he's currently getting cheer as the bad guy.
I loved Orton as being the legend killer, he built up so much heat booting peoples childhood hero's and putting them out of action. Although that only led to his best role yet, when he became the Viper with IED. He really did play the psycho role well and it was great especially since he went after the main company owners.

Shame that got ended as well :\ Then he turned into a coward. Upside though he seems to be going into a more dominate stage again. Hopefully his match with Cena won't mess it up
Someone else mentioned about how some other superstar should have the young cocky heel gimmick. Doesnt the Miz have that now?

Dont mean to sound off topic, just saying there is someone out there who does have that gimmick today.

I'll admit that I forgot about Miz, but I still think that the gimmicks are a little different. Orton won a lot of his first matches clean, while Miz used roll-ups and low blows. I think this let people take Orton seriously straight from the beginning, and while he was cocky, he had reason to be. Remember "it's not arrogance, it's destiny!", Orton was good, and he shoved it down everyone's throats. It took a long time for people to look at Miz seriously, and not as the comedy heel style loser (see: Santino). Though with his new tights, new attitude, and same mouth, his new gimmick is very similar.

Not that i'm annoyed about that.
Orton is def the better cocky superstar who is soo great he just puts down everyone. His style then and how he spoke on the mic were gold and pissed everyone off to a point where you couldn't wait to see him get destroyed. The Viper is good but his mental thing kinda looks bad when you're trying to get more kids into the program. Kids would love to hate the cocky jerk that was once Randy Orton.
I like vicious evil Orton. the look on his face when he's about to Punt the Shit out of somebody, or when he's about to do something truly sick, is just fantastic. His expressions make him truly seem like a calculating, sick, twisted sociopath that is capable of anything at all. The cocky Orton came off a bit like a Frat Boy who wanted to pick on nerds and get with girls. I admit his promos were a little better back then, and i'd love to see some pyro for legacy, but the tougher more vicious orton that engages in more plodding destructive maneuvers. what i don't like is how when chasing the title he is no coward and attacks head on with no regard, and with the title he is a total coward who doesn't care if he wins as long as he keeps his belt. to me that seems out of character for someone who will go through anything and anyone to get what he wants.
Tough to say, I loved the Legend Killer days around Rated RKO about 06-07, I thought Orton came off as a bit more natural to me in the ring and the mic, but that might be preference.

He does the Viper well, and I certainly like that as well, but as it has been said, they have toned it down to more of a cocky coward image. I used to watch Raw just to see who he would waste next week, and now he doesn't do it, save for trying to kick people in the head in the middle of a match (which I don't like).

I don't remember much of his early days in the E, I wasn't watching much around then, so all I remember is the basics of him being in Evolution, and being turned on. Although I think he did start the Legend Killer gimmick around then, and maybe dropped it to pick up in a few years? I can't remember..

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