I've got the flu and I've decided to indulge myself. While I sweat my bollocks off, cough my lungs out, and gradually lose muscle mass, I'm going to post a bit about Randy Orton. Then, depending on if it's refrozen or is still a stodgy mess, I'll have the last of the ice cream. Does ice cream refreeze? Must do. Must do.
Killing Kofi's push because he didn't wanna/forgot to get kicked in the head?
The spot (supposedly) was that Orton would go for the punt, Kofi would dodge, attempt Trouble In Paradise, Orton would dodge and hit an RKO to win the match. Kofi blew the spot completely by just standing up, instead of kneeling down to draw the punt, forcing Orton to just hit him with an RKO; ruining the entire finishing sequence. For a professional to seemingly forget the finish of a match is - I'll agree with Orton - stupid, stupid, stupid.
I'd have less sympathy with Orton if he didn't practice what he preaches, but he does. He has high standards, but he holds himself to the very same standards. Say what you will about Orton; he doesn't blow spots and he doesn't injure people. Well, except for himself, though that's because he's made of glass.
A bitch move is a bitch move, and there's no psychiatric exception for that.
I'd imagine there is. What was it Freud discussed? Dreams as wish-fulfilment, wanting to have sex with your mother, and bitch moves, wasn't it? Pretty sure that was his trinity.
Stale, boring, repetitive, over-exposed, invincible - basically all the reasons people hate Cena. Not sure why Randy doesn't get near the hate that Cena receives. I'd actually rather watch Cena.
Stale? Boring? Those are pretty subjective - can't really argue with those. Repetitive? No more so than any other WWE wrestler. Over-exposed? Hmm, maybe, he's bounced up and down the card quite happily for the last year or so. Invincible? Hardly. He's been booked strongly - i.e. like any babyface ever - but I can't remember the last time a top face put over a heel clean on consecutive pay-per-views.
Regarding Orton versus Cena, for my money, I'd rather watch Orton. I think the viewers at large feel rather differently, popular as Orton is. Cena's highs are astronomical, otherwise I find him awkwardly hovering somewhere around "watchable." Orton's been consistently on fire for the past year.