How Did You Perceive Wrestlers As A Kid?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
So I figured I haven't posted anything like this before.

When I was a kid (1980's), wrestling and kayfabe were big things. And because of this (and the fact that I didn't know the 'inside' of the business), I looked at the industry very differently.

I guess what I am asking is, how did you look at particular wrestlers when you were a kid? Did they portray their characters well enough for you to understand what gimmick they were trying to get across?

I appreciated that in the 80's, characters were very loud and obvious, but that may not have been how you perceived them.

For my example, I'll use a couple of wrestlers from SummerSlam 1992.

Money Inc - I hated these guys. Especially IRS. I think I hated his character more than DiBiase. He walked around looking all corporate and had that monotone voice, which suited the character perfectly.

Legion Of Doom (Road Warriors) - Like many, these guys were heroes to me. Always thought it weird that Paul Ellering had the puppet. But LOD were larger than life to me as a kid.

Virgil - I really didn't know what he was trying to get across. I just saw a guy dressed as an inmate beat the crap out of him. Not sure there really was a gimmick for him when he broke away from DiBiase.

Repo Man - I names him 'Rat Man'. That is basically it.

Shawn Michaels/Rick Martel - I kind of looked at this match as a kid and thought 'they are both fighting because they both consider themselves beautiful'. So I guess that got the point of the feud across.

The floor is now open...
As a kid the late 80s and early 90s was my time, and considering I always hated the heels and liked the babyfaces they must have gotten their point across. The only exception to that was Sid Justice for some reason I thought he was so cool and rooted for him against Hogan.

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